
Going to the library of magic


Dela went to his class and sat down, then he placed his head on the table. He blamed himself for what happened and also for hurting Lily. how was he going to face her on campus now.

  Hosea came and sat beside him. She wanted to tap him but she stopped. It will be better if she let him be for now.

But she hated to see him cry. She kept on glancing at him, waiting for him to get up himself.



The principal dragged Lily into his office. Luca was about to enter but he stopped him.

"Thanks, you may go now". He said and shut the door.

Luca cursed under his breath and spoke into lily's mind.

  "Whatever he asks you, don't tell him you fought purposely because I ask you to. If he keeps on asking you questions don't talk. And if you feel like talking, lie to him or shut your mouth!". He said and she nodded even when she was in her father's hand.

"This is all your fault Luca". King mused.

Luca frowned. "What are you saying?". He asked briskly.

  "What you did back there was so heartless. The plan wasn't to make them fight each other?  It was just for the fun right". King said.

"Yeah, you can't expect fun to come just like that. You have to do something first".  Luca said.

"You call that fun!?". King yelled.

"What else should I call it, king?". Luca rolled his eyes.

"I know you are sly and wicked but not like this. You claim to love Lily yet you allowed her to get hurt. Both sides are innocent in the case. You're the one who is supposed to receive all those beating". King snapped.

"Are you nuts? You dare talk to your prince like that?". Luca yelled.

"It's soo shameful to hear you call yourself that. A Prince would not have behaved the way you did". King said and walked away.

Luca blinked.

   " What is wrong with him? Seriously, I don't understand Demons nowadays. One time they are supportive, the next they are uncontrollably typewriters. Wait till I became the King, I'll place him in a place he won't be able to speak ". Luca said and walked away.

       " Lily, what came over? Do you realize what you've done?". Mr.Ling yelled.

" I didn't intend on fighting him, he was coming on me and I can't just stand there and watch him kill me". Lily said.

" I thought you liked this boy?". He asked.

" Like who? Hmm..I wasn't in my right senses then. Now I'm thinking straight. I would do anything in my power to bring him down". Lily said. Her wounds were healed.

   " Now you are talking like my daughter, Lily", Mr. Ling chuckled. " But, to bring him down, we need to draw him closer first. That way we will destroy him and take his powers better". Mr. Ling said.

" That shouldn't be hard for me, Dela will face my wrath". Lily said and smirked.

     Hosea saw that Dela wasn't going to stop crying and it hurt her a lot.

  " Dela". She called but he didn't answer.  He was still feeling shy to look at Hosea.

   " That isn't your fault Dela, you don't have to worry about me. You didn't hurt me, I'm perfectly fine". She said.

Dela sighed. Why is she acting like she could read my mind? He raised his head and looked at her.

   " I'm a monster". He said.

" No, Dela you are not". Hosea stopped him from calling himself that.

" I tried Hosea, I tried my best to control my powers but..but it didn't stop". He said.

" It's okay, that wasn't your fault ". Hosea smoothed.

" It's my fault. I couldn't control myself and I hurt Lilly ". He looked away.

   " Hey, did you notice Layla?". She said and drew his attention and at same time changing the topic.

   " What?". He asked.

" I'm saying did you saw Layla?". She asked again.

" I felt her presence..but .I.. didn't know that she was there". He said.

    "Then for your information, she turned me invisible and transformed into my water spirit form and she is the one who possessed you...I mean stopped you". Hosea said thinking that he was going to act normal now, but she never knew that he was good to cry more because Layla has seen who he was.

   " No, Dela don't think like that. She wasn't afraid of you". Hosea said but she saw tears rolling down his cheeks again and sighed. " I guess I will have to do what I have been avoiding". She muttered to herself and pulled him into a hug.

She let him rest on her shoulders and was tapping his back.

   " Is okay, don't worry yourself she won't be mad at you". She told him.

He had stopped crying already but was just resting his head on her back. He raised his head and Hosea hand him a issues to clean the sweat on his face.

   " I'm sorry". He said.

" Don't worry, I'm okay". She responded.

" Please, you will teach me how to control my powers. I think I need to learn it like now!". He said almost exclaiming.

" I will teach you my prince, how about we do it tomorrow?". She asked.

" It sounds great". He smiled and stood up.

" Okay, where are you going now ". She asked when she saw him standing.

   " I'm going to apologies to Lily. I nearly killed her today. I used the skills she taught me against her". He said with a sad smile that melted Hosea's heart.

   " Can I go with you"? She asked.

" No, stay here I will be right back". He said and turned to walk out of the class. Hosea watched him till he was outside.

Hosea decided to follow him when Luca stopped her. " Aren't you going to give him a bit of space?". He said.

" What are you doing here?". She said while her gaze was still at the door where Dela just went to.

"I'm not here for anything, I'm just talking about how you follow Dela everywhere he goes as if you are her assigned bodyguard". He smirked.

" And what has that got to do with you?". She asked nonchalantly.

  " I'm just asking. You know what, here isn't the supernatural world where people know that you're his guardian. This is earth.. human world, Seoul!, you get it. When a student sees you with him, they will mistake two of you as couples". He said as if it concern him.

" So? What is wrong with that". Hosea said and he frowned.

" Everything, Hosea,  everything! Why are you behaving like a dumb person!?". He yelled.

" Yes like you said I'm dumb so I haven't heard any of your nonsense". She said and wanted to walk away but Luca held her forearm.

She looked at where he held and back at him. He released her that instant. " You can't go when we are not done talking". He said.

" What do we have in common that you want to talk to me about. I have nothing to talk with you about. And by the way if you don't mind I have someone to catch up with". She said.

" So you mean you are just going to leave like this!". He asked.

" Do I look like Lily to you? I'm not someone you can easily manipulate, so stay away from me, or else I will teach you a tremendous lesson that you won't ever forget in your dark world!". She warned him and walked away.

Luca kicked his feet at the chair as a result of stomping her feet on the ground.

" Ouch! Hmmip..who ..the hell..gave her the power to talk to me like that". He managed to say then walked out from the class with one leg raised and stamping on the other one.

  Collins who had been looking in his locker looked in their direction. He placed his hand on the desk where Hosea's hands were earlier, sniffled it and then smile.   After doing that, he walked back to his seat and put his head on the table.

   " So weird". He heard a student murmur but ignored it.

  Lily was in the school martial arts with king, he asked her how she was doing to make sure she was fine and she said nothing was wrong with her. King felt sad seeing her behavior as a mad woman over a stupid guy like Luca. He wished that he has a kind of power that can break the spell for Lily doesn't deserve that, it was him Luca who deserves to be fooling around like that.

King and Lily kept on talking when Dela entered the room. Her countenance changed the moment she saw him.

" What are you doing here?". She asked.

" Hmm..I know that you are angry with me but please give me a chance to explain". He pleaded.

" Explain what, that you almost killed me because of that thing called Hosea!?". She yelled.

" No, you know that I have no control over my powers when I get angry. I didn't mean to fight with you or take your life. I'm sorry". He pleaded.

"Let's assume I wasn't a vampire? And I'm a human rather? Will that be how you will have ended my life? You're ruthless, and a monster!". Lily said and Dela gasped.

" Lily..you have.. ". He couldn't finish his statement..what has come over her? She was never like this from the beginning he saw her. She was his first female friend. Why has she suddenly turned cold towards him? 

   " Dela, it will be better if you let her be for now". King chimes in.

" No! I want her to forgive me. I know that I was at fault, but that doesn't mean she should give me cold shoulders. I already apologized, lily. Please I'm sorry. If you continue acting this way with me I won't be able to bare it". He said.

" Can you leave, I'm busy". Lily said as she continue with what she was doing.

" Lily". He said.

" King, take him out of here. I don't want to see his face again. It irritates me!". She spat out and Dela could hear his heart shatter into pieces. He didn't talk again as king led him out of the studio.

  After they left, Hosea appeared in front of lily.

" What are you doing here?". She said immediately she saw her.

" How do you feel after breaking his trust in you?". Hosea asked.

" You mean ... that..that".

   " Stop there, if I were you I won't tolerate the hell of you calling him names". Hosea said.

" That is your business, now get out of here!". She yelled.

" Hmm... energy student in Ling's high school has the right to come to this place anytime they want. They are not subjected to anyone's approval, so you can't chase me out of here. It my rights so as yours". Hosea smirked.

Lily hissed. " Is that why you are meddling in what isn't your business?  Don't forget that I beat you before Dela came to save you out of my hand". She said and Hosea laughed.

"It's obvious that you are under Luca's spell. Mmm..damm those demons". Hosea facepalmed.

" Hey, you know nothing about spells, learn how to mind your business". Lily said and Hosea rolled her eyes.

   " I will ignore your craziness and break that spell, but I need to make one thing clear to you. Before I cure you, I don't want to see you anywhere close to Dela. If you dare hurt him, I won't hesitate to end your life". Hosea warned.

" Is that supposed to be a threat?". She asked and she smirked.

" Call it whatever you like ". Hosea said and walked out. He needs to visit the Library of magic if she wants to undo Luca's spell on Lily. Lily scoffed and continue doing what she was doing.

      She went to meet Dela in his class.

" I have the feeling that Lily doesn't know me anymore. Is she under some kind of spell?". Dela asked.

   " No! I don't think so, Lily is a vampire". King quickly answered.

" I know, I know..but I'm having double minds. Did you see her eyes color?". Dela asked.

" King, can I please have a word with Dela?". Hosea asked immediately she entered.

" Don't worry I will excuse you guys". He said and walked out.

" Hosea, I think something is wrong with Lily. She is different and...". Hosea cut his words with hers.

" Yeah, I know. I saw it too. She is under a spell". Hosea said.

   " I knew it, and what kind of spell is that?". He asked surprisingly.

" I think is a compelling spell. It makes you do whatever the person who gave it to you says. It makes you think that, that person is your master and you would do anything to please him even if it means killing the people you care about and love". She explained and his eyes widened.

" What! That's explained why she almost killed me. But who will dare gives her something like that?". He asked.

" Luca". Hosea answered.

Dela's eyes darkened. " I'm going to teach that beast a lesson". He said and stood up but Hosea held him.

" You can't go".

   " I'm not angry, I won't lose control of my powers this time. I just want him to suffer a bit, so he should know that stuff like that is highly unacceptable". He said and left.

   He looked everywhere for Luca but couldn't find him. He returned to the class and sat down.

" I'll make sure I deal with him whenever we meet him. So tell me, how are we going to break the spell?". He asked.

Hosea sighed then looked at him and said.

    " We are going to the library of magic".


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