
Sunny days

"Where ye going?" I asked my weirdly dressed-up sister. She seemed to be getting distracted recently. That emo prick is probably the cause. Why does his sister have to fall for his depressed personality?

"I'm going to Port Angeles with Jessica and Angela." Just the three of em? My divine tingle tells me something terrible might happen, and my divine tingle is never wrong. This king shall grace the group with his holy presence.

"Decent. Ye boi needs to grab a few things from there, so ill tag along." seemed she didn't particularly like the idea, but it ain't like ye bois gonna take no for an answer if she ain't gonna take me with her ill just have to find another way.

Thus the group of three had the pleasure of my company, well at least till we arrived in town as I wouldn't be caught dead dress shopping with these thots.


(Bellas POV)

I'm so lucky. If Edward hadn't come for me when he did, I dread to think what would happen to me. Those four frat boys had anything but good intentions though it is weird how he managed to find me when he did.

"What... no, how did you find..." Why is it so hard to talk around him? He looks so angry and also... fear?

"Were you scared for my safety?" the thought fills my chest with a warm fuzzy feeling. Even with how distant he can act, he is also worried for me.

"Not your safety." what did he mean by that? "I dread to think what he's going to do to them." He? Them?


(Bobs POV)

Wiping the blood off my hands, I couldn't help but lament ruining my favourite shirt. Blood isn't exactly easy to get out from clothes, not that I can go home while covered in blood; dad would freak out.

Putting my jumper on to cover my bloodstained shirt, I leave the four broken bodies, serves them right. How dare they try to lay their filthy hands on my sister. They are lucky to have escaped with broken bones and being beaten to a pulp. If I had more time, I would sever their tendons, cut out their eyes and tounges and leave them crippled for life.

It didn't take me long to reach where Bella and emo went. They seemed to be eating together, well more like Bella was eating and the cold corpse was watching, reminds me of the time I had dinner around theirs. As I moved towards them, I could hear what they were talking about.

"I have no idea. I can read every mind except yours." ha, the only reason you can breach the hallowed walls of my mind is that I allow you to do so. My thoughts are too perfect not to be shared with others.

"Work, sex, money, sex, sex, boyfriend." he says while pointing at people in the room before he points towards me, "Chaos." of course, his feeble mind can't decipher what I'm thinking even when he can read minds, my mind is a bastion of knowledge that few could understand.

"Bob!" you seem shocked to see me, sister, I mean it wasn't like we agreed to meet at this restaurant at this time.

"Bella!" I shouted in return. She's acting like I just caught her doing something terrible, lass, you're just on a date with emo. Ain't like you should be embarrassed, ah never mind, that is great cause for embarrassment., you bring dishonour to our family line!

"what were you peasants talking about?" watching my sister stutter and try to think of an excuse was defiantly funny. Maybe I should do this more? seems emo felt the same if his little chuckle was anything to go off.

"N-nothing" ah, sister dearest, you really need to think of a better excuse than that, like 'we were talking about the weather,' i would have believed that as you're sat next to sparkles, this god will let this one slide for now.


Watching dad and doc mull over photos and evidence while they start to wrap up their discussion, Bells and emo were off in the corner having their own little chat. wasn't long till the doctor joined them. While they spoke with the doc, I headed towards pops.

"Ye alright?" I asked him while giving him a pat on the back. It's sad seeing dad looking so down; looking over the evidence sheds some light on why he looks so down in the dumps. Waylon, dads friend, has perished.

"I'm good, but I want you to take this," he said while handing me some pepper spray; I usually would be upset about him doubting my supreme strength; however, I knew he needed me to take it so he could sleep well at night, even though I had no need for it, plus it might be fun to spray into the eyes of any flies that approach.

"Dad, I'm sorry about Waylon." Cut in the sister's voice, she had already finished her chat with the other two and came to join us. Doc must have already informed her why dad looked so broken.

"Known him going on thirty years." he seems pretty torn up about all this. Bells probably saw this as she put a comforting hand on his shoulder. You know the situation is bad when Bella, someone with little to no EQ has to comfort you.

Handing Bells the chemical weapon used to keep flies away, he let out a happy smile seeing that we both took them. While it would have little to no effect on the thing causing these attacks, ye boi ain't about to burst his bubble by telling him that ignorance is bliss and all that jazz.

With a few more back pats and comforting words, it wasn't long until we set off back to our humble abode. Not much was said in the car ride home nor during the meal Bells cooked for us. Each of us decided to give dad some space as he wasn't the type for hugs and talking.


"Bob! You need to see this." said my awfully worried-looking sister. How dare she burst into my room during Socks' head patting session? Sock let out a mighty growl to show his displeasure as well, which caused Bells to flinch.

"What requires my holy presence?" I asked the lass who was too scared to enter my room. I don't know why people are afraid of the cute Lil Sock. He hasn't even entered his final form yet, nor has he gotten his first kill.

Gracing the thots room with my perfect self, I keep my eyes peeled for any traps she might have set up. You can never be too sure with her these days, and luckily it seemed I had no reason to fear as the only thing of note was what her monitor held. Ah, I spoke too soon.

Beautiful people drinking the blood of innocent maidens, I mean, everyone has their own kinks, but I don't know why she's showing me hers. She really has fallen so far from what she once was, and It seemed my disgusted look told her my thoughts as she quickly stammered out an excuse.

"Wha- No, look at this," she said as she scrolled down the article, it was about the cold corpses, huh, guess ye ain't as stupid as I thought you were, already finding out the tru tru behind the dead body you're in love with though I do wonder what you will do with this knowledge.

"What this all mean?" man, I'm so good at acting. Someone give this man an oscar. I lied with such grace some would assume I always do so.

"You know Edward?" Nah, lass ain't heard of him before. I know about emo, though. "I think he's one of these." that typically would just be teenage cringe in thinking the one you like is special. You are lucky that you're right in this instance.


Sorry for the short chap, lads, like really short. Ye boi has fallen ill with a nasty cold that's caused me trouble writing and staying awake. My phone is also still broken. Thus, this is all there is for now.

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