
Ulf's Karma

King Ragnar heard that his son was going to join King Rugalf in Rogaland, a decision he supported because this would cement their alliance as he would have reached his terms of the bargain. 

Ragnar entertained this thought for so long but the fact that Tyr had returned to their world was an exhilarating feeling even though Tyr was deemed a criminal. 

The fact that he rose from the dead only heightened his reputation as he became somewhat of a myth. 

Ragnar liked the attention because it only aided his reputation. 

He had brought Vestfold stability and power, he knew that no Kingdom could challenge his head one without being slaughtered. 

He was confident in his defence but a group of rebels that opposed his ascension as King were gathering once again but Ragnar knew an attempt on his life was imminent.

He had figured out the people he could trust and the people he could not during his tenure as King. 

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