
88. Julia

October 22-26, 2017 (Pregnancy week 33)

Kara jerked awake from a nightmare about the Worldkillers with her wives pressed tightly against her in their sleep.  She focused on her wives’ faces to try and get the dream to wear off of her.  It helped a bit, but the dream still stood out in her mind.  Three Worldkillers were flying at her with murderous looks in their eyes, and all Supergirl could see around her was fire.  She couldn’t escape from it.  She couldn’t escape from them.


She could tell that it was after noon already.  The sun shone brightly in the sky through their giant picture windows, lending her its energy and fueling her body.  She hadn’t meant to sleep so late, but after everything that had happened the last week, she had felt pretty run down by the time she and Maggie got home.  She hadn’t even woken up when Alex and Lena joined them in their bed.  She had no idea what time the pair got home.  She could hear the kids and Douglas making noise downstairs, but she was a little stuck, so she decided to just lay there and snuggle with her wives for a few minutes.  Maggie was wrapped tightly around her front with Alex close behind the detective, and Lena was pressed against Kara’s back.  It felt good.  


She kissed Maggie’s forehead, and the Latina stirred.  “Mmm?” Maggie grunted.


“I love you, Maggie,” she whispered.


“Love you too,” Maggie mumbled into Kara’s chest.  “Shh.”


Kara held back a laugh, but a smile took over her face nonetheless.  She loved her wives so much it made her chest ache sometimes.  “It’s after noon, honey bunny.  Are you interested in getting up yet?”


“Mm-mm,” Maggie made a noise of dissent, grabbing a fist full of Kara’s tank top and holding onto her.


Kara giggled.  “Can I get up?”


Maggie shook her head and burrowed her nose into Kara’s neck.  “Uh-uh.  Sleepy time.”


“Is my baby still tired?” Kara cooed at her, stroking her gorgeously soft brown hair.


“Yes,” Maggie grumbled.  After a few seconds, she sighed, “That feels nice.”


Kara moved her hand to the back of Maggie’s neck and scratched at the base of her skull, making the detective sigh pleasurably.  She didn’t know if this would wake Maggie or make her go back to sleep, but she was restless and needed something to do with her hands.  Maggie was still gripping her shirt tightly, so Kara knew she wasn’t falling back to sleep.  She massaged her way slowly down Maggie’s spine, working out any knots she felt along the way.  When she got to the detective’s lower back, Maggie groaned.  “Are you OK, honey?” Kara checked.  “Am I hurting you?”


“No, please don’t stop,” Maggie sighed.  “That’s the spot that needs it the most.”


“OK,” Kara resumed her massaging.  About five minutes later, someone knocked on the bedroom door.  “Come in,” Kara called out.


Jamie poked her head into the doorway, and on seeing that it was safe, fully entered the room.  “We made food.  Are you hungry?”


“Starved!” Kara replied eagerly.  “But I’m kinda stuck.”


Jamie climbed onto the bed behind her mother and started kissing her cheek over and over until Alex stirred with a grumble.  “Mommy!  Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!”


Alex blinked her eyes open, but she still looked exhausted.  “Mmm, what time is it?”


“Almost 1:30,” Jamie replied.


Alex sighed.  “Alright, alright.  I am hungry,” she admitted.  With Jamie’s help, she slowly hoisted herself up into a sitting position on the edge of the bed.  She rubbed her eyes and leaned on her daughter for a few moments.  


Jamie stroked her hair and kissed her on the forehead.  “What time did you guys get home last night?”


Alex was still sleepy, so she took a moment to answer.  “I think it was around seven AM.”


“Poor Mommy,” Jamie cooed, kissing her on the head again.  “Come on, you need to eat.”


“OK, let me just use the bathroom real quick,” Alex nodded.


Jamie helped Alex up and then went around to the other side of the bed.  She climbed onto the bed behind Lena and repeated the wake up process by repeatedly smooching the CEO’s cheek.  “Mommy Lena, wakey wakey!”


“Don’t wanna,” Lena mumbled into Kara’s back.


“You need to eat,” Jamie reminded her, stroking the side of her belly.  “Come on.”


Lena suddenly jerked awake, “Sam!”  She scrambled to try to get up, but the babies made it difficult.  


Jamie grabbed her and helped her sit up, “Easy, easy!” she chastised her stepmother.


Kara untangled herself from Maggie to turn and soothe Lena.  “It’s OK.  Sam is still at the DEO.  Nothing's wrong.  Everything’s OK right now.  Take it easy.”


“I need to get back there,” Lena fretted.


“No,” Jamie argued.  “You need to eat something.  Then we can all go see Sam, right?”


Lena pouted a bit, but she nodded her head.  “Yes.  Yes, we can all go see Sam, and we can tell you a bit about what’s going on.  I know Ruby must be going out of her mind.”


“A little,” Jamie admitted.  “But you need to take care of yourself first and foremost.  Otherwise, you’re not going to be any good for anybody.”


“Yes, Mom,” Lena smirked at her.  “I hear you loud and clear.”  While they were talking, Alex came out of the bathroom and Maggie went in.  “We should have built this room with two bathrooms,” Lena groaned.


Jamie grimaced in sympathy.  “I’m gonna go downstairs and make sure everything is ready.”


“OK, baby, we’ll meet you down there,” Kara replied.  When her daughter was gone, Kara turned to Lena, “I want to see Sam, but if you’re using Kryptonite, I don’t think I should go in.”


Lena gave her a Look.  “Yes, it might have been dangerous for you while we were processing it, but you should be fine now.  It’s not radiating through the room.”


“Are you sure?” Kara fretted.


“Positive, my love,” Lena kissed her on the nose.  “I told you, that was the whole reason I made the Kryptonite in the first place.  I needed to know your suit would really protect you from it.  I didn’t want to take any chances.  Your life is precious to me.  Invaluable.  I love you, Kara, and I can’t live without you.  I want you to be safe above all else.”


Kara nodded.  “I understand.  I’m sorry for yelling at you about it.  You didn’t deserve that.  It’s just that Kryptonite scares me so much, and I’m worried about hurting Sam.”


“She made her choice,” Lena reminded her.  “She’s strong.  She’ll make it through this.”


“I believe in you,” Kara said with a tender kiss.  “I love you too, Lena.”  She waited until everyone else was finished with the restroom before she took her turn.  


When everyone was done with the bathroom, the foursome meandered down to the dining room where the twins, Ruby, Carter, and Douglas were waiting for them.  Lunch was simple - some lemon pepper chicken salads, cheesy garlic bread, and a mountain of chocolate chip cookies - but it looked and smelled delicious.  Kara inhaled the aroma and helped her wives sit down before taking her own seat.  “Thank you guys for making food for everyone.”


She got a chorus of ‘you’re welcome’ from the group.


“Jamie said we could go see my mom?” Ruby asked.  “And you’re finally going to tell us what’s going on?”


Lena nodded.  “Yes, we’re going to see your mom, and when we do, we will fill you in.”


The young girl looked extremely relieved.  “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome, sweetie.  I know you’re stressed out, but I appreciate you letting me sleep.  I needed it,” Lena admitted.  “It’s hard for me to pull all-nighters while I’m pregnant.”


Ruby pouted.  “I’m sorry, Lena.  Are you OK?”


“Yes, love, I’m going to be much better after eating,” Lena smiled at her.  “I don’t think we’ve had this before, whose recipe is this?”


“Amy gave us the recipe,” Jessie explained.  “She said it was really easy, and she was right.”


“Oh, very nice,” Lena purred.  


“Is she feeling better today, then?” Kara wondered.


“We haven’t talked to her today,” Jamie replied.


“Was she sick?” Jessie worried.  


“No, um,” Kara grimaced.  “She was sort of traumatized by the whole Fort Rozz trip.”


“Oh no!  What happened?” the twins gasped.


Kara sighed.  “I’ll tell you later.”


“Is she hurt?” Jessie asked.


“She… might be a little scarred for life.  I don’t know for sure,” Kara frowned and shrugged.


The kids whimpered.  


“Maybe we should go see her today too,” Carter suggested.


“Maybe,” Kara replied, seriously thinking about it.  She’d have to call and check in with Tara.  “Let’s just see how long things take with Sam first.”


The kids agreed easily.


“I know we just saw her last night, but we had kind of a rough night last night ourselves, and I really just want to hug her,” Douglas said wistfully.


“Me too,” Ruby agreed.


“What happened last night?” Alex wanted to know.


“We just had a hard time sleeping,” Douglas told her.  “That’s all.”


“Understandable,” Maggie nodded.  “I was dead on my feet when I came home, and it still took me a while to fall asleep myself.  If Kara hadn’t been with me, I probably wouldn’t have slept at all.”


The group finished eating, and by the time they were done, all the food had been devoured.  Kara took the moms-to-be upstairs, so they could shower and get ready for the day.  Thankfully, the shower was big enough to hold them all, so washing up could go faster.  None of them were in the mood to fool around, so that wasn’t an issue in watching the time.  Kara offered to do everyone’s hair, and zipped around her wives plaiting their locks neatly to keep it off their faces while they had a full day of work ahead of them.  When everyone was ready, they split the group between the van and Douglas’ truck and headed to the DEO.


When they got to the main briefing room level, they were met by J’onn, Winn, Lucy (on crutches), and M’yrnn.  The group was happy to see the Martian elder, and they all greeted him with enthusiasm and hugs.  He seemed to be just as happy to see them as they were to see him.


“My dad wanted to socialize today, so I brought him in,” J’onn smiled subtly.  “I knew he’d have a better chance of catching you here than at home today.”


“OK, but we have to go see my mom,” Ruby pointed out.


“May I come?” M’yrnn asked.  “I adore Sam.”


“Yeah,” Ruby encouraged him.  “My mom needs to know how many people love her.  I think it will help.”


Kara smiled at Ruby’s wisdom.  Even without hearing all of Sam’s insecurities, she still knew what her mom needed.  She was so proud of her daughter for choosing to be with someone that was as smart and compassionate as Ruby.  (She was proud of Jamie too, but that was beside the point.)


“I think Ruby and I should go in first,” Lena suggested.  “I think it might startle her if everyone comes down at once.”


“Good point,” Maggie agreed.


“She’s been complaining that she wants her stuff,” Winn informed them.  “She said she wants to work while she’s just sitting around doing nothing.  I gave her my tablet so she can watch Netflix or whatever, but she seemed annoyed that that’s all I could give her for now.”


“Shoot!” Lena hissed.  “I totally forgot to get her stuff.  I was just so tired this morning.”


“Should I go get stuff?  What should I get?” Kara offered.


“I’ll have her make a list,” Lena replied.  “Come on, Ruby.”  She led the way down to Sam’s room.


“Mom!” Ruby exclaimed as soon as they entered the foyer.


Sam startled and turned away from her show.  “Ruby!  Hi, baby!”


Lena opened Sam’s room, so the pair could give her hugs.


“Are you sure that’s safe?” Sam worried.


Lena nodded.  “Yes, love.  I think it’s safe to hug you.”


Sam opened her arms and Ruby hurried to fall into them.  “Will you please tell me what’s going on now?” the preteen begged.


Sam took a deep breath and let it out slowly to quell her nerves.  “Lena ran some tests, and it turns out that I have a split personality.  They want to keep me here for a while for observation.  You’re going to stay with them until they know it’s safe to let me out.”


“A split personality?” Ruby repeated.  


Sam nodded.  “Yeah.”


“So you’re really not dying?” the girl inquired softly.


“I told you she wasn’t,” Lena shook her head with a chuckle.


“Are you going to fix her?” Ruby asked.


“That’s my goal, yes,” Lena assured her.  “We’re trying to get a glimpse of the other personality while she’s here.  So far, she hasn’t shown herself.  Until then, it’s just a waiting game.”


“Speaking of waiting,” Sam interjected.  “I’m bored out of my skull, will you please bring me some stuff to work on?”


“Yes, I’ll bring you whatever you want,” Lena promised.  “Let me make a list.”  She pulled out her phone and typed up a list of the things Sam wanted - her laptop, phone charger, toothbrush, files from L-Corp, etc.  “Everyone wants to come see you, is that OK?” 


“Who’s everyone?” Sam asked skeptically.


“My wives, my daughters, your boyfriend, and J’onn’s father,” Lena listed off.


“Oh, OK, yes, let them come on down.  But can you and Kara go get that stuff for me soon, please?” Sam begged.


“Of course,” Lena agreed.  “I’ll go get the others.”


“Lock the door,” Sam warned.  “Just in case.”


Lena pouted reluctantly but did as her friend asked, leaving Sam and Ruby separated by the glass.  “Be right back.”  She disappeared upstairs, leaving mother and daughter alone.


“I don’t understand why you need to be locked up,” Ruby whimpered.


“Because I keep disappearing, and no one knows where I’m going or what I’m doing, least of all me,” Sam informed her.  “I trust Lena, OK?  You should too.”


Ruby nodded.  “I do, but I’m just worried about you.”


“Try not to worry so much.  Lena is the smartest person on the planet,” Sam soothed her.  “She’ll figure this out.  And, hey, you get a free pass to live with your girlfriend for a little while.”


“I can come see you every day, right?” Ruby gave her puppy eyes.


“Yes, of course you can,” Sam permitted.  “I expect you to be on your best behavior while you’re staying with the Danvers.  Keep up on your school work, and no fooling around.  The rules don’t change just because I’m here.”


“OK, Mom,” Ruby agreed easily.  


“You didn’t sleep last night, did you?” Sam asked, noticing the dark circles under her daughter’s eyes.


“No, I was really freaked out last night,” Ruby admitted.  “Douglas let us sleep in the living room and watch movies until we fell asleep.  It was nice having him close by.  It felt…  I don’t know…  safer?”


“I’m so thankful that you get along with him, Rubes, I can’t tell you how much that means to me,” Sam smiled adoringly at her daughter.


“Douglas is pretty great, actually,” Ruby admitted.  “I’m glad you found someone that is such a good person.  You deserve someone great like him.  Oh!  I didn’t get a chance to tell you yet, but he really helped me out with the whole Erika Morrison thing!”


“He did?” Sam was surprised.  “What did he do?”


Ruby brightened, “He dressed up in his FBI gear and went to her house and threatened to send her to juvie if she kept bullying me.”


Sam’s eyes widened.  “Really?”


Ruby nodded enthusiastically.  “Yeah, it was so awesome!”


Sam laughed.  “Well, I’m glad you two had some bonding time.”


“Yeah, actually, yesterday was really fun with him, until you up and disappeared on us,” Ruby told her.


“I’m so sorry I worried you,” Sam grimaced.  “Luckily, we have the Danvers girls looking after us, right?”


Ruby nodded again.  “Yes.”


“We’re here!” Kara announced in a sing-song voice.


Sam grinned at the group.  “Hey, guys!”


Again, Lena unlocked the door to Sam’s cell and let everyone get in some good hugs.  When it was Douglas’ turn, he instructed everyone to avert their eyes so he could kiss her.  The kids turned up their noses and quickly covered their eyes.  The others turned away, except Kara, who only pretended to close her eyes,  It wasn’t a sexual thing in the slightest.  She just loved their love and wanted a peek at the adorable looks on their faces while they thought no one was looking.


“OK,” Douglas alerted them a few seconds later.  “It’s safe to look now.”


Everyone returned their attention to Sam.  She was overwhelmed by the looks of affection on everyone’s faces.  “OK, you guys, it feels a little weird to be the center of attention right now,” she mumbled self-consciously.


“Sorry!” Jessie replied.  “We were just hoping to hear what you guys found out about why you’re losing time.”


“Oh, right,” Sam frowned.  “Well…  It turns out, I have a split personality.  Lena is keeping me here for observation.”


“A split personality?” Jessie repeated.  “Like Sybil?”


Kara’s eyes widened.  “You’ve read that?”


Jessie shrugged.  “Yeah, I read it when we had some free library days at school.”


“OK, well, I don’t know how I feel about that, but as far as we can tell, there’s only one other personality,” Kara informed them.  “We just have to get her to come out so we can figure things out from there.”


Jessie nodded as though she understood perfectly.  If she had read Sybil, she probably thought they were going to try some kind of hypnosis or something.  It was too bad that it wasn’t that ‘easy.’


Lena leaned over to Kara and whispered, “Are you feeling OK?  Are you feeling the Kryptonite?”


Kara nodded and whispered back, “I’m OK, sweetheart.  Thank you.”  She kissed the brunette on the cheek for emphasis.


“Sam would like us to go get some things for her,” Lena said aloud to Kara.  “Will you take me to get them?”


“Of course,” Kara agreed.  


“Lock the door while you’re gone,” Sam insisted seriously.


Lena sighed.  She really didn’t like keeping Sam locked up, but she knew her CFO was afraid of hurting anyone, so she obliged.  “We’ll be back soon, love,” she told Sam.  “In the meantime, I think the kids have Monopoly around here somewhere.”


“We have lots of games left over from when Mon-El was here waiting for the lead allergy cure,” Jamie replied excitedly.  “We’ll go get them!”  She grabbed Carter’s hand, and the four kids ran off.


“Have Winn bring us a table and some chairs,” Alex called after them.  “I’m not about to try and sit on the floor.  I’ll never get back up.”


“Right?” Maggie chuckled.  “It’s hard enough to get up from a chair right now.”


“OK!” the kids called back, running off.


“Kara and I will be back soon,” Lena promised.  She and Kara kissed Alex and Maggie and headed out to get Sam’s things.


Douglas leaned against the glass of Sam’s room.  “How are you holding up?” he asked her.


Sam took a slow breath before answering.  “Honestly, I’m not sure.  I’m a little overwhelmed by all of this.  I’m trying not to think about all the horrific things Reign has done, but it’s hard to not feel guilty about it.  It makes me sick to my stomach.”


“Am I understanding this correctly?” M’yrnn asked.  “You’re split personality is Reign?”


Sam’s bottom lip trembled.  “Yeah.  But please don’t tell the kids!”


M’yrnn nodded solemnly.  “Your secret is safe with me.  I understand why you’re upset.  It must be very frightening.”


“It is,” Sam agreed, “I appreciate your discretion.”


“You’re a good woman,” he replied.  “I’m an excellent judge of character.  Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.”


“Thanks, M’yrnn,” Sam smiled softly at him.  “Are you going to stay and play games with us?”


M’yrnn grinned.  “I would love to.  I was feeling a little lonely this morning.”


“Hey, you can call us anytime you want to,” Alex pointed out.  “We’re family.”


Again M’yrnn beamed.  “I’ve always wanted grandchildren.”


Alex’s brow scrunched together in confusion.  “You mean besides K'hym and T'ania?”


“Who?” M’yrnn asked genuinely.


Maggie and Alex shared a look before Alex answered, “You’re granddaughters.”


M’yrnn blinked and an ‘oh, shit’ look came over his face, though he said nothing.


“M’yrnn?” Maggie said softly, taking his hand.  “Are you OK?”


The Martian elder shook his head and gave them a wry smile.  “I’m OK.  I think that being alone for so long has taken its toll on me.  It has been a very long time since I’ve seen my family.”


Alex pursed her lips to the side, not believing him for a second.  One look at the others, and she knew they weren’t buying it either.  She would have to start keeping an eye on him.  Again, she shared a look with Maggie, knowing her wife was thinking the same thing.  Perhaps she would talk to J’onn later.  


One problem at a time, though.  They had to focus on Sam for the time being.  Lena had told Alex that she wanted to see if Reign manifested on her own for a couple of days before they started trying to trigger her.  Her heart clenched at the thought of triggering Reign after what she’d done to Kara, but they needed to see her transformation.  Perhaps Reign could be reasoned with.  If not, then they would have to find a way to eliminate her without hurting Sam.  That would be the hardest part.  If Reign was her own separate entity, Alex would have no problem killing her.  The fact that they could hurt Sam in the process of getting rid of the Worldkiller terrified her.  Sam was truly a light in their lives, as well as Ruby.  If anything were to happen to Sam, the whole lot of them would be devastated.


The kids returned with a bunch of games, followed by a few low-level agents carrying a big table and a bunch of folding chairs.  Jamie instructed the agents to set up the table and chairs near Sam’s room.  “OK, thanks,” she told them cheerfully.  “Bye now!”


The group gathered around the table, and the kids showed Sam the games they brought.  Before Sam had decided on which one to play, Lena and Kara returned with Cat.


“Sam, darling, I made Kara tell me everything,” the elder woman informed her. 


Sam gave Kara a look that said, ‘of course you did,’ but she didn’t seem angry.  It was no secret how Cat could be when she was in interrogation mode.


Carter got up and gave his mother a hug.  “Hi, mom.  Are you going to play games with us?”


“Of course, dear,” she replied.  “I’m not one to be left out.”


The adults chuckled at that.


They spent the rest of the afternoon playing games with Sam, ordering pizza around dinnertime and then stuffing their faces.  Occasionally, J’onn, Lucy and Winn would pop down to socialize for a while before getting back to work.  When 7:30 rolled around, Alex announced that it was time to get the kids home to start winding down before bedtime.  They had the additional responsibility of making sure Ruby got to school on time in the morning, so she wanted to make sure everyone got up in time.


Lena unlocked Sam’s room, so they could all hug her goodnight.  They all lingered a bit, not really wanting to leave her, but eventually, they all headed out.


Monday morning, the foursome was feeling a lot better after getting a proper night’s sleep.  Kara dropped Maggie off at work and Ruby off at school before taking Alex and Lena into the DEO.  Lena had some ideas about how to trigger Reign, but she wasn’t sharing.  Kara followed them to Sam’s room just long enough to give their friend a big hug and say hello.  She left her wives to do whatever it was they were going to do and went back upstairs to check in with J’onn and Winn.  When she got there, Imra, Garth, and Liin were there too.  “The other Worldkillers are still out there,” she said darkly.  She’d had another nightmare about them last night.


“The city has been quiet ever since you brought Sam in,” J’onn replied.


“Yeah, I mean, we've been trying to track Kryptonian heat signatures, but all we're coming up with is you and your cousin” Winn informed her. “ Which, I will say though, is nice because I know where he is.”  The tech smirked.  Everyone knew he had a big man-crush on her cousin.


“Well, shouldn't they be reading like they're me, basically?” Kara replied, trying to keep the conversation on track.


“Yeah, but they're not like you,” Imra pointed out.  “They may have been created on Krypton, but these Worldkillers are not, strictly speaking, Kryptonian.” 


“Imra is right,” J’onn nodded, hands on his hips.  “Nothing about them follows a pattern we recognize.  Reign didn't need a yellow sun at Fort Rozz to retain her powers.” 


“Yeah, and the way she just shrugged off that Kryptonite…” Winn shrugged.  “Hey, but maybe they were genetically modified?” 


“Now, that's possible,” Liin jumped in.  “The Legion's fought many hybrids that were created in labs, designed to have maximum destruction.” 


“Well, Reign said she left Krypton right before it exploded,” Kara recalled.  “If they've been here all this time, what have they been waiting for?” 


“Maybe for her,” Winn speculated, meaning Reign.   


“You know, when Krypton exploded, pods weren't the only thing that rained down on Earth,” Liin explained.  “So did Kryptonite.  Yeah, Brainy and I had to track some of that green stuff down when the Legion battled Zod.” 


“Um, rewind. Zod?” Winn exclaimed.  “Superman killed him, so... Was he resurrected?  He was.”


Liin gave him a look. 


“But that's the future,” Winn stammered.  “We talked about that.”  He mimed zipping his lips.  “So, you're saying, basically, that the Kryptonite and the pods came at the same time.” 


“Agent Schott, see if you can pull our records of those meteor showers and map their spray pattern,” J’onn commanded.  “There might be a way we can locate exactly when these Worldkillers first arrived.” 


“On it,” Winn said quickly, sitting back down and typing on his computer.


“Reign will be back,” Kara sighed.  “Soon.” 


“What do you think she's doing?” J’onn asked her. 


“Well, wherever she went, she's planning her next move,” Kara guessed grimly.  “I need to get to work.  Keep me posted on how things are going.”


Tara was growing increasingly worried about Amy.  She refused to talk about the incident in outer space, and whenever someone at the restaurant would ask her was wrong, Amy would tell them that she’d had a bad case of food poisoning over the weekend and leave it at that.  Tara almost considered it a miracle that she was speaking at all, considering she’d barely spoken a word since she’d gotten home Saturday night.  Tara had hoped that getting back into the normal swing of things would shake her out of it, but Amy’s eyes still looked a million miles away, and they’d been at work for four hours already.  When she got a break, she called Kara.


“Hey, Tara.”  Kara sounded a bit distant now too.


“Kara?  Amy is still acting funny.  Is there any way you can come talk to her tonight?”


There was a quiet pause on the line for a couple of seconds.  “Um, I’ll try my best, but things are a little crazy right now.  I’ll fill you in soon, but I can’t talk about it right now.”


Great.  Tara sighed.  “OK, well, this is important too.”


“I know, I know,” Kara replied in sympathy.  “Just call me when you guys get out of work, OK?”


“OK,” Tara said softly.  “I’ll talk to you later.  Bye.”




Sam looked up from her email when she heard the main door open.  “Eliza, hi,” she greeted the Danvers matriarch.


“Hello, Sam,” Eliza said softly, crossing the foyer to Sam’s room.


“I assume you’ve been filled in?” Sam smiled wryly.


“I have, yes,” Eliza confirmed.  “I’m so sorry you’re going through this.  I’m here to help in whatever way I can.”


“Thank you.  I’m sure Lena and Alex appreciate it too,” Sam replied.  “What was your degree again?  I forget.”


“Yes, I have a degree in biochemistry, and I have experience with biotechnology and xenobiology, so I’m quite hopeful that we can figure something out and relatively soon,” Eliza informed her.  “Just hang in there, sweetie.”


Sam nodded.  “Good.  I know Lena is the smartest person we know, but even she doesn’t know everything.  I’m really glad she and Alex brought you in on this.”


“Me too,” Eliza smiled reassuringly.  “The girls are just getting something to eat, they’ll be back soon.”


“I know,” Sam chuckled.  “Their tummies were growling when they were in here, so I sent them away.”


Eliza laughed.  “Good girl.  They’re not exactly the best at taking care of themselves when they start obsessing over something.”


“I know.  I’ll admit I tend to be the same way,” Sam shook her head at herself.


Eliza nodded knowingly.  “OK, bear with me.  I have a lot of questions for you, and I’m sure you’ve already answered some of them to the girls, but I want to cover all my bases.”


“Ask away,” Sam permitted.


Kara was about to go to lunch when she got a text from Winn to meet him at the DEO.  She quickly put her things away and snuck out onto the roof to fly off.


“What's that you ask?  Has Winslow Schott, your favorite human, finally cracked the case, and maybe come up with a hot lead?” Winn exclaimed in excitement. 


“What did you find?” Kara asked, crossing the briefing room to him. 


“I cross-referenced the meteor impact sites with news reports and hospital records to search for anomalies, and let's see what we came up with.  This guy had super strength, but turns out he was just a Maaldorian.  Then we have a Coluan, we have a Phorian, and then there are these four.”  He pulled up the pictures of four women on the big screen.  “There's no reason for these anomalies.  They've survived horrific car crashes, falls off of cliffs.  The doctors said it was unprecedented.  Like a miracle that they are alive, and completely unharmed.” 


“So, two of these are our Worldkillers, huh?” Lucy asked. 


“Uh, maybe, yeah,” Winn replied.  “But which one, or ones, is gonna take a lot more research.”


Kara stared at the big screens in terror.  “It's her,” she pointed to one of them. 


“Her?” Winn pointed.  “How do you know?” 


“I just do,” Kara replied.  She didn’t think they’d buy the whole dream thing.  She’d never had premonitions before, but this woman’s face was clear as day in her memory. 


“Okay. So, what do we do?” Winn asked. 


Kara sighed.  “We go get her.”


“OK, but we have to do this delicately,” Lucy pointed out.  “She’s probably just like Sam.  She probably has no idea that she’s a Worldkiller.  We can’t go in there guns blazing.  It’s too dangerous.  We’ll have to figure out a way to convince her to come with us on her own.”


“How about just you and I go?” Kara suggested.  “That way she doesn’t feel threatened.”


“You want me to go with you?” Lucy sounded surprised.


“Yeah, well, Alex is busy,” Kara reminded her.  “You’re a great diplomat, and I’d really appreciate it if you would come.  Unless your leg is hurting you too much.  I might be able to bring one of the Legionnaires if you don’t want to come.”


“No, no, I’ll come along,” Lucy grinned.  “It’s been a while since I got to go into the field with you.  It’ll be fun… ish.”


“Alright, let’s go while I’m still on my lunch break,” Kara suggested.  “I’ll drive.”


“Aren’t you going to change into your suit?” Winn asked.


Kara shook her head.  “No.  I want her to feel safe.  I don’t want to trigger the Worldkiller because she’s afraid.  That would be bad.”


“OK, let me trace her phone and see where she is,” Winn offered.  He typed on his computer for a minute.  “OK, looks like she’s at her house.  89437 W. Colton Ave.”  He pressed a few more buttons and Kara’s phone pinged with the address and GPS location.


“Thanks, Winn,” Kara hugged him.  “Good work.”


“Ah, it was nothing,” he waved her off.


“We’ll be back soon,” Kara promised.  “Hopefully with Miss Julia Freeman.  Oh!  Can you set up a room for her like you did for Sam?”


“Absolutely!” he saluted her.  “Go on.  Deimos and Vasquez can help me real quick.”


“Lucy, no offense, but you’re too slow on crutches.  I’m gonna carry you to the car.”


Lucy balked.  “Kara!  I’m not a damsel in distress!”


“Come on, ride piggyback, and then you’re no damsel,” Kara insisted.


Lucy groaned.  “Fine!”  She handed Kara her crutches and allowed the blonde to lift her onto her back.


“Am I hurting you?” Kara checked before she went anywhere.


“Nope.  I’m good,” Lucy confirmed.


“OK, hang on tight!”  Kara used a bit of superspeed to take them down to the parking garage level, making Lucy squeal and giggle like a little kid.  Hearing it gave Kara a brief feeling of euphoria, and she couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled up from her belly.  When they got to Lucy’s DEO-issued 4x4, Kara let the major down gently by the passenger door and handed her the crutches.


“Thanks, Supergirl,” Lucy winked.  “That was actually kinda fun.”


Kara beamed at her.  “Shall we?”  When Lucy nodded, Kara helped her into the truck, and they headed out to find Julia Freeman.  When they found the house, Kara was endeared.  It was an adorable little place with pretty flowers planted all over, and the soft yellow of the siding gave it a cheerful countenance.  The pair climbed out of the vehicle and rang the doorbell.  When there was no answer, Kara clicked her comms on.  “Winn?  Are you sure she’s here?”


“Affirmative,” the tech replied.  “Heat signature is coming from a back room.”


Kara rang the doorbell a few more times, tuning in her hearing to see if she could figure out why Julia wasn’t answering the door.  She chuckled when she heard a sweet, delicate voice singing along to a Lisa Loeb song.  The volume of the actual music told Kara that Julia was wearing headphones.  That explained the lack of answer.  She pressed the doorbell in the most annoying fashion she could muster, hoping that Julia would hear it over the music.  She wasn’t about to go busting into the house.  That might terrify the poor girl and trigger the Worldkiller.  That wasn’t an option.  She would sit here and ring the doorbell all goddamn day if she had to.  


When the song was over, as Kara continued to ring the doorbell, the hero heard a little yelp from inside, and she knew the woman had finally heard her.  She stopped ringing the doorbell and waited patiently for Julia to walk through the house to answer the door.


“Can I help you?” Julia asked.


Kara was struck by how beautiful this woman was.  She had gorgeous dark skin and deep, chocolate brown eyes, long lashes, and full, plump lips.  Were all the Worldkillers designed to be the embodiment of physical perfection as well as killing machines?  “Yes.  Hi, Julia.  I’m Kara Danvers, and this is my associate Major Lucy Lane.  May we speak with you for a moment?  It’s really important.”


Julia blinked at her.  “Kara Danvers?” she repeated.  “As in Supergirl?”


Kara chuckled awkwardly and fiddled with her glasses.  “Yes.  That’s me.”


“Come in,” Julia told them, concern etched deeply into her brow.  “I can’t imagine anything that I can help Supergirl with.  I’m just a singer.”


“Can we sit?” Kara requested.


“Of course,” Julia waved at the furniture in the living room, and they all sat down.  “What happened to your leg, Major?”


“Short story?  Trying to stop Reign,” Lucy replied.


“Oh, wow, you’re lucky to be alive!” Julia exclaimed.  “I saw what she did to Supergirl.  Honestly, I can’t believe you’re sitting here talking to me without a scratch on you!”


Kara bit her lip.  She didn’t know how much the Worldkiller personalities knew about the human personalities, and she didn’t want to give away too much information.  “I heal fast,” she replied.


“Thank the Goddess for that!” Julia said, raising her hand in the air.  “I’m a big fan of yours.”


Kara smiled sweetly at her.  “Really?”


“Yeah,” Julia nodded.  “So what brings you here?”


Kara took a deep breath and let it out slowly.  “I’m not going to beat around the bush, Julia.  You’re in danger.”


“I am?  From what?” Julia seemed utterly confused.


“The Worldkillers,” Lucy answered when Kara didn’t.


Julia’s eyes widened.  “What?  Why?  I didn’t do anything.  I thought Reign just killed bad guys and people who got in her way.”


“I know it seems strange, but there’s a lot I can’t tell you unless you agree to come with us where we can keep you safe,” Kara replied seriously.  “I need to be able to protect you.”


Kara’s earnestness seemed to get through to Julia, and the singer nodded.  “How long am I going to have to stay with you?  My best friend is gonna freak out if I’m missing for too long.”


“You can still talk to her, you just can’t tell her or anyone else where you are.  It’s too dangerous,” Kara informed her.  “We can help you come up with a cover story, if you want.  But it’s really important that you come with us.”


“Pack a bag,” Lucy recommended.  “Phone, laptop, pillows, whatever you need.”


“Can I bring my guitar?” Julia asked.  


“Of course,” Kara nodded.


Julia nodded.  “OK.  I’ll be back.”  She got up and went to gather her things.


“This is going a lot better than I thought it would,” Lucy whispered to Kara.  “I half expected her to turn as soon as she saw Supergirl.”


“Same here,” Kara admitted.  “She seems like a really nice person.  I really hope we can figure this all out.”


“Agreed,” Lucy nodded.  


They waited patiently for Julia to gather her belongings, and when she was ready, they packed her up in the 4x4 and headed back to the DEO.  Along the way, Kara answered a few questions that Julia had about Supergirl.  She wanted to know which news stories were true, and which ones were bullshit.  She confirmed that the twins were her daughters and that Lena was really her wife and was really having another set of twins.  Julia thought it was cool that Supergirl was a ‘lesbian.’  She didn’t ask about the story of Supergirl’s alleged ability to sire children.  Perhaps the woman thought it was just too crazy to be believable.  Or perhaps she was just being polite.  Either way, Kara was relieved to not have to field those questions.


When they got back to the DEO, Kara helped carry in Julia’s stuff, leading her into the briefing room so they could find Winn.  They found the tech in the briefing room with J’onn, Rokk, and Liin talking about some sort of battery.  Kara cleared her throat to announce their presence.  “We’re here.”


“Excellent work, ladies,” J’onn praised them.  “I take it there were no complications?”


“Nope,” Kara popped the P.  “Julia here is very nice.  We’re going to treat her with the utmost care, right guys?”  Rokk and Liin were looking at Julia suspiciously, and Kara just knew Winn had spilled the beans to them.  She was going to have to kick his ass later.  She glared at him, and he shrunk back a bit, knowing what he did to earn her ire.  “Winn?  Were you able to get Julia’s room together?” she asked pointedly.


“Yes,” he nodded frantically, relieved that he wasn’t being publicly scolded by Supergirl.  “Right next to Sam.  They can keep each other company.”


Kara bit her lip and her brow crinkled.  What if they triggered each other by being in the same room together?  Now she was a little worried.  She gave J’onn a look and nodded her head for him to follow them downstairs.  Just in case.


Sam startled when they all came into the room.  “Jesus!  Warn a girl before you come barging in like that!”


“Sorry!” Kara pouted.  


Sam, Alex and Lena observed their newcomer.  She was clearly confused and afraid, so Lena was quick to try to comfort her.  She smiled at Julia and stepped forward with her hand out.  “Julia Freeman, I presume?”


“Yeah,” Julia replied with a nod.  “And you’re Lena Luthor, right?”


“Danvers, please,” Lena corrected her gently.  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.  I know you must be a bit disoriented, but I promise we’ll explain everything once we get you settled in.”  She waved her hand toward the room that Winn had put together for her.  He’d done the same kind of work on her room that he’d done for Sam’s.  Bigger space, lots of pillows and cushions, a curtain for the facilities.  It wasn’t home, but it didn’t seem like such a prison either.  Kara took her cue to put Julia’s things in the room, and the musician followed her inside.


“Why are the walls glass?” Julia wanted to know.


Lena pointed to the cameras on the walls outside of the rooms in the main foyer.  “We wouldn’t be doing our jobs if we weren’t absolutely 100% sure that you’re safe here.  I’m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, but your safety takes priority over your privacy here.”


Julia looked disappointed by this, but she didn’t argue.  “So, are you going to tell me why I’m in danger from the Worldkillers?  I’m still so confused by all this.”


“Have a seat,” Alex indicated the makeshift bed.  When Julia sat down, Alex sat beside her and held her hand.  “Julia, sweetie, I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but we have reason to believe that you are a Worldkiller.”


Julia frowned.  “No, no, no.  This is some kind of mistake.  There’s no way I’m a Worldkiller.  I’m a vegan.”


Alex nodded in understanding.  “I know.  I know it’s a scary thought, but we really need you to let us run some tests on you to see for sure whether you are or you aren’t.  If you aren’t, we’ll let you go back home with an apology and a free trip to Hawaii.  If you are, we’ll keep you here until we find the cure.  Either way, our ultimate goal is to get you back home safely.  Can you let us do what we need to do?  Please?”


Julia looked like she was going to be sick.  “What kind of tests are we talking here?”


“Just a little bit of blood work and some scans that won’t hurt one bit,” Alex promised.


“And you?” Julia asked Sam.  “Are you a Worldkiller too?”


Sam closed her eyes and took a breath.  “All the evidence points to me being Reign.  But she hasn’t shown herself for a couple of days.  We’re not 100% sure yet, but even still, we’re looking at a 95% chance.”


“What if Reign does show up?” Julia worried.  “Am I going to be safe from her?”


“I’m sure you will be,” Kara replied.  “If you’re not a Worldkiller, you haven’t done anything wrong for her to hurt you.  If you are a Worldkiller, she’s still not going to want to hurt you because you’re her partner.  A sister, even.  Either way, I’m confident you’ll be fine.”


Julia looked around at all the faces staring at her.  “OK, but do all these people need to be here for the tests?”


“No, absolutely not,” Alex replied, raising a pointed eyebrow at the group.


“I should get back to work anyway,” Kara nodded.  “My boss doesn’t care much that I’m Supergirl.  He just wants me to do my job.  I’ll see you guys later.”  On her way out, she waved her arms to shoo the rest of the group out.  Only J’onn, Alex, and Lena stayed.


“Julia, we’re going to take you upstairs to the medbay, OK?” Alex informed her.  


Julia just stared at her for a minute.  “You’re Alex Danvers, right?”


Alex blinked.  “Yes, I take it you’re a news buff?”


“No,” Julia shook her head.  “Just a Supergirl fan.”


Alex smiled.  “She’s pretty great, huh?”


Julia nodded.  “And she’s so nice.  Is she always like that?”


“Yeah, she’s a big softy on the inside,” Alex chuckled.  “She genuinely cares about people, and that’s hard not to love.”


Julia smiled.  “OK, I’m ready.”


“OK.”  Alex and Lena led Julia upstairs to the medbay level while J’onn followed behind them.


“Is this your bodyguard?” the singer asked.


Alex looked back at her father figure.  “Nah, that’s J’onn.  Well, I guess he is kind of keeping an eye on us just to be safe.  But he’s a part of this.  With your permission, we need him to search your mind to see if there’s any sign of tampering or hidden rooms or just anything that will give us a clue what we’re dealing with here.


“He wants to read my mind?” Julia responded fearfully.


“Yeah, but he can do it without invading your personal space, so to speak.  He doesn’t want to know what you're thinking.  Just if someone has tampered with your mind or not,” Alex tried to reassure her.  “Your secrets are safe with him.”  Julia didn’t look all that thrilled about the idea, which Alex completely understood.  “If you really don’t want him to do it, you don’t have to, but it would help, so please just think about it while we do the rest.”


When they arrived in the medical bay, Eliza was there to greet them.  “Hello, girls,” she smiled warmly.


“Hey, Mom,” Alex waved.  “I wondered where you went.”


“Oh, yes, I just wanted to get things ready for our new patient.  Hello, Julia, I’m Eliza Danvers,” she offered her hand to the mocha skinned woman.


“It’s nice to meet you, Eliza,” Julia shook her hand.  “So you’re Supergirl’s adopted mom?  That’s so cool.”


Eliza’s eyes brightened at the compliment.  “Why thank you.  But we don’t really call her that much.  She’s always just been Kara to us.”


“What was she like when she came to earth?  Was she always that strong?” Julia asked excitedly.


“Well,” Eliza chuckled at her enthusiasm, “No.  She didn’t have powers on Krypton, so when she came here and started experiencing them…  It was a lot.  She was a lost, scared, traumatized little preteen when she came to us.  Nothing like the strong, confident, compassionate woman that she is today.”


Julia’s face softened at this new information.  “Wow.”


While Julia was distracted with Eliza, Lena moved around them and took Julia’s blood.  She took some to put under the microscope and put the rest in the DNA sequencer.  “This machine takes about an hour to finish,” Lena told her.  “That’s the one we really need the most.  In the meantime, we have a few other tests and scans to run.  Most of them don’t even require us to touch you.  Like this one.”  She held up something that looked like a squeegee mixed with a price scanner and slid it downwards along the length of Julia’s body.  “Vitals are good.  Bones look strong.  Heart and lungs are in great condition.”


While Lena was doing that, Alex was peering through the microscope at Julia’s blood.  It took her a few moments to find what she was looking for, but eventually, she found it.  Kryptonian blood cells.  There were only a couple, but there was no mistaking them.  “I have visual confirmation,” she announced to the room.  “Julia, have you made up your mind about letting J’onn have a look at you?”


The musician looked pensively at the Martian.  “It won’t hurt?”


“Not at all,” J’onn promised.


“OK,” Julia sighed.  “Do it before I lose my nerve.”


J’onn’s eyes immediately glowed red.  It only took a couple of seconds before they cleared.  “It’s the same as Samantha.  There’s a part of her mind that’s completely blocked off.”


“What does that mean?” Julia worried.


“Well, it indicates that you might be a Worldkiller, but it doesn’t 100% confirm it,” Lena said softly.  “We can’t be certain until we see the other personality for ourselves.  We’re not even convinced about Sam yet.  Not until we see Reign with our own eyes.  All that we can do now is wait to see if and when they show themselves.”


“So I’m just stuck here?” Julia pouted.


Lena took Julia’s hand and looked her pointedly in the eyes.  “Listen to me, Julia.  You are not alone here.  I know we just met, but we are going to take good care of you while we’re here.  This isn’t some kind of game for us.  There are a lot of people in the world that might try to hurt you if they found out what we’re doing here, so it’s really important that you keep your location a secret.  Oh!  And the kids don’t know about the Worldkillers.  Please, don’t tell them.  All they know is that Sam has a split personality, and we’re keeping her here for observation.  If they ask about you, we’ll just tell them that you’re sick, and that Sam needed some company.”


Julia’s brow furrowed as she listened, then nodded seriously.  “I can deal with that.  I don’t want the kids to be afraid of me.  I love kids, and I’ve wanted to meet Supergirl’s kids so badly.  They’re so adorable.”


Alex grinned.  “Yeah, they’re pretty great.  You’ll get to meet them this afternoon when they come visit Sam.  I think they’ll really like you.”


Julia beamed.  “Cool.”  She continued smiling for a moment before another thought occurred to her, “Hey, um, so my um…  my ‘Worldkiller personality’…  She hasn’t, like, appeared yet, right?”


“As far as we’re aware, no, she hasn’t,” Alex replied.


Julia let out a heavy breath.  “Thank God.  But wait, how did you guys know to come for me?”


Alex frowned.  “I’m not sure exactly.  Something about finding people who had survived horrific accidents with no explanation?  I’m not sure how Kara knew it was you specifically.  She wouldn’t explain that part.”


“Spidey senses, maybe?” Julia suggested.


Alex pursed her lips thoughtfully.  “Maybe.  She does have good instincts.  I’ve learned to trust her judgement over the years.”


“And your goal is to get rid of the Worldkillers?” Julia checked.  “Why don’t you just kill us?”


“Sweetie, no, we could never do that,” Eliza was quick to reply.  “Supergirl hates killing.  Especially when an innocent person is involved.  She couldn’t live with herself if you were to get hurt in the crossfire.”


“Not to mention that Sam is one of our best friends,” Alex added.  “I mean, what my mom said stands, no matter what, but when you add that extra element into the mix, it makes it that much more imperative to us to keep you both safe.”


Julia nodded.  “I appreciate that.  I don’t want to die or anything.  I was just curious.”


“Good,” Lena smiled at her.  “Because we want you to live.  I think we should take you back downstairs now.  Are you hungry?  We can bring something up from the cafeteria, or we can order you something?”


“I saw Noonan’s on the way, can I get some food from there?” Julia asked hopefully.


“Absolutely,” Lena replied.  “Just write down what you want, and we’ll have someone go pick it up for you.  Don’t worry about money while you’re here.  I’ll take care of everything.  Besides, the owner of Noonan’s is a good friend of ours.  It’s Kara’s all-time favorite place to eat.”


“I love the girl more and more!” Julia chuckled.  “Will I get to see her again?”


“Definitely,” Alex nodded.  “She’ll be back after work.”


Alex, Lena, Eliza and J’onn escorted Julia back down to her room.  Sam was diligently at work, typing on her computer when they came in, and she barely even acknowledged them until Alex caught her full attention so they could catch her up on what was going on.  Lena had Deimos go get Julia’s lunch and bring it back, and when she was all settled in, they left Sam and Julia alone for a while.  When the DNA sequencer was finished running, the Danvers looked through the results, and sure enough, there was Kryptonian DNA inserting itself into all sorts of places.  It was only a matter of time before Julia’s Worldkiller persona was revealed.  The only question remaining was: how long would they have to wait?


When Kara was finished with her article for the day, it was still too early to go pick up the kids, and Tara hadn’t called her yet, so she used her freetime to search Julia Freeman’s house for any evidence of a Worldkiller.  She didn’t want the DEO agents to do it because they would make a mess of things.  She didn’t have to rifle through stuff - she could just use her X-ray vision.  The first cursory look around didn’t turn up anything interesting, but after about a half-hour of serious searching, she found something.  A dark-colored Kryptonian information crystal, tucked in the back corner of a back shelf in the closet.  “Bingo.”  She tucked it securely in her handbag and flew to the Fortress of Solitude.  Unfortunately, when she placed the crystal in the computer, nothing happened.  She tried a few manual overrides but nothing worked.  “Fudge,” she huffed.  “I really need to rebuild Kelex.”  But that was a problem for another time.  She flew back to the DEO and gave the crystal to Winn and Lena, hoping they could figure out how to unlock it.


Soon, it was time to go pick up the kids.  She picked Ruby up first, then returned to the mansion for the twins.  The four of them took a moment to eat some snacks before they went back to the DEO.  Before they left the house, Kara got a call from Cat asking if she and Carter could come back and visit Sam tonight.  Kara informed her that Sam had her phone, and Cat should ask Sam herself, but she didn’t see any reason why not.  Hopefully Julia wouldn’t mind having so many people around.  She remembered that Julia was a singer, and that inspired her to grab the karaoke machine.  That made the kids excited.


When they got to the DEO, they went straight to the level housing Sam’s room.  Alex and Lucy were there, sitting down and casually chatting with Julia in soft voices.  Sam was on the phone with what sounded like a business call, so the group stayed quiet until she was finished.  It was only a couple of minutes before she hung up and greeted the group cheerfully.  “Hi, guys!  You wouldn’t believe how much work I got done today after finally getting some real sleep!”


Alex opened Sam’s door, so they could give her hugs.  When Sam talked to Alex’s baby, she started going nuts, and everyone gushed over how cute it was.  It was a great ice breaker for introducing everyone to Julia.  As Alex predicted, the kids were enamored by her easy going nature and her status as a professional musician.  They excitedly showed her the little karaoke machine that they’d brought, and were pleasantly surprised when Sam announced, “OK, if we’re singing karaoke, we need to get everybody in here.  James, M’yrnn, Cat, Maggie, all the superfam.  We’re gonna do this right.  Let’s show Julia that we know how to have fun.”


“Who wants tacos for dinner?” Alex asked, raising her hand to get the others to do the same.


“Yes!” the kids exclaimed.  “Tacos!”


“Um, I’m a vegan,” Julia pointed out.


The twins looked horrified, and Alex tried not to laugh at their reaction.  “We can order you whatever you want, hon.  No problem.”


While the group was trying to get everyone gathered together, Kara finally got a call from Tara, so she excused herself with promises to return and headed to Amy and Tara’s loft.  She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.


Tara answered the door, face grim.  “Hey,” she said softly.


“Hey,” Kara mimicked her tone.  “Any change?”


“See for yourself,” Tara waved her in.


Kara stepped into the apartment and crossed into the living room where Amy was sitting, just staring off into space.  “Hey, Amy,” she said cheerfully.  “How’s it going?”


A dark look came over Amy’s features, and she clenched her jaw and swallowed hard.  “No more, Kara.”


“What do you mean?” Kara pouted.


“I mean no more.  No more suits, no more training, no more adventures in space.  I’m done.  I tried, Kara, but I’m not you.  I’m not like you.  I’m not built to fight.  I’m not built as a soldier.  I just can’t do it.  I’m sorry.”  She shook her head.  “No, actually, I’m not.  I really didn’t want to do it in the first place, but I figured I’d at least give it a try, so I did, and I’m certain it’s not for me.”


Kara’s lip trembled.  “Why does it feel like you’re breaking up with me?”


Amy’s face softened at that.  “Kara, I will always be your friend.  You’re as good as they come, and I love having you as a friend.  I just can’t be a fighter.  It’s not me.”


Kara nodded.  “I have to respect your decision.  It’s not like you aren’t a light to this city all on your own.  Winn told me about how much money you donate regularly to local charities, not to mention, it’s just really fun to be around you.”


Amy scrunched up her nose. “What did he do, hack me?”


“Probably,” Kara grimaced.  “It’s pretty much second nature for him to run background checks on everyone I get close to.  It’s his way of being my brother.  Don’t take it personally.”


“I’m gonna have to get him to upgrade my security.  If he can hack my stuff, who knows who else can,” Amy shook her head in dismay.


Kara tried to smile encouragingly.  “I’m sure he would love to help you with that.”


Amy nodded.  “I feel better now that I’ve gotten that off my chest.”


“Good,” Kara squeezed Amy’s hand.  “Can I ask…  What did you see when Psi hit you?”


The fear and dread was clear in Amy’s eyes, and she shook her head.  “I can’t give you all the details, but long story short, Tara was killed while I was away.  Even now, it’s still hard to shake the feeling of devastation, even though she’s right here.”


Tara stroked Amy’s back and kissed her temple.  “I’m here, baby.”


Kara nodded.  “OK.  If there’s anything I can do to help you, please, let me know.”


“Thanks,” Amy replied.  “Tell the fam I said hi.”


Kara knew a dismissal when she saw one.  “OK.  I will.  I love you both.  I’ll see you later.”


“Love you too.  Bye,” Amy and Tara waved her out.


“I know some of you are scared.  I know some of you have never done this before.  I know some of you are ready to get out there and prove yourselves.  But just remember why we do this.  We do this for the people.”  Kara cued up the music on the karaoke machine and, much to everyone’s surprise, began to rap instead of singing.  She was quite animated, and the crowd cheered and laughed at her antics.


The rest of the night was a blast for the Superfamily.  Everyone took turns singing, and it was almost enough to make them forget why they were even there.  By the end of the night, the food was devoured, and everyone was in good spirits.  They all said their goodbyes, and headed out for the night.


The next two days were completely uneventful.  Lena and Winn worked day and night to try and get the Kryptonian data crystal unlocked to no avail.  They were getting exceedingly frustrated.  However, Thursday morning all hell broke loose.

Próximo capítulo