
King Signy's Heated Moment [R+18]

Kjell reported what happened to Signy and the King of Vingulmark was not pleased, especially since he lost even more than he had anticipated. 

This included Aksel, Signy knew he did not have the military might just yet to make any major moves.

He was surprised that King Ragnar had not come for his head yet, was he holding onto the chance that they could be peace among them?

Signy was no fool, Ragnar killing him would split the opinions of the people in Vestfold but leaving him alive would make the people attribute him with kindness. 

Signy had a plan in motion to take Vestfold back from Ragnar. 

He was sneaking warriors in Vestfold, he has been doing this ever since Ragnar opened his gates to welcome migrants to bolster their economy as the work that these people put in could not be underestimated.

Jan had no problems submitting to Signy, Signy expected him to put up a lot more resistance but Jan took it on the chin. 

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