
Chapter 47 - Promised



Bibi Dong's room,

Upon working everything all day, Bibi Dong finally has her time to rest seeing her sitting in front of a mirror looking at herself while combing her hair. It was something she hadn't done for a long time as it was her subordinates' work and she found herself surprised at what brought her to do it.

"Sigh." Bibi Dong suddenly sighed thinking her condition right now must have been really bad and it might be because of what happened yesterday and this morning. Though she has already passed the time to worry about such a thing, just the thought of it would immediately distract her for some reason.

Just when Bibi Dong was about to finish, a gush of wind then suddenly appeared from which her eyes couldn't help but widen upon seeing a familiar in the mirror. It was only after a second from which she swung her hand and used the comb like a knife to strike the person.

"Just what are you doing?" Lev, who used Instant Transmission from his palace to this place, stops Bibi Dong's attempt to attack her as he grabs her hand and takes the comb away. He then just places her back on the chair and faces the mirror.

"If you're mad about what happened this morning. Well, we can't do anything about that. You might have already known but the God you're following might have something to do with it." Lev then followed as he looked at Bibi Dong in the mirror before he started carefully and neatly combing her hair.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, was completely silent as she looked at Lev in the mirror. Though she was calm outside, she was actually feeling surprised in her mind as she could still not gauge Lev's strength seeing how he managed to bring her back to sit easily and have no way of retaliating.

After that, the room then filled with silence seeing Lev and Bibi Dong remain silent. No one would ever think that both of them had just tried to annihilate the other yesterday seeing the two of them completely normal and behave.

Following that, half an hour passed, and Lev had already finished doing Bibi Dong's hair. Such a thing wasn't new to him as he had done it a couple of times before on a certain person in his life.

"My proposition was still open. Think about it as I won't leave this place without achieving my goal." Lev then said before he looked at Bibi Dong for the last with a smile. A second later, he then vanished into the room without leaving the comb in his hand as he thought that he might keep on using it later on.

With that, Bibi Dong was left behind in the room still completely fixated on the mirror looking at herself. She wasn't really that concerned about her appearance as she knew that anything would suit her, but it was the first time that she appreciated herself as beautiful.

Subconsciously being drowned by her appearance, Bibi Dong's imagination suddenly went haywire as she suddenly saw herself in a beautiful wedding dress but that was when she consciously punched through the mirror upon seeing a man behind her. Looking closely, a blush could be found on her face before she calmed down and said, "I may have gone crazy."


---One month later---

Supreme Pontiff Palace Hall,

After a month of renovation, the palace had now come back to normal, however, there was one thing that was completely different and that was a shocking rumor that had started spreading in the place. It was a rumor that completely shocked the entire Spirit Hall as it was really completely absurd to believe.

Right now, Lev could be found inside the palace hall meditating. Large beads of sweat could be seen all over his body as he was doing something very important and painful. What was more surprising was the fact that he had such a thing inside the enemy base.

Meanwhile, Bibi Dong was also inside looking at Lev seriously. Though she was just looking at him, she could not find herself coming close as a terrible aura kept on gushing out from Lev which made her spirit afraid. After a month of seeing each other, her first impression of Lev has completely taken a different path from how it should be seeing her didn't even have any slightest intention of harming him and was even around to protect and keep him safe instead.

"Just why and when did I already fall for this brat? Sigh." Yes, the rumor that was spreading among the people in the Spirit Hall was the fact that Lev and Bibi Dong had built a romantic relationship. Bibi Dong couldn't help but think of the days she was constantly being teased in the morning and treated tenderly every night. Just that fact, she didn't notice that she had already fallen from a person who was several younger than her.

It has been already several hours since Lev has started meditating. In fact, what he was doing right now was fusing the last soul bone in his body upon luckily acquiring it from the weekly sign-in. Fusing the soul bone was something very painful and taxing on his body and so he needed to be serious.

[Right Leg Soul Bone: Dragon God has been fused.]

Finally, after another hour, a sudden calmness filled the palace hall seeing Lev waking up anew. What happened next was something that made all the spirit beasts and even spirit masters not just inside the palace but all over the continent all had their hair standing up upon Lev suddenly breathe.

"Finally." Lev sighed in relief as he examined his body which was brimming with power after finally completing the Dragon God soul bone set. Trying to take back the presence he had, he then looked at Bibi Dong who was surprisingly kneeling on the floor with her eyes wide open while staring at him.

"Dong'er." Lev immediately called. Looking at the woman who had tried to kill him several times in the past, he couldn't help but smile. Just like Bibi Dong, the feelings he had for her have also bloomed inside him and he completely decides to have her not because of some political reason but because he likes her and wants her to be by his side.

Hearing Lev, Bibi Dong suddenly wakes up and she then immediately looks at him with surprise. It was only a moment, but she really felt Lev was someone that she felt like serving as her spirit had also said so. It was a completely unique feeling as she really thought of Lev as someone who shouldn't be in this place.

"Well, c-can I use the bathroom?" Lev suddenly asked as he really was completely soaking in his own sweat. Also, he wanted to have some time alone to see the ability of the last soul bone and lastly his current status.

Hearing Lev, Bibi Dong immediately blushed as she could see the outline of his perfect body from his wet clothes. Also, though the two have already known about each other's feelings, they still haven't gotten close to the point of letting him use her private bathroom however, this time, she subconsciously gives him a nod seeing them both headed straight to her room.



Inside the large and luxurious bathroom, Lev could be found relaxing on the hot spring-like water. He has already seen the ability of the last soul bone and so he also found how broken it was. Furthermore, his fighting capability right now was already enough to trash any 1st God Class which only let him closer to his goal.

"It saves me True God Coins to buy it. What a lucky day." Lev said with a smile. Thinking how expensive buying one from the store was, he couldn't help but say how lucky he was right now that he wanted everyone to know about it.

It was all a nice and relaxing bath when suddenly, Lev's gaze went towards the door from which he saw Bibi Dong entering while covering her body with a towel as she walked towards the tub with a blush on her face.

"Today really was a lucky day." Lev couldn't help but murmur before seeing Bibi Dong sit beside him without saying anything.

The place was completely filled with silence as no one was talking. Bibi Dong, for some reason, was too shy and embarrassed to say something while Lev was completely fighting his willpower not to do anything that would disrupt the situation as the lust within him started kicking in without even getting in contact.

"L-Lev, I could now give up the Spirit Hall for you but there might be someone that will refuse if I do so." Bibi Dong suddenly said as she looked at Lev. As she has already decided to follow Lev, Spirit Hall has already lost value to her as she felt like it was only a hindrance for the two of them to have time.

"I thought you would still not let it go. What's the change?" Lev said and teased. Though he was happy hearing such a thing, he felt like there was still something bugging her. He, however, knew what or who it was so it doesn't matter.

"Y-You!! Y-You still asking me that?!" Bibi Dong couldn't help but blurt out with anger. It was Lev's goal to completely make Spirit Hall his and yet he had the gall to question such a thing. She couldn't help but think just how she fell in love with him as the thought that he might have just used such a method to get Spirit Hall away from her. Thinking about it, a sudden evil aura started emitting out of her body.

Feeling such aura, Lev couldn't help but want to smack himself from which he then makes a sudden movement seeing him get close to Bibi Dong before printing his lips against her and immediately force his tongue all the way inside.

Such a bold action woke Bibi Dong from her anger, Lev's tongue completely made her worries disappear and she started melting seeing her closing her eyes while reciprocating. This would be the second time they have kissed together and yet it was still as sweet as last time.

With that, Lev and Bibi Dong completely made the bathroom their place and they both started making out with each other. Just like how it goes normally, Lev stopped himself midway not wanting to force himself and so because he wanted to make Bibi Dong's first as special as he could.



Lev's Palace,

Unlike the tranquil ambiance of the palace, Lev's arrival should be something that would make the place lively however, the atmosphere in the room at this moment, was somehow could be described as intense.

Bibi Dong, who had come together with Lev, is now having a staring contest with Sia and the others while the latter is also staring back at her either in surprise or fear. It has come to this as Bibi Dong suddenly asks Lev if she wants to come back home with him as she wants to see his women.

"You might have no clue who I am with. This is Bibi Dong, the Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall." Lev then introduced seeing no one wanted to talk. Though he kind of understands the tension especially with Bibi Dong since he still has no idea what kind of thought she has about polygamous relationships.

Upon hearing this, Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yan were completely shocked as they never thought of seeing the supreme leader of the Spirit Hall. Xiao Wu, on the other hand, could be seen shaking while clenching their fists after hearing her name.

Lev, seeing the reaction of Xiao Wu, couldn't help but sigh as he knew what was running through her mind. Though he kind of has a solution regarding this, he still feels bad about it and so he wants to settle it now once and for all.

"Xiao Wu." Lev could only call her wanted to gain her attention and so she could calm herself down.

Xiao Wu, upon hearing Lev, cried from which she immediately headed towards him as she let out all of the emotion that suddenly came to her. She felt a deep hatred after seeing Bibi Dong and wanted him to leave or maybe kill her, but she knew that Lev brought her here for a reason, and upon seeing the closeness that they had, she already had a guess about what was happening.

On the other hand, Sia and the others then became curious and surprised about what happened to Xiao Wu seeing her reaction like that. Wanting to get an answer, they then all looked at Lev for an explanation.

Following that, Lev then slowly tells them the whole story from which room becomes weird as they never thought that such a thing really happened in the past. Sia, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Yann all cast a serious and threatening look at Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong, on the other hand, upon seeing their reactions, could only grit her teeth while clenching her fist. She has already been told about it with Lev back in her room but seeing these youngsters glaring at her makes her want to plummet them to death.

Looking at Lev, Bibi Dong sighed and lowered her pride from which she surprisingly apologized to Xiao Wu. She could not undo what she did in the past and could only apologize to her especially since she was Lev's woman and imagining him leaving her made her feel afraid.

Lev was completely surprised to see Bibi Dong actually apologize to someone as he really didn't expect her to do it and was already prepared to do the talking himself. Seeing such a scene, a faint smile appeared on his face before he stretched out his hand and caressed her head.

"Hear me out, Xiao Wu." Lev suddenly said while looking at them. After getting their attention, he then discussed with them especially Xiao Wu that he has a way to revive her mother. He already asked the system about it, and it gave him a surefire solution to the situation.

On the other hand, Sia and the others are completely surprised to know that Bibi Dong needs to strip her Spirit Ring and Spirit Bone in order to revive Xiao Wu's mother. Hearing such a thing, even Bibi Dong becomes hesitant since doing so would greatly affect her cultivation.

Seeing the anger and hesitation in Bibi Dong's eyes, Lev then immediately assures her that he will help her afterward and will do everything he can in return. Also, he would immediately replace it since he has the capital to do so.

Seeing Lev's seriousness, Bibi Dong steeled herself up and trusted him even with the risk of destroying her hard-earned cultivation. Following that, she then proceeded to do what Lev instructed her to do while everyone remained completely focused on what was happening.


---Two hours later---

Training Hall,

The process of stripping the Spirit Ring and Soul Bone took longer than they thought as it consumed two hours of painful procedure seeing Bibi Dong leaning in Lev's chest weakly while sweating and breathing heavily.

"Master, what happened to Sister Dong?" Sia worriedly asked after seeing Bibi Dong weakly in Lev's arms. It was also the same with Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan upon seeing her situation become like that. They have seen the process and they all never thought that doing such a thing would make anyone very vulnerable upon doing so.

"It's completely normal to feel weak upon stripping a Spirit Ring and Soul Bone. Don't worry, she just needs a little rest, and she will be fine." Upon answering, Lev immediately contained the Spirit Ring and Soul Bone. After that, he then opened the system store and bought a stack of magic beans.

"Dong'er, eat it." Lev gently said as he immediately summons a magic bean and directly put it inside Bibi Dong's mouth wanting to test if it would work as this would be his first time buying and using it.

Upon hearing this, Bibi Dong looks at Lev before she eats the magic bean. She did not even question what it was as she completely put her trust in him. She, however, never would have thought that by eating so, she near-instantly restored to her natural peak but this time her power has decreased a lot.

"Lev, what is that bean? How is it possible that my strength immediately came back after eating it?" Bibi Ding shockingly asked as it actually healed and even restored her power completely as if nothing had happened.

"It's called a magic bean. Don't ask where I get it as you will eventually know about it soon." Lev replied with a smile. Seeing the result of eating such a thing, he was also surprised about it and so he thought of wanting to take this opportunity to research it more.

Upon settling everything, Lev then continued comforting Xiao Wu and reassured her that she would soon see her mother once again. Xiao Wu, on the other hand, still had a little bit of hatred left but it could not be helped since it is a natural response. With that, what they did for hours that left was talk so they could know more about each other which Bibi Dong decided to stay for the night.


---One month later---

Just like what Lev had promised, Bibi Dong was born anew after he helped her. He also helped her hunt a compatible Spirit Beast for her to absorb and promised her a spirit bone that would greatly help her cultivation.

During this month, Lev's relationship with the Supreme Pontiff has already gone public. Such news completely shocked the people as they could not believe it. Some upper echelons of the Spirit Hall have also protested but after Lev showed his power, they could only reluctantly agree.


Elder's Palace,

As the last place obstructing his plans, Lev could now be found walking casually in the Spirit Hall, no one blocked his path as he was on his way to the Elder's Palace. Not even the guards protecting the gate block him seeing them letting him in like he owns the place.

Not long after that, Lev then arrived inside and was now facing two old men who were staring at him fully knowing who they were. As he wasn't here to talk and flatter them, he directly greeted, "I think it's our first time seeing each other, Extreme Douluo Qian Daoliu and Golden Crocodile Douluo."

Meanwhile, Qian Daoliu and Golden Crocodile Douluo looked back at Lev from which they could only describe him as extraordinary. They had already lived long enough on this continent, but it was their first time seeing a kind of person like him. His appearance down to what he was now, everything really was extraordinary.

"It's nice to see you too, Emperor Lev. I know what's your purpose here and so we wanted to test you first but seeing you made me think that it no longer needed." Qian Douluo greeted and decided. Golden Crocodile, who was completely silent beside him, also nodded in agreement.

Lev, however, was completely surprised by this sudden arrangement as he thought that there might be a small clash that would happen. Seeing their reaction and harmless attitude, he couldn't help but sigh before smiling. He then said, "Don't worry. The continent will be safe and prosper in my hands."

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