
Silver surfer

Sean and his family along with the fantastic four were waiting for their private jet to be ready. While they were waiting they were looking at the news about strange anomalies around the world but the main thing the US was concerned about was...

"Unbelievable. Impossible anomalies around the world and the one thing the country is wondering about is my parents anniversary." Sean said in disbelief.

"Well to be fair they did come back from the dead figuratively speaking." Reed said.

"I know that but my mom hates it when so many people get into her personal life." Sean said.

"So what do you think is causing all this?" Susan asked.

"No idea in hell." Sean said.

"The Dark Rider?" Johnny Storm said.

"Nah. Even he cant cause these events at random." Sean said before they boarded the Jet.


"Hey honey." Susan said entering Sean's lab at the baxter building. "The City's trying to charge us for three squad cars they say we destroyed during a Locust Raid but I only remember two squad cars getting destroyed." Susan said.

"So let'm its no big deal." Sean said looking through his personal project files.

"Sean." Susan said before she made the files vanish making him chuckle.

"Alright I get the picture. Look its no big deal I mean would you rather the Police take a pay cut till they pay it off." Sean said making her smile.

"True enough. So what are you working on?" Susan asked.

"Oh just looking into these strange anomalies that have been occurring the last few days. It's weird actually since these readings are almost exactly the same as the storm that gave you your powers." Sean said making her frown.

"Is that a problem?" Susan asked.

"I don't know." Sean said before she left just as Johnny walked in with his idea of a new uniform.

"We are not wearing that." Susan said making him pout while Sean chuckled.

"What do you have against capitalism?" Johnny asked making Sean chuckle.

"How does that qualify as capitalism? Looks more like a living AD come to life in the form of an annoying idiot desperate for attention." Sean said making Johnny roll his eyes.

"Ha Ha Ha." Johnny said. "So listen I've got to talk to you about something important." Johnny said.

"I am not throwing a party just so you can get laid." Sean said.

"Oh come on. Junior is with Diana right now and the others are away. I say you've got time for a party." Johnny said.

"Dude I'm busy here." Sean said.

"Ok then how about I remind Sue..." Johnny tried to say but Sean gave him an annoyed look before sighing with a grin.

"Alright but no exotic dancers." Sean said making Johnny cheer.


"Oh my god." Sean said seeing a large number of people.

"I don't know anyone here." Reed said.

"Yeah I would have invited some of your friends but you don't really have any." Johnny said.

"Johnny we had a deal." Sean said annoyed.

"Look their not exotic dancers they're just hot." Johnny said making Sean sigh.

Meanwhile outside

A black Limo parked outside the building before three people in Military uniform walked out. A African American man with four stars on his shoulders A woman with the rank of Captain and a man with the rank of major.

They made it inside the building and went up to the top floor where Reed's lab was.

"Can I help you?" Susan asked.

"We're here to see Sean Ashburn Kruger." The General said.

Sean sighed listening to the loud music.

"Whats the matter son not a fan of parties?" Tom asked sitting next to him with his old team.

"No I just like more civil parties." Sean said making them chuckle.

"Uh Sean." Susan said approaching him.

"What is...It?" Sean said before seeing the four star general and frowned. "General Hager the hell do you want?" Sean asked.

"Why don't we go somewhere more private?" Hager said making Sean scoff before leading him outside with the others.

"Is there something I should know about?" Tom asked Lane who sighed.

"Hager convinced your son to build a new security defense system when Global tech had contracts to the government in the first year. The project was a success but Hager never gave him the credit instead lied about him building it himself which got him his rank." Lane said making Tom frown.

"I'm only here Ashburn, Because I'm under direct orders from the Joint chiefs of Staff. Personally I don't..." Hager tried to say.

"Just shut up and tell me why your here and why I shouldn't kick your ass out?" Sean said making Hager frown before pulling out a few photos.

"As you may know, there have been recent unusual occurrences all over the world." Hager said.

"Tell us something we don't know." Lane said.

"We're concerned that these anomalies might pose a credible threat to our national security." Hager said.

"These were taken by one of our spy satellites three days ago." The Captain said handing Sean the photos showing some kind of object moving like a meteor.

"What in the hell? Ben you ever seen anything like this?" Sean asked showing it to him.

"Well, I would say it's a meteor, but the trails all wrong. This thing is giving off it's own energy." Ben said.

"Yeah my thoughts exactly. I have never seen anything like this." Sean said.

"Take a look at this." Hager said showing Sean a different set of photos.

"These have been appearing in remote areas throughout the world since the events started." The Captain said showing a few photos of large holes in the ground.

"If we're gonna find out what this is all about we need a way to locate and intercept that object." Hager said.

"It'd be possible to build a sensor, tie it the Baxter building satellite grid." Sean said.

"Good, so then you'll build the sensor for us..." Hager tried to say.

"No." Sean said.

"Excuse me?" Hager said confused.

"I am never building anything for you again after your last stunt. I know exactly whats going to happen. I build the device and you take all the credit again. Not happening." Sean said making Hager scoff in amusement.

"You make it sound like you have a choice." Hager said.

"Actually I do. So if you don't mind. Get the hell out of here." Sean said.

"Alright I was hoping to do this peacefully but. Captain restrain him." Hager said making her about to do just that when Tom got in the way.

"Stand down." Tom said glaring at her making her do just that.

"General Kruger this country doesn't have time for this." Hager said.

"I will not allow you to simply come in here and do as you please. I am ordering you to stand down and get out of this building. Disobey me and I will have you court martialed." Tom said making Hager frown making everyone tense up with Lane and Eiling reaching for their pistols.

"Very well. I'll get authority from the joint chiefs of staff if I have to so your arrogant son..." Hager tried to say before Tom punched him in the face.

"Get the hell out of here." Tom said making Hager frown before he and his pawns walked out of the building.

"I swear to god I hate that fucking asshole." Sean said.

"Calm down son. I have a lot more powerful friends in the government then he ever will in a lifetime. He cant do anything." Tom said.

"Now I never said I wouldn't build the machine and I've got plenty of time." Sean said.

Days later

"Man." Sean said seeing the massive amounts of media outside the building wanting to interview his parents.

"Oh relax little brother its not that big a deal." David said putting on a suit.

"Yeah well mom hates these kinds of people. So is the device ready?" Sean asked.

"Yeah Reed said he just activated it. Now I believe we have a party to attend." David said making Sean chuckle.

Soon the group was on top of the building where old friends of Tom and Mara attended.

"Hello Daddy." Mara said hugging her father who laughed.

"Hello Mara. It is so good to see you both again." John Hammond said.

"Long time no see John." Tom said shaking his hand.

"To long my boy. I cant express how relieved I was when I heard you both were still alive after all these years." John said.

"Oy." Reznov said taking a drink from his glass.

"Reznov you promised you wouldn't drink to much." Julia said.

"I cant help it. I hate these kind of parties not enough alcohol." Reznov said before she smacked him upside the head making him groan in annoyance.

While this was going on the sensor Sean and Reed built was tracking the unknown object making the holes around the world and soon it shifted course to the building.

"Now then. I believe a little speech is in order here. For almost ten years My wife and I were held prisoner in the Gulag separated from the very people we knew and loved all our lives. But most of all we were separated from our greatest legacy our children who not only survived without us but made both this country and this galaxy a better place. And in a short amount of time our family has grown." Tom said motioning towards his grandson who smiled at his grandfather in his mother's arms.

"And I for one am..." Tom tried to say before the same unknown object headed straight towards them and started shaking the building and destroyed the sensor.

"Oh come on." Sean said before it flew away. "Johnny." Sean said.

"This is Dolce." Johnny said saying about his suit making Sean glare making him groan before going Torch and flew off after it.


"Jesus Christ what the hell happened to you?" Sean asked Johnny as Hager and his men walked in.

"I cant explain it but it looked like a man completely covered in silver riding this board. I know it sounds crazy but." Johnny tried to say.

"Oh relax we've seen stranger things before." Sean said.

"Whatever this uh Silver Surfer is didn't want to be detected." Reed said pointing to the tracking device that was melted.

"It knew it was being tracked?" Susan asked.

"Obviously since why else would it come here?" Sean said. "Johnny head to the lab so I can run some tests on you since I don't know if you were exposed to any unknown energies." Sean said.

"Right." Johnny said leaving.

"We have to destroy this thing before it attacks again." Hager said.

"Yeah Yeah I know. I've already got another way to track it." Sean said as he and his men left.

"You ok?" Susan asked.

"No I do not want to work with that ass hat." Sean said making her giggle.

"Well for now just deal with it." Susan said.


"Hmm interesting." The Dark Rider said seeing the events the Silver Surfer was causing.

"What do you believe is causing all this?" Makarov said.

"Ultron?" The Dark Rider said making him freeze an image and enhanced it making the Silver surfer more visible. "Interesting. Doom." The Dark Rider said.

"Yes?" Doom said.

"I want you to track it and see if you can communicate with this creature." The Dark Rider said. "I want to know if we can harvest this power." The Dark Rider said.

Back with the Fantastic four

"Well this is unusual." Sean said looking at Johnny's molecules.

"What is it?" Johnny asked concerned.

"You're molecules are in a constant state of Flux which basically will allow you to switch powers with the others in the group." Sean said.

"Like a volunteer?" Ben said about to touch him.

"AH NO!" Sean yelled.

"I just wanted to give him a hug." Ben joked.

"Dude this is serious we don't know the full extent of his condition yet." Sean said.

"Oh please." Ben said laying his hand on his shoulder.

"IDIOT!" Sean yelled before Ben was human again and on fire for a few seconds.

"Whoa. It's me I'm back!" Ben yelled in excitement.

"Uh." Sean said looking at Johnny and stifled a laugh before bursting out laughing.

"What?" Johnny asked before looking in a mirror and widened his eyes when he looked like Ben did seconds ago. "Oh my god!" Johnny yelled in disbelief. "COME ON! We just said this is serious!" Johnny yelled making Ben laugh before snapping his finger which lit on fire.

"Hey not bad." Ben said.

"Oh boy." Sean said.

"Sean you better be able to fix this." Johnny said.

"No promises." Sean said before Ben threw a fireball at Johnny's face. "Knock it off." Sean said.

"Starting to see why he likes that so much." Ben said making Johnny growl and stomped towards him. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Ben said before they switched powers again. "Ah crap." Ben said.

"Thats not funny. What am I supposed to do?" Johnny asked.

"Uh just try to keep your distance from Reed, Sue and Ben." Sean said making him sigh before walking off.

"You and me are going to spend a whole lot of time together pal." Ben joked.


Victor Von Doom appeared in Greenland where the Silver Surfer was making another hole. The Silver Surfer sensed Doom and went to the top where he was waiting for him.

"You've been busy, my friend. Your talents are impressive. Can you understand what I'm saying?" Doom asked getting a nod. "Together with my associates we could be unstoppable. Anything would be ours for the taking." Doom said.

"All that you know is at an end." The Silver Surfer said confusing him.

"What do you mean by that?" Doom asked before he tried to move away. "Wait. I said wait!" Doom yelled blasting him with lightning which barley effected him and blasted him back.

When Doom got back up he felt different and looked at his hands as his skin no longer metal turned back to flesh making him chuckle.

Back with the others

"Guys we've got a serious problem." Sean said bringing up a map of the galaxy.

"Whats going on?" Susan asked.

"I just got off the phone with Tarken he says that for the past couple weeks a few planets that Wayland Corp was going to make livable have been destroyed shattered even." Sean said.

"What does this have to do with the Surfer?" Ben asked.

"Everything. He's been to each planet." Sean said showing an energy trail to each planet. "Everywhere he goes eight days later these planets die." Sean said.

"How are we gonna stop him?" Ben asked.

"Luckily I've tracked the craters and I've estimated the next place where he's going to go next." Sean said.


The Plan was a disaster once Johnny tried to go after the Surfer and accidentally touched Reed. They were trying to stop a wheel from falling and did thankfully but the Surfer got away.

"What the hell was that!" Hager yelled.

"Back off! We'll be ready next time." Sean said glaring at him.

"There is no next time. You cant handle this alone. That's why I'm bringing in some help." Hager said.

"You'll just put innocent people in danger like always." Sean said in his face.

"No more then you already have." A man said making everyone look and widened their eyes seeing...

"Victor." Sean said seeing him fully healed and alive.

"Whats the matter Sean? You look like you've seen a ghost." Victor said before Ben rushed at him and pined him to the wall.

"Since you're a ghost, you wont mind if I break your little neck." Ben said.

"Let him go." Hager said.

"Are you out of your fucking mind do you have any idea who that is?" Sean said.

"Victor Von Doom. He's here under my orders." Hager said making Sean growl before telling Ben to let him go.

"The hell are you doing here? Don't you have orders from the Dark Rider?" Sean said.

"No I left that group of lunatics a long time ago." Victor said.

"Von Doom's made contact with the alien. He's got valuable information." Hager said.

Victor showed them his encounter with the Surfer.

"Well?" Victor said.

"I like the part where he knocks you on your ass." Ben said getting a few chuckles.

"Look where the energy levels surge when he attacks me." Victor said making them do so and saw it was coming from the Board.

"So thats where his power is coming from. I've got an idea." Sean said.


"So what do these do?" Lane asked.

"Uh think of them like sending an EMP but this pulse will disconnect the Surfer from his board." Sean said.

"I'll get my men on it." Hager said.

"I don't think so." Sean said as his troops aimed their weapons at Hager's men. "The last thing I'm going to do is trust something so delicate to a bunch of low life soldiers who don't value civilian lives. Reed's team will handle it." Sean said making him frown.

Soon the others were setting up the devices when the Silver approached Susan.

"Guys we've got a problem he's here with me." Susan said.

"Hang on I'm on my way." Sean said running toward her.

Susan created an invisible shield but he just phased right through it. He didn't attack her though rather he just looked at her.

"Why are you destroying our planet?" Susan asked.

"I have no choice." The Surfer said.

"Sue." Sean said running up to them but she stopped him.

"What do you mean you don't have a choice? There's always a choice." Susan said.

"Not always." The Surfer said.

"Why are you trying to destroy us?" Susan asked.

"I am not the destroyer." The Surfer said before a missile headed right for them.

"Hager you fuck." Sean said before the Surfer protected Susan and destroyed the missile. Sean rushed the device the implanted the last key and activated the pulse disconnecting his link to the board.


"We'll take him." Hager said.

"I don't think so." Sean said.

"I wasn't asking now move." Hager said.

"Fuck off. He's being interrogated by my people. Our work here is done now get lost." Sean said slamming the door on him making Hager glare before he and his pawns walked away.

"You think he was telling the Truth about him not being the destroyer?" Susan asked Sean.

"Yeah that voice was filled with Regret and sorrow." Sean said before explosions went off in the base making them rush to where the Board was but found it gone. "Victor." Sean said annoyed.

"We need to talk to the Surfer theres more going not then we're seeing." Susan said.

The Surfer had explained to them that he was only a servant of the true Destroyer known as Galactus the destroyer of worlds. He served this being so his world would be spared.

"If you could lead him away could you?" Susan asked.

"I am not the one that draws him near. It is the source of my power." The Surfer said.

"Then we need to find Vic." Sean said as they got on a Pelican.


"SUE!" Sean yelled as Victor had used the board's power to double his own and created a weapon which penetrated Sue's shield.

"Oh my god." Johnny said about to rush to her.

"Johnny don't touch her." Ben said making him sigh.

"You need to find a way to get the board." Susan said before they all looked up and saw a large cloud of dust moving towards the earth.

"He is here." The Surfer said.

"The others are to busy to help us. We're on our own." Sean said before looking at Johnny.

"What?" Johnny asked.

"Let me ask you something." Sean said as he healed Susan but she was to weak to fight now. "Are you willing to do anything to save the Earth?" Sean asked.

"You know I am." Johnny said.

"Then I've got an idea." Sean said.

Doom looked up at the sky seeing the destroyer before.

"To quote a friend of mine." A dark voice said before he turned around and saw Johnny with all the Fantastic four's powers including Sean's Ghost Rider state making his flames white. "It's clobbering time." Johnny said as he proceeded to beat the living crap out of Victor before destroying the Device he used to connect him to the board and threw him into the ocean.

Johnny soon flew down to the others and gave them all their powers back.

"For the Record I never want us to switch powers again." Johnny said making Sean chuckle before the Surfer got on his board.

"You were right. We always have a choice." The Surfer said before heading towards his former master with Johnny giving him a boost.

The Surfer soon traveled to the heart of the storm.

"I will no longer serve you. This is the end for us both." The Surfer said before using all his power to destroy him.

"Talbot send a search team up there and find him. I want to make sure our friend gets home." Sean said on the Comms.

"Copy that." Talbot said.


The Surfer had indeed survived and vowed when Earth needed him the most he would come to protect the world which taught him to fight back. Another thing would be that Johnny's powers were stabilized again meaning he could no longer switch powers with the others.

"You know I'm getting kinda sick and tired of these near end of the world events." Sean said to his father as they entered his office and found a man who looked to be at least a hundred years old.

"Hello boys." The old man said.

"Professor Broom?" Sean said surprised.

"Well I see you haven't forgotten me after all these years." Broom said. This was Trevor Broom an old family friend of Sean's grandfather Joe Kruger one of the small few six star generals during world war 2.

"Yeah its been almost 10 years. What are you doing here? Is..." Sean tried to say.

"Don't worry he's fine. Still a bit childish but fine nonetheless. I came here to ask you and your family to come back to the Paranormal bureau for a while to straighten out your surrogate brother of yours. Perhaps you can get him to grow up a bit more." Broom said.

"Well David and I haven't seen him for a long time since the Funeral so why not." Sean said smiling.

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