

Sean, David and Turok were outside in the forest from an old Town Sean and David grew up in for 7 years.

With them was an old family Friend Named Rorke. A military specialist who worked along side their father.

Currently Rorke was telling them a story about a group of brave soldiers known as the Ghosts who stopped an invading army from taking a Civilian Hospital. The story itself sounded supernatural.

"And all this really happened?" Sean asked.

"Thats how the story goes son." Rorke said.

"Oh come on. You don't actually believe that nonsense do you?" Turok asked.

"You boys turn into flaming skeletons with different colored flames. Have Inhuman strength and you're saying this story is ridicules?" Rorke asked amused making Sean chuckle.

"Can't argue with that." Sean said as they stood up to head back to the house.

"So this is the town you guys grew up in for 7 years?" Turok asked.

"Yup. Nice and quiet." Sean said before the ground shook.

"Earthquake?" David asked.

"Those things used to scare the living hell out of your mother back in the day." Rorke said laughing from the very memory of Mara screaming when the house shook.

"Heh." Sean said before the ground shook again. "Damn more tremors. At least it's not Graboids." Sean said.

"One of these days your gonna have to tell me exactly what happened in Perfection 13 years ago." Rorke said before the ground shook again.

"I don't think those are Earthquakes." Turok asked before placing his hand on the ground.

"What are you doing?" Rorke asked.

"Turok is from a Native American Tribe blessed with many abilities such as sensory skills." Sean said.

"Thats odd? Objects are crashing down into the earth." Turok said.

"Meteors?" Rorke asked Before Sean activated a device on his wrest and the Energon Grid turned on. "What are you doing that for?" Rorke asked.

"ODIN." Sean said making his eyes narrow before seeing large explosions in the atmosphere.

"Damn!" Rorke said.

"Sean!" Lane yelled on the comms.

"Yeah go ahead lane." Sean said.

"Did you activate the Energon grid?" Lane asked.

"Yes. I felt there was something off about the Earthquakes down here." Sean said.

"Those weren't Earthquakes. Those came from ODIN. The Federation broke the truce." Lane said.

"Damn." Sean said kicking a tree.

"What the hell is ODIN?" Turok asked.

"One of Hager's projects. Once we found out about it the president gave us permission to shut it down despite his protests about it being a perfect weapon against our enemies. I know exactly what he was planning to do with it. Use it on my company buildings and claim it was a tragic accident and shut it down. Now it's been used against the country by our very enemies." Sean said.

"Well, Shit." David said.

3 months later

The Federation. One of the countries greatest enemies in history. After Energon had been introduced into the world. Oil companies had been shut down. For the last three years the Federation began to rise after taking all the money and resources these companies had. Bought and stole weapons all over the world. United all of South America under a single banner. And now had used America's weapons against them. But the Alliance was able to push them back.

Hager of course tried to pin the blame on Sean saying he could have prevented this. But all it did was get him demoted to a three star general. His reputation was ruined after this incident. And everyone knew he would vow for Revenge.


Turok was resting against a wall by a ray shield to prevent the Federation from entering. With him were his raptors. Blue, Delta, Charlie and Echo.

"Hey kid you awake?" Hoskins asked on the comms.

"Yeah I'm up. Whats going on?" Turok asked.

"One of our outposts got taken out last night. Command wants us to search the area find any Federation patrols." Hoskins said.

"Right we're on it." Turok said before whistling getting his raptors up.

Soon they met up with Hoskins and his group.

"Told you these Raptors were good for the military." Hoskins said.

"Don't get your hopes up. These four are loyal only to me." Turok said before gunfire was heard.

"Damn!" Hoskins said before they rushed to the sound.

The raptors had torn the Federation patrol to pieces without even trying.

"Now thats what I like to see." Hoskins said impressed.

"We're needed back at the base." Turok said.


Turok and his Raptors soon made it back to base before the Raptors went through portal back to the Park.

"There you are." Sean said as Turok walked into the command center.

"What happened to the outpost?" Turok asked.

"Place got overrun last night. Few survivors made it back." Lane said.

"I've only seen the Federation this well organized by one person." A man known as Elias said. Elias like Rorke was an old family friend and one of the most respected soldiers in the army. He also had two sons. Hash and Logan both good Friends of Sean and David growing up.

"So have I. But we killed him 17 years ago." Rorke said.

"Who?" Sean asked.

"General Diego Almagro." Elias said brining up an image. "Tracked him down in Venezuela. Took two shots in the chest. No one could survive wounds like that." Elias said.

"Theres one person we all know who could though." David said.

"If the Dark Rider is leading the Federation he has to have a reason. After the Stunt Ultron pulled his forces have to be diminished greatly." Rorke said.

"Well, I got an idea." Sean said.


Sean, David, Turok, Logan and Hash went into the area known as No mans land. One of the areas that got hit by the ODIN rods that hit the ground.

"Damn. Place has seen better days." Hash said.

"Theres the house." David said as they entered their old home.

Sean picked up an old photo before putting it in his bag.

"I'm gonna kill Hager for this. All his projects are good for are hurting the very country he swore to defend." Sean said before they continued their mission.

Moving towards a small convoy Sean deployed a small drone to listen in.

Ordering troops around was someone they were not expecting.

"Diego Almagro. He's still alive after all." Hash said.

"Yes. Facial scans show it's him along with Voice recognition." Sean said before two men opened a container revealing a man with a Ghost Mask.

"Is that what I think it is?" David asked.

"Shut up." Sean said trying to listen in. At best he heard was taking the man back to base and operation homecoming.

"Whoever that guy is we need to get him out of here." Turok said.

"Yeah. Lets go." Sean said as they headed into the woods before they came across a pack of wolves. "Turok?" Sean said.

"I don't think they want to talk." Turok said before gunfire was heard making the wolves run away.

"You boys lost?" A man said as he approached them with his partner both had Ghost Masks on.

"No, just looking for a way into their base. Captain Marick I'm presuming? Rorke told me you'd be here." Sean said.

"Yes, sir and this is my partner Keegan. Got anything useful?" Marick asked.

"General Diego Almagro is still alive somehow. And we believe this one of yours." Turok said showing the video they took.

"Ajax. He's one of ours all right. You got a plan to get him out?" Marick asked.

"I always have a plan." Sean said.

Minutes later

The base the Federation was using was heavily guarded.

"Jeez. Talk about overkill." David said seeing all their defenses.

"Federation doesn't take chances kid. Best you learn that now." Marick said.

"I see Ajax." Sean said using his sniper scope to see him giving the federation the middle finger. "Heh. I like this guy." Sean said before they saw him move him. "They're moving him now. David do it." Sean said.

"Thought you'd never ask." David said pressing a detonator and blew up several vehicles he tagged earlier making the base panic.

"Nice work kid. Lets go." Marick said.

Fighting through the base was easy. Pushing through the enemy without even trying due them being confused from the earlier explosion.

Once they finished off the enemy they found Ajax barley alive.

"Over here." Hash said.

"Son of a bitch." Marick said.

"Uh guys?" Turok said pulling out a flare to see a list of Ghost Members that were KIA.

"Diego is targeting Ghosts." Marick said.

"We'll secure you a way out of here. We need to get back to base." Sean said.

"Copy that." Marick said slinging Ajax over his shoulder.


After rescuing Ajax the group soon headed back to base only to find the Federation on the attack.

"This must be operation homecoming." Sean said as he landed the chopper and the group rushed inside.

"DAD!" Hash yelled before the ceiling caved in on him.

"Hash!" Sean yelled as he and David moved the debris out of the way before they charged in just in time to stop a Federation solider from killing Logan and Hash before the ceiling came down and above them were the ghosts.

"Thanks for the Rescue but we need to find Elias and Rorke." Sean said.

"No you don't." One of the Ghosts said before pulling his mask off revealing himself to be Rorke and the other was Elias.

"How the story goes my ass." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Trust me I wanted to tell you for years but I felt your old man would want you to wait till you were ready." Rorke said.

"So what do we do about Diego? I thought he was dead?" David asked.

"So did we. I don't know how the hell he survived but he did. And now we need to know exactly what he's planning." Elias said.

"And something big." Turok said giving him some files he found when they found Ajax.

"These are attack sites. Places of Interest. Whatever Diego wants these places are on his list." Rorke said.

"Got any ideas where to start looking?" Sean asked.

"Caracas. Theres a man there known as Victor Ramos. Been on our radar for years but never had a reason to bring him in till now." Elias said.

"If we're gonna get some answers as to what he's planning we need everything at our disposal." Sean said.

"No we don't. We just need this team. Equipment is find and resources but other people will only get in the way. Time is of the essence." Elias said.

"He's right we don't have time to waste." Rorke said.


The Ghost Group were above a building next to Victor's headquarters.

"Everything set?" Rorke asked.

"Yup. Launchers are good to go." Sean said inputing the exact coordinates needed for deployment. "We're ready." Sean said.

"Alright." Rorke said firing the cables at the building.

"Lets get this over with." Turok said using the cable to rush to the building.

As the group made it to the building they propelled down the building and took out Private security.

"This is almost to easy." Sean said.

"Don't say that shit kid you'll screw us over." Rorke said.

"Whatever." Sean said before they entered the building by cutting the glass and Sean went to the mainframe. "Cortana." Sean said.

"I'm in." Cortana said downloading Data and connecting to the power system.

"Hurry up I hear guards." Rorke said.

"I'm done." Cortana said before they blended into the shadows. The guards past by without them being seen except for one guard before Sean snapped his neck and dragged him into the shadows without being seen.

"Nice to see you haven't lost your touch kid." Rorke said.

"I prefer not to remember my time being the CIA's hitman 11 years ago." Sean said before they went back to the cables and went down lower and killed some more guards before reaching the next floor.

"Ok find Ramon and interrogate him for any valuable information." Keegan said.

"Roger that." Sean said.

Moving up to find Ramon was easy as they blended into the shadows.

Soon they made it into his office found him cowering like a wounded dog.

"Wheres Diego?" Sean questioned.

"I don't know I swear. But his location is in this brief case but it's heavily encrypted though." Ramon said before the room shook.

"The whole place is rigged to blow!" Rorke yelled before Sean grabbed the case and all of them bolted out of the room before deploying parachutes.

"Nice work boys. Now lets get that intel back to base." Elias said.

"Right." Sean said.


"The case doesn't show where Diego is but it does reveal theres a hidden factory. The Federation is planning something big and I believe this factory will give us answers." Elias said.

"Wouldn't a full on assault work better?" Sean asked.

"You're thinking like a general son. You need to think like a Ghost. If we send in a full on assault group they might destroy whatever it is they're planning." Rorke said.

"Point made." Sean said.

"Hmm." Turok said.

"Something wrong kid?" Keegan asked.

"I don't know. I got this uneasy feeling in my gut. They're up to something we might be familiar with." Turok said.


The group were outside the factory.

"Ok lets get this over with." Hash said as they entered the factory and killed off the Guards without alerting the place.

"I know theres going to be something I don't like in here." Sean said.

"Just keep calm and lets see whats going on." Rorke said.

"Right." Sean said before they entered the next room and found what they were looking for.

"Oh fucking hell." David said.

"ODIN 2.0." Sean said seeing a few new and improved ODIN weapons.

"What is it?" Elias asked.

"It's ODIN. They remade ODIN! More Kinetic Rods and faster speed from the looks of things." Rorke said.

"Wait hold up." Sean said getting a visual above them seeing General Diego talking with a man known as Justin Hammer.

"I appreciate your help in the matter my friend." General Diego said shaking his hand.

"Just make sure you Target Stark and Kruger when you get the chance." Justin said as they left.

"Son of a bitch." Sean said.

"Let's get out of here." Rorke said as they left the factory.


After briefing command about the situation They met back at base to go over a plan.

"So we know they made new ODIN satellites to target us. But they have to know we'd just use the Energon grid again." Elias said.

"Not forever though." Sean said.

"Meaning what?" Rorke asked.

"The Energon grid can only be powered by Energon itself. And while we do have a large amount of it the grid uses a lot to keep it online." Sean said before the room was engulfed in green smoke making everyone cough before passing out.

Sean soon woke up and found the Dark Rider in front of him sitting in a chair.

"You again? What do you want?" Sean asked.

"Believe it or not I came to help." The Dark Rider said handing him a flash drive.

"Whats this?" Sean asked.

"Information on glitches and errors in Hammer's Technology. I think we can both agree his agenda interferes with both of our goals. Besides I don't like him. Even less so when he constantly bugs me about joining my Regime. If you kill him for me I'll leave you and your people alone till after Juniors Birthday." The Dark Rider said.

"How did you get this information?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"You know we're more alike than you'd care to admit. Both of us are highly intelligent. And have amassed large armies. Only one of us will be left standing." The Dark Rider said before vanishing.

Rorke and Elias soon burst in.

"You alright?" Rorke asked.

"Yeah. Apparently the Dark Rider gave us everything we need to take down the new ODIN satellites." Sean said holding up the flash drive.

"Why?" Elias asked.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Their agenda interferes with his." Sean said.

"Then lets put that intel to good use." Rorke said.


The Republic and the Covenant launched an assault on the Satellites taking them out before they could fire which prevent Sean from activating the Energon Grid.

"Diego is mine." Sean said.

Boots on the ground managed to infiltrate the facility where Diego was at and he looked pissed off as hell.

"I should have known. Never Underestimate a Kruger." Diego said in anger.

"Got that right asshole." Rorke said punching him in the face. "Now your gonna tell us everything you know." Rorke said.

"About the Federation or about the Dark Rider?" Diego said which confused them.

"What are you talking about?" Elias asked.

"I know who he is. I know his name." Diego said which made Sean frown before Tearing off his arm making him scream in pain.

"TALK!" Sean yelled about rip off the other arm.

"His name is..." Diego was about to say when a gunshot was heard and a bullet passed right through his head. Looking in the distance Sean saw a snipper miles away using his enhanced vision to see.

"FUCK!" Rorke yelled. "No we don't know who the fuck he is!" Rorke yelled.

"He's going through great lengths to protect his identity. But why?" Sean asked.

"He doesn't want us to know something." Elias said.


After the Federation was finally defeated everything was going back to normal.

The World was finally recovering once again thanks to the alliance.

"I still wonder about his Identity." Sean said.

"I haven't seen you this concerned since our Lake Placid incident." Talbot said before Turok walked in.

"Lake Placid?" Turok asked making Sean chuckle. "Is this your final story?" Turok asked.

"Yup. And trust me this one really takes the cake." Sean said.

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