
Gears of War

"Aw look at him." Aayla said as she looked at Junior as he looked at his aunt figures in curiosity.

"He's so adorable." Matsu said handing him a toy making him grab it and squeeze it.

"You girls keep staring at him like that and you'll scare him." Sean said.

"Not our fault he's so adorable." Barriss said.

"Oh and just wait when we have kids." Sean said making her blush picturing it in her head while the others laughed.

"Where are you going anyway?" Aayla asked.

"To work obviously. Ever since the senate learned about the other Primordial creatures they've been bugging me and Monarch for more information." Sean said.

"Things have been pretty quiet since the end of the war." Kazehana said.

"Yeah and everyone is enjoying it while it lasts since I doubt it will last forever." Sean said leaving


"So let me get this straight you believe we might have found a parallel earth?" Sean asked Cathrine.

"Its possible since Joker is from one." Cathrine said.

"Still getting used to that." Red hood said.

"Oh grow up." Joker said.

"So how long till it's fully operational?" Sean asked.

"A day at most since this technology is extremely delicate." Shockwave said.

"Uh Sir." One of the scientists said as the device activated.

"Shockwave?" Sean said in concern.

"The device should not be operational yet." Shockwave said before some of them were engulfed in a white sphere and vanished. The ones missing were Sean, Reznov, Julia, Shockwave, Baraka, Superman, Batman, Sally and Green Lantern.

"Oh dear." Cathrine said.

Meanwhile in the other Universe

In this Universe of Earth the human race was at war with a race called the Locust.

"On the sides!" Marcus Fenix yelled as he and the soldiers known as Gears fired their lancers. Right now the Gears were defending Anvil Gate.

"Look out!" Dom yelled as they nearly got hit by a boomer.

"Man this is a losing battle." Baird said before the same white sphere that engulfed Sean and the others appeared making both sides stop and look.

"What the hell?" Cole said before the group appeared.

"What the?" Sean said before looking at the locust in front of him who aimed his gun at his face only for Sean to turn into the Ghost Rider and slash him in half.

"Whoa!" Dom said.

(Insert Just AD Nauseam from Halo Wars)

"Kill these freaks!" Sean yelled before grabbing Sally and jumped up to Marcus and his group. "Keep her safe." Sean said.

"Will do just help us kill these grubs." Marcus said.

"Consider it done." Sean said.

Green Lantern used his ring to push the Locust back while Superman got the bigger ones out of the way. Batman and Baraka used their martial art skills to push the others back.

"Man these guys are ugly." Reznov said slicing a few of them to pieces while Julia used her water abilities to drown or throw them back.

"These creatures are revolting." Shockwave said blasting the big ones.

Seeing they were outmatched and over powered the Locust had no choice but to fall back making the Gears cheer for their victory thanks to their new allies.

"Finally we get some actual help." Dom said making Marcus smirk.

(End song)

"Alright son clearly you and your friends aren't from around here." Colonel Hoffman said.

"What gave it away?" Reznov asked only for Julia to elbow him.

"Would you believe it if we said we're from a parallel earth?" Sally asked.

"At this point I'm willing to believe anything miss." Hoffman said.


"So you all ended up here by accident?" Baird asked.

"Pretty much. Now whats going on this earth? Those things that attacked us they weren't human." Sean said.

"Those are the locust we've been at war with them for 17 years since Emergence day. They come from deep underground from the hollow. Two years ago we flooded them out or at least we thought we did." Hoffman said.

"But now we've got a chance to end the war for good. My father is hidden away somewhere where Chairman Prescott kidnaped him. He's built something to kill them." Marcus said.

"You guys are going to need more help though clearly since from the looks of things your under staffed." Sean said.

"You've got no idea. We're barley holding it together." Baird said.

"Maybe we can fix that. Sally can you reconstruct a portal back to our earth?" Sean asked.

"Sure I can make it in a few hours." Sally said.

"Make sure that the others know about this as well we're going to need everyone for this since I don't want to take any chances." Sean said.

"You make it sound like you run the army." Hoffman said.

"I do." Sean said surprising him.

"What?" Baird said.

"Running a trillion dollar company has its advantages when you supply the government of Earth and other worlds highly advanced technology." Sean said.

"Damn." Dom said.

"So how much of an army are we talking here?" Cole asked.

"Millions of soldiers under my command. Earth, Covenant, Republic and Transformers which is basically what Shockwave is." Sean said pointed to the big transformer with a cannon on his left arm.

"Now how come we don't have any of them in our universe?" Carmine asked.

"Don't look at me man." Sean said.

"The parts for the portal are all here. Building the portal will take at least three hours for me and Sally." Shockwave said.

"Well thats quick." Sam said while looking at Sean. (Oh come on how can she not be in the harem?^^)

"So whats the plan then?" Sean asked.

"Baird heres the disk amaze me." Hoffman said handing him the disk that contained all the intel on the place called Azura. Baird did his work and got the intel out.

"Here we go Azura." Baird said.

"How the hell do you hide an island?" Sean asked before images showed of an artificial hurricane.

"Thats how more of Prescott's top secret bullshit." Hoffman said.

"An artificial hurricane really?" Sean asked.

"Don't have those on your Earth?" Jace asked.

"No." Sean said.

"So how the hell are we supposed to get through that?" Dom asked.

"Oh I've got a few things that can get us in there. But first we need to get into the city and deactivate that thing. I cant have my men going down in the storm." Sean said.

"Got any Subs in your armory?" Anya asked.

"Yeah sure. Lets just get the portal opened up first before we begin." Sean said.

"Got that right." Hoffman said.

Hours later

"Holy shit." Dom said seeing the massive fleets of cruisers including the clones.

"What can I say we have all the luck." Sean said. "Alright Shepherd your going to get the civilians back to our earth I don't want anyone caught in the middle of all this." Sean said.

"Copy that." Shepherd said leading a group of clone commandos to the drop ships for evacuation.

"Packard you'll be in charge of the air units. Once we get into the city we'll move to deactivate the maelstrom then you'll order your units to drop off reinforcements." Sean said to Packard.

"Roger that you'll have everything you need." Packard said.

"Alright. Me, Marcus, Anya, Sam, Dom, Jace and Dizzy will go in the sub and get into Azura. Once we get our part done we'll look for Adam Fenix and activate his weapon to destroy the Locust and the Lambent." Sean said.

"Good luck kid you'll need it." Hoffman said.

"I don't need luck." Sean said as the Republic drop ships carried the sub to their needed destination.


"So remind me again how exactly is your earth so well organized compared to ours?" Jace asked.

"Different events really. Like you guys we just finished a war. World War 3." Sean said.

"Wait what?" Dom said in surprise.

"We never even reached that yet." Sam said.

"Well we did due to the actions of a man named Makarov. He mass murdered an airport of people and an agent went with him but got caught." Sean said.

"So Russia blamed the US for all that then despite evidence of Makarov's involvement?" Marcus said.

"Pretty much yeah." Sean said.

"We're reaching Azura." Dizzy said.

"Good now...What the?" Sean said seeing red.

"What the hell?" Marcus said before a body hit his turret.

"Those bastards they've killed the Civvies." Sam said.

"Fuckers." Sean said as they surfaced in one of the underwater ports and got out. "Dizzy head back to the others and tell Packard to be ready for deployment." Sean said.

"You got it kid." Dizzy said as he left with the sub.

"I have to ask whats your earth like compared to ours now?" Sam asked.

"Peaceful at least for now. What you guys consider science fiction like super powers are real on our earth." Sean said.

"So we've noticed." Marcus said.

"Ok were in deep enough lets see if we cant contact the others." Sean said.

"Right. Anya to Colonel Packard do you read?" Anya said but got nothing but static.

"The Radio is screwed till we shut this thing down." Marcus said.

"Figures." Sean said.

"Anya is that you? This is Adam Fenix. Can you hear me?" Adam Fenix said on the comms.

"Professor! Yes, we hear you." Anya said.

"Ah, Thank god. Prescott found you. Can you see the security camera?" Adam said.

"Over there." Sean said.

"Yes can you see us Professor." Anya said.

"Anya! Oh you've changed. Where is Marcus? Did Marcus make it." Adam asked making Anya look at Marcus who nods and walks to the Camera.

"Dad I'm here. We've come to get you out." Marcus said while Adam looked at his son.

"Marcus its good to see you again. Is Dom with you?" Adam asked.

"Right here sir." Dom said.

"Adam Fenix." Sean said getting his attention.

"I'm sorry who are you exactly?" Adam asked.

"His name is Sean Ashburn Kruger he's a friend and apparently believe it or not from a parallel Earth." Anya said.

"A parallel Earth? But thats just a theory." Adam said surprised.

"Not anymore. Sean's, brought an armada with him from his universe waiting outside the barrier." Marcus said.

"We need to get to the generator in order to shut this thing down can you assist?" Sean asked.

"Uh yes. You need to get to my lab in the hotel I need to deploy the counter measures I'm running out of time." Adam said.

"We'll deal with the grubs dad." Marcus said.

"No I mean the Imulsion-The Lambent Organism. It's about to reach a critical stage in its life cycle. I've got to destroy before it matures and wipes out all life on the planet." Adam said.

"Huh? Isn't Imulsion a fuel source on this Earth?" Sean asked.

"No it isn't. Thats what we thought at first but its not. It's a living organism." Adam said.

"A parasite. We got something similar in my universe called the Flood just like this stuff." Sean said.

"Mryyah wants me to adapt a counter measure without harming the Locust." Adam said.

"Who?" Sean asked.

"The Locust queen." Marcus said.

"Oh." Sean said.

"We need to shut the barrier down to land Sean's forces theres enough to take down the locust permanently." Marcus said.

"There should be a maintenance tunnel where you are." Adam said.

"Copy that lets move." Sean said.

Getting to the generator room was easy enough getting through the Locust.

"Damn kid who taught you how to fight?" Dom asked.

"Calls himself Wildcat a professional Boxer who teaches those with enhanced abilities nowadays." Sean said.

"He out there with the others?" Jace asked.

"Nope. Killing not his thing." Sean said.

"You don't seem to mind." Marcus said.

"It's in my blood. A long linage of country patriots will pass down to you." Sean said.

"Guess it does." Sam said.

"Adam were at the Generator." Sean said.

"There are three switches to activate." Adam said.

"Yeah I see them." Marcus said pulling them down along with Dom but nothing happened.

"Oh come on!" Sean yelled annoyed.

"There must be a secondary power source close by." Adam said.

"Man Screw this." Sean said going into the Ghost Rider State and started burning the place down.

"That will work." Dom said before they ran outside just as the generator exploded.

"Marcus are you ok?" Adam asked in concern.

"We're ok Dad stand by." Marcus said.

"Well would ya look at that instant summer." Sean said making Jace chuckle while Sam smiled.

"Hey Kid we good to go?" Packard said on the comms.

"Packard send in everyone now!" Sean said.

"Roger that." Packard said as the fleet both in the sea and the air arrived.

"Now that is a sight I've wanted to see since the war started." Sam said as a few Republic Gun ships arrived and landed down next to them. In them were Clone commandos and Captain America and the Punisher along with Cole and Baird.

"Nice work guys." Baird said.

"Sargent Fenix as ordered I have five special commando units awaiting your orders sir." A clone Commando said.

"Good lets get this over with." Marcus said.

"All Units this is Overlord." Lane said.

"Lane start giving out the orders to the units on the beach. I want full control of this island." Sean said.

"Roger that kid. Sargent Fenix your in command of this op by Order of General Tom Kruger." Lane said.

"Copy that Overlord Delta out." Marcus said.

"General Kruger?" Sam asked.

"My dad. Went MIA for eight years before we found him and my mom during WW3." Sean said.

"Well good for you kid." Cole said.

"Alright Delta lets get this over with." Marcus said.

The Battle was in the Gears favor with the combines efforts of their new allies.

"GO! GO! GO!" Marcus yelled as they rushed into the hotel building where Adam Fenix was in.

"Ah Hell I didn't think the Lambent would be here." Cole said.

"Surprises all around man." Sean said. "Overlord we need to contain these things." Sean said.

"Copy that I've got Phantoms working on containing the lambent you just focus on getting to Adam Fenix and activate that weapon." Lane said.

"Copy that Delta out." Marcus said as they rushed upstairs before Myyrah appeared on her giant bug.

"Ah the leader of the other Universe. You are starting to annoy me." Myyrah said as her bug fired its heat beam at them from its mouth.

"Hey ugly why don't you go whore yourself off to your bugs!" Sean said laughing making some of the others laugh.

"Such arrogance." Myyrah said enraged.

"I've seen ants prettier then your dumb fat ass!" Sean yelled making her lose control and screamed in rage.

"What are you doing?" Anya said trying to stifle her laughter.

"It's called a distraction." Sean said as Reznov appeared and cut down the counter weights making it fall on the Locust Queen. "Dumb ugly and fucking stupid as hell." Sean said.

"Got that right." Dom said.

"Nice going Reznov." Sean said.

"You know me Kruger I'm not called the Winter assassin for nothing." Reznov said.

"Alright lets move." Marcus said.

"Yup." Sean said as they made their way up.

"This the door?" Reznov asked.

"Lets find out." Sean said ripping it off and threw it away.

"Jeez kid what do you drink steroids?" Cole asked.

"Nope just good training." Sean said as they looked inside and found Adam Fenix.

"Marcus, Dom, Anya. It's good to see you again. I never thought I would." Adam said.

"Hard to know where to begin dad." Marcus said.

"Yes I always wondered what I'd say to you if I ever saw you again but...We always run out of time." Adam said before picking up a device. "Just my insurance it wont work without command keys the same failsafe I built into the hammer of dawn. I'm an old hand at mass destruction." Adam said before getting some last calculations in.

"Aren't we all." Sean said.

"Sir we need to go now." Reznov said.

"Cool it Rez." Sean said.

"If the Imulsion hadn't reached a critical stage, I might have had time to save to locust to and they could go back underground." Adam said.

"You don't feel sorry for those monsters do you?" Sean asked.

"Responsible my friend not sorry. It's my fault they're here. I failed to stop the Imulsion from Spreading all those years ago before you arrived. It drove the Locust from their warrens. I tried to Persuade Myyrah to keep her people underground but they couldn't." Adam said.

"Whoa let me see if I heard right? The government of this Earth knew this would happen and none of you bothered to warn the people or make a compromise?" Reznov asked.

"I doubt it was ever that simple Reznov." Sean said.

"It wasn't and no the government didn't know not even Prescott not till much later. I was the only one who knew. I had so many ideas but so little time." Adam said.

"Dad stop this come on." Marcus said.

"Is there anything else we should know?" Sean asked.

"You're clearly a man of science. Look at this later and try to see what I wanted to do and what I had to do." Adam said before handing him something but Sean sensed something.

"Sir? Are you...Infected?" Sean asked making Adam widen his eyes.

"How did you?" Adam tried to say.

"Dad?" Marcus said.

"It's true I am. I had to test the Imulsion on myself in order to see how it Reproduced. I am willing to die for all of you to live." Adam said before Sean engulfed him in white flames but he didn't burn rather he felt better. "Wait what did?" Adam tried to say.

"What did you just do?" Marcus asked.

"Cured him. In my world I'm the leader of the most powerful beings in the galaxy called the Ghost Riders. Healing him is but a minor ability we have. I for one refuse to see a good man die when he's needed the most." Sean said.

"Well I...Thank you. Now we must activate the counter measure." Adam said.

"Where is it?" Sean asked.

"Outside I'll show you." Adam said as they made their way to the Elevator.

"Damn that thing is huge and amazing." Sean said seeing the Device.

"We're going to need some extra back up sir." A clone Commando said to Marcus.

"Right. Overlord we need some back up we're at the device ready to activate." Marcus said.

"Copy that Sargent Fenix. Sending all available units to your location." Lane said.

Soon enough Republic, Covenant, Transformer and Earth Prime soldiers arrived.

"Oh Yeah now this is a party!" Cole yelled.

"Wait till you see the other things on our Earth." Punisher said.

"I'm activating the Device." Adam said.

"Hurry up man." Reznov said as Myyrah came out of the ground.

"Ah crap its the Grub whore." Sean said.

"No I will not allow this." Myyrah said.

"Hey Reznov give me a lift." Sean said as he jumped in his hands and Reznov threw him towards Myyrah and landed on her bug before punching its left eye out making it roar in pain.

"You are really starting to annoy me!" Myyrah roared.

"Go fuck yourself fat ass!" Sean yelled making her roar in rage as he took out the other eye making it crash down on the ground while he jumped off and landed next to the others.

"Nice work kid." Marcus said.

"Do what I can with what I got." Sean said.

"The Device it activating." Adam said as the weapon fired a pulse of blue energy killing the Lambent.

"Alright." Dom said before Myyrah got up and glared at Sean.

"YOU!"Myyrah roared in rage.

"Hold your fire." Sean said approaching her.

"This is all your fault. Mark my words someone will take you down and I will relish when that time comes." Myyrah said before a dark sphere appeared and kicked Sean back.

"Your coming with me." The Dark Rider said pulling her into the sphere and vanished.

"You have got to be kidding me how the hell did he get here?" Sean asked.

"Who the hell was that?" Marcus asked helping him up.

"He's called the Dark Rider. The exact opposite of the Ghost Riders. Somehow I don't think the Locust are all going to die." Sean said,


"I appreciate the rescue but may I ask why?" Myyrah asked before seeing a small army of her Locust.

"You and I have a common enemy. Join us and I promise you I will win you not only your earth but other worlds as well." The Dark Rider said making her smirk.

"What do you need of me?" Myyrah asked.


"Now that the war is over we can finally rebuild. And its all thanks to you." Adam said to Sean as he shook his hand.

"Just doing my job sir." Sean said.

"Still we owe you guys one. You ever need our help just ask." Marcus said with his arm around Anya who smiled.

"You know I think I can have some worker drones repair this universe and the rest of you can live on my earth till this place is fully repaired." Sean said.

"A fresh start and not having to rebuild yup I'm in." Baird said making Sam smack him upside the head.

"I'm in." Sam said walking towards him.

"I think thats probably best." Adam said.

"Then lets go. I think you'll all love how my Earth is while yours is repaired." Sean said as the remaining gears went into the portal.

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