
Chapter 17 Attraction

Rudy [POV]

I hope it lasts this time.

For every step forward I take, she takes two steps back. I'm confident this time will be slightly different, if that smile was anything to go by. Looking back at her sleeping figure, I close the door to her bedroom, and leave the room.

It's a good thing we got through all the day's chores, as that will give her some time to recover, but I underestimated just how much energy it would take out of her. I'm going to need to limit these sessions to only night time, so she can have a proper full day's rest. I'll take over the household duties this evening.


I don't know how to cook…


Paul [POV]

Up. down. Up. Down. Up… "Mmh," nice. I thought she wasn't feeling well, but it looks like she's feeling better now. Looking from outside the house through the open window, I gaze at Lilia, her chest rising periodically, As she moves around the house. She seems to have an extra pep in her step.

She seems… happier than usual.

Just coming back from patrol, as well as visiting Laws home, I was greeted with the sight of Lilia, bouncing around the house. Well, she's just walking, but her chest is bouncing. She's putting an extra bounce on her step.

Keep going, I approve.

Speaking of odd behavior. Well, less odd, and more unusual. There is another odd figure in the house as well. I stare at the small figure in the kitchen. It is my son. He is… cooking.

"Sigh, how am I going to breach this topic…" The scent luring me in, I stand outside in the yard, wondering how I should enter my household.

The sight of Lilia skipping around can only distract me for so long.

Everything was so simple this morning. Then I decided to visit Laws, and decided to personally apologize for my son's behavior.

Forcing yourself on girls is no good, especially when they're your friends, and I won't have my son performing such actions, especially when he is already disliked by the other kids.

But after conversing with Alice. Things became complicated…


"What do you mean Rudy was innocent?" I asked her.

"My husband overreacted," Alice confessed.

He said Rudy was abusing Sylphy and groping her when she couldn't move, or at least that's what he told me.

"Ah, right… well… that might have been a gross oversimplification. Sylphy gave her side of things, and said that Rudy didn't do anything she didn't want… asked…" Alice said.

That's my boy!

Wait, no! Calm down. I'm a respectful parent right now! Yes…

"Wait, so Rudy, didn't push down his friend, and groped her against her will?" I have to be sure.

"No, I humbly apologize for my husband's reaction. During the spur of the moment, he made haste, and came to you directly after. Me and my husband had a talk with Sylphy to calm her down yesterday… or at least that was the intention, before she told us the whole story,"

"Where's Laws right now out of curiosity?" I asked.

She looked to the side defeated, before breathing a sigh. "He's recovering from some mental damage. I guess you could say his mental image of his daughter took quite a hit."


That must have been a hell of a story.

It turns out the situation was more consensual, then Laws implied. Much to the latter's shock.

"Honestly, where do these kids get it from… oh, that's right me, and probably…" Remembering whose Laws mother is, makes me wonder if it's hereditary.

I was split between being half proud, and half angry at him for fooling around with his friend. But as a knight, and Laws's friend, I couldn't sit by and do nothing. I can't have my son becoming a sexual deviant.

At least do these things away from prying eyes, so I don't have to punish you for it. If I wasn't Laws close friend, I probably would have been a bit happy. Not telling Zenith that though.

"Ah! What do I do…"

On one hand, I didn't want to look weak, and bow my head so easily, especially when I already lost my temper, and even struck my son. On the other hand, I could swallow my pride, end his punishment, and let it pass. Lord knows, I did similar stuff his age.

Dammit, what would my father do, I contemplate.

He would have stubbornly stood by his principles, and I would have… rebelled.

"Ok, that's a no go."

What did I want my father to do back then?

"I wanted him to listen to me," I massaged my forehead and leaned by the windowsill.

Have to be strong.

"Sir, Paul?" a murmur is heard.

Turning to the source, I notice Lilia staring at me from inside.

"Ah-, h-hey, there, good morning," A little dazed I said hello.

"It's the afternoon, Master Paul…"

…so it is…

"Sniff, something's burning," noticing the scent coming from the kitchen, I decided to come inside.

What kind of father hides outside his own home.

"Oh, well, time to swallow the fireball," I entered my house.

Rubbing the back of my head, "You look good today Lilia,"

"Thank you Sir Paul…" she bowed.

It's been six years, and she's still so stern. I wonder what happened to that lively swordswoman I used to train with in my youth.

Then again… that girl was always shooting glares at me, insulting me, and accusing me of being lazy, so perhaps this is an improvement. Taking a look at her bountiful chest, second only to my wife, and nice curves. Definitely an improvement.

"Paul…" Breaking me from my thoughts, Lilia called my name. Knowing I'm looking at her, she decides not to bring attention to it. As Zenith is just one room away, that could start a fight. Don't want to start trouble, that will just ruin the meal.

"Sorry… old habits,"

At least she doesn't glare at me anymore.

Remember Paul, only stare at Lilia from behind when she can't see you.

"You're looking better… Rudy told us you were exhausted, and you were going to take the day off," making my way to the kitchen doorway, I peek inside. Instead of the usual sight of two beautiful buxom beauties, there is only one, as the other is to my side.

"Yes, Rudy told me when I woke up, that he and Zenith are taking over the kitchen duties for the day," she smiled. "Please wait patiently, master Paul as you're meal is prepared,"

"Well, no I get that… I mean, why Rudy?"

She sighs, while putting a hand to her cheek, peeking in the kitchen. "Both Lady Zenith, and the young master were apprehensive about letting me work so early after getting up. Even after Miss Zenith concluded I was in good health, they decided that I should rest, and not work as hard."

"You were cleaning…"

"Not hard," she stubbornly replied. "And I've rested enough already."

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

"By the smell of it, your meal is ready, you may ask Zenith yourself if you wish to know her other reasons," with a skip in her step, and the sway of her hips, she walks away.

Taking that as my clue to leave, I place my sword on its hook, and put away my gear, before making my way in the kitchen.

"Good job Rudy, you made your own Panela meal," Zenith praised our son.

It's an interesting sight.

Rudy being so independent, the amount of times he hangs around his mom is…

Actually wait a minute, when was the last time this happened? Their was the birthday, then…

I guess I don't have to ask why Rudy is cooking.

Not a big problem, it's not like he hates his mom or anything, but there is one small issue; my wife is the pampering type, and Rudy is not.

Don't know why Rudy isn't the pampered type, but I'm not going to complain, as there are certain benefits to it as well. That being, that when Zenith is feeling a bit shunned, she's exceptionally affectionate… in bed.

Hehe, good nights. I could use some affection today, to distract me from my troubles.

"Dear, welcome back," she steps away from Rudy, "your meal will be ready in a sec," she kisses me. "There's just some last minute changes," Zenith's voice came from the kitchen.

"I see…" standing there, I see Rudy stuck in concentration, before Zenith grabs the plates we will be eating on.

As she sets the table, I ask the question, "what's going on?" As pleasant a sight it is to see her so happy, it's still different from our everyday routine.

"Well~ Lilia wasn't feeling well today, and Rudy is grounded today sooo," she hits her fingers tentatively against each other, looking slyly at her son, "wouldn't it be a good chance to punish Rudy and give Lilia a good day's rest,"

"She seems alright."

"She's fine, a little tired, but fine. I offered to give her the day off, but she refused! Honestly…" she pouts. "I wonder, why she didn't tell us she needed a day off, sigh, anyways, Lilia is taking it easy… in her own way… and Rudy is being punished,"

Knowing Lilia, she probably said something like, it's improper for both the young miss, and young master to do all the household duties. We're low ranking nobles/past adventurers, we don't care about such things. But…

"... by cooking?"

"It never hurts to have extra hands in the kitchen."

"And that you get to spend some precious mother son bonding is just a bonus-"

She put a finger on my lips. "Shh, don't say anything, you'll ruin it. I don't want Rudy noticing I tricked him, got-it-dear…" she glared.

"Got it sweetheart…" Well, at least she's happy, but… speaking of punishments… How do I breach it?

"About that though," Earning a glare for my troubles, I persisted, and explained what happened with me and Sylphiette's parents.

"I see…" my wife mused. "Later."

"Later what?"

"You can apologize later, right now we're having a family meal," she looked at me sternly. "Don't ruin it."

So it's already decided that I'm apologizing.

Rudy comes on to the table a moment later, and places the plates upon us.

"It's burnt…" I mumbled. I get slapped in the back of my head by my wife.

"Charred, it's charred… it gives it flavor," my son says as he places the plates in front of us, a small blush on his cheeks.

Ahhh! My son's the cutest.

Wait! No, be stern! Hold strong! We had a fight last night, and we're about to have a serious moment.

I tried the meal prepared before me, "Delicious…" It's good. It's not on my wife's or Lilia's level, but it's not bad for a first time. A little on the 'charred,' side, but good. I take a look at my wife, and notice her looking at me intently.

I got it, I got it. I'll be good.

My son raises his chin smugly on my praise.

Well, we can always talk tomorrow…


Rudy [pov]

"You look peppy," I said.

"I am not peppy," Lilia responded.

Me and Lilia are currently enjoying some alone time. Paul just gave me the final verdict, and I'm Innocent! I'm free. I'm out on parole. I went from being grounded a week, to only being grounded a few days, and all it will cost me is a bit of weed killing. Not a problem, with it done, I'll be free to do whatever I want once more.

And what I want to do the most is… tease Lilia.

"Really, well could have fooled me. Regardless, I'm glad to see you happy and active," I tell her.

"What exactly is Rudy's view of me I wonder?"

"Resident, kuudere milf with a stubborn streak, and with a wall around her heart thicker than orichalcum."

"…I only understood the latter half, but I won't call myself stubborn. If I were, I don't think we would have ended in this situation."

"So, you admit you were stubbornly pushing me to the side."

She frowns. "I admit… that not taking advantage of a certain healers free services would be a huge waste, and I should gladly accept his help"

"So you admit you were being stubborn."

She gives me a small glare.

I cough into my fist looking away.

Right. Right. Test my limits. Don't wanna forget this woman is capable of kicking my ass. "Sooo, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to see the letter carrier, so he can send my package away."

"You know, I've been wondering for a while now, but who exactly do you send money to?" I asked.

For the life of me I can't figure that out. In the original story it was never said she was explicitly close to anyone, but I've started to notice that once a month she sends a package with a few coins to someone unknown.

"Who are you sending money to?"

Now, that I think about it, she is more or less hiding from royalty, so who is she sending money to? Is it perhaps an old friend from work, or maybe it was someone back from her home dojo? I wouldn't mind finding out about someone that didn't exist in the cannon.

"I'm sending it to my parents."

Wait what?

"Um, Lilia, can you repeat that?"

"I'm sending some coins to my parents."

That's what I thought you said.

"The same parents that kicked you out of your home."

"There were… circumstances around our parting, but yes," she acknowledged.

Circumstances, that's a way to say it. You were raped.

"Haaaa…" I groan.

Too bad I can't address it, as I'm not supposed to know about it.

Lilia and I have gotten closer to each other, and we have managed to breach many topics. Did you know Lilia likes spicy food? Neither did I.

But we haven't breached all the topics.

I am aware that it would be a very difficult topic to breach, but I still want to breach it. I'd feel like we would have gotten closer, if we were to finally acknowledge my father's crime, but it can't be me the one that breaches it, as it's something so personal. So I'll wait.

That said, we've talked enough for me to get an idea about her father, and who he is. He might be 'normal,' by this world's standards, but he still threw away his daughter when she needed her parents the most. In essence; he's garbage.

"Why would you… why are you sending them money?"

"They are my parents. Taking care of your parents is what is expected of you."

"But they! HE-" I gather myself.

He kicked you out of your home, you told me that.

She frowned. "Even so, they're still my parents."

"Thats-that shouldn't matter!"


"They, even if you haven't told me, they left you out in the streets without anywhere to go didn't they. He left you in your time of need."

"I… as I said Rudy, there were circumstances. It was my misfortune, and there's nothing that I could do about it. I could only accept the outcome. It couldn't be helped."


I grabbed her hand, along with the envelope. "You can't say that!"


Shit, I got too emotional. I almost let it slip, that I know.

"You told me you worked at the Asuran Royal court. You had a toxin on your person, that was clearly not meant for a maid. Even if you don't tell me all the details. I can tell that you didn't have a pleasant amount of years during your time there, and… I've heard rumors, from Roxy, that the Royal court is quite… debauched."

"Rudy, are you… angry?"

"Of course, I'm angry! Your father's a-, sigh, he's a… thing I shouldn't say to you. He's a lot of things, but most importantly, he's undeserving of your affections."

She places her hand on my cheek, tilting my face to look me in the eye. "Thank you," she smiles.

Her hand is warm. Wait-

"For what, I'm just venting about your pops."

"Even so, thank you. It's been… no, never mind," she bends down and kisses me on the cheek.

"Hah?" She catches me by surprise. My face feels warmer. A blush present.

"I'm still going to send my money back home," she says.

I frown.

"My mother… she sometimes sends notes back you know, when I send money. The other day she sent a note about her struggles. Sometimes, with my father, he can be stubborn, and occasionally sends notes about how she has to cool him down, before he kicks out a talented prospect. When you love someone, you want to take care of them, even if they don't want to be taken care of. People are quite stubborn."

"You're not being fair."

"Master Rudeus, is correct, but I am stubborn like this," she retrieved the envelope from my hand.

As master, Rudeus is in a foul mood. I'll do anything the young master wants tonight.

"Anything I…"

My body is ready!

I would like to say, but… I'm not gonna throw away all the good will I just earned, for a moment's pleasure.

Also, Lilia; PHRASING! Honestly…

"Well, I got this book, From The Darkness it Came, I'd like to have your feedback on it," I said.

"You want me to… read a book?"

"Well, I want to read it together with you, preferably in the next healing seccion, but yeah."

Her shoulders start shaking."…pff…pfha, ha ha, I'm sorry… I'm sorry master Rudeus, I didn't mean to laugh, it's just… just, the young master is so adorable," she gathers herself, and straightens her apron, as she gets forth to a standing position. "I would have thought Rudy would have asked for a kiss," she smiled. "Who would have thought Rudy would be so pure."

Pure am I?

"It's not like that," I get closer to her. "Your feelings are important to me. The day I take your lips, is the day I have your heart," I stared into her violet eyes.

So ethereal, so beautiful.

If you knew how much I want you, you'd probably run scared.

"I-I see, I-I have to hurry before the letter carrier leaves," she scurries away.

She gives a good show as I see her skip away.

A blushing Lilia is good too.

"If I were a lesser man… I would have kissed you, right then and there," I muttered into the wind.


Paul [pov]

Why is it that everything is so simple when everything is over, but during the actual situation you forget what you're supposed to do. It has been an awkward couple of days.

At least for me.

After that night's meal, I had time to mull it over, and decide on how to approach the situation. Finally, I landed with a middle ground approach, by apologizing, but not undoing his punishment. At least not completely, he went from being grounded for a week, to only four days. My wife even added the 'suggestion,' of having him help her in the garden.

Of Course dear, just remember it's still a punishment, okay?

Honestly, it was kind of a lackluster event, considering how much Rudy resembles me. I half expected him to lash out, yell, or something along those lines, but he was strangely compliant. He almost seemed happy. Well, better for me.

Speaking of odd behavior…

I took a peak at Lilia.

She seems different. She's not as active as she was on that day, but there's still something off about her, something I can't quite put my finger on. Something odd… yet, familiar…

"It's a man," Zenith says.

"What is?"

"What's gotten her in such a good mood lately, she's gotten herself a man."

"She doesn't look that different to me," I admitted. Ever since that day I've noticed she's been walking with an extra pep in her step.

Where would she even get a man from? The few times she leaves the household has been housework related, with the exception of some traveling merchants. Has anyone new come to town? Perhaps the mail carrier?

"That's because you're looking in all the wrong places," she frowns.

I resent that. There's no way you know I've given her glances, I made sure you're not there when I peek.

Most of the time.

Taking a peek… I notice Lilia holding a book while debating something with Rudy and Rudy with equal fervor, responding back, with hands crossed. I wonder when my son got so attached to the maid. For a moment I was worried that our relationship would be strained after lashing out on him, but he took it well.

Noticing them as well, a smug smile appears on Zenith's face, before she makes her way slowly behind Lilia. Stalking her prey one step at a time, she jumps, "Lilia!" and captures her prey.

"Ms. Greyrat…"

"Let me in too," With her hands wrapped around Lilia's chest, under her breast, Zenith snuggles her way next to Lilia, rubbing her cheek affectionately up Lilia's shoulder.

"What are you two talking about? I want to have fun as well. Stop, hogging up all the fun," my wife wined.

"Miss Zenith, it's nothing like that. Rudy and I are just talking about this story I'm reading-"

"Sounds fun! What is it about?"

"It's a story about spirits… a horror story…"

Zenith takes a look at the book for a moment, before separating herself from Lilia in a swift motion, "A-ah, really… wow… that's interesting, um…" she looks back at me.

My wife isn't fond of horror stories. After a particularly nasty mission where we got stuck in an underground cavern for a few days, Zenith's love for spirits, or anything intangible, as well as creatures with eight or more legs, is absolute zero.

"Hey dear, can you find my sword for me, I forgot where I put it?" I asked my wife.

That's a lie, it's still in the same spot, but it gives her an excuse to exit the conversation.

"Right! I'll go find it right away dear," she dashes back home.

As Zenith made her way back home I got closer back to said parties, and decided I'd sent my son on his way. Taking a peek at the book in Lilia's hand, it's titled, 'From The Darkness it Came.'

…I have no idea what that is, at least it doesn't sound like it's about spiders. Probably…

"...I guess mom doesn't like horror stories,"

"Depends. Does your monster die in the end?" I asked.

"Not in this one," Rudy says.

"Then it's probably for the best that she went back home," I admit. "So, What were you two talking about exactly?"

"Master Rudy, and I were discussing my book, and whether the main character was an idiot," Lilia said.

"Well, to be fair, he kind of had to be, if he wasn't an idiot, then the plot can't happen-but that's no excuse! The author should just get more creative with his kills or stalking."

"But it's only because he's an idiot that the story is able to happen in the first place. If he didn't break the seal, the plot couldn't have started," Lilia defended.

"Ok, I'll concede that one- But!" He points out. literally, pointing his finger, to Lilia, "that doesn't justify all his other, dumb, events at escaping. I can forgive a little stupid, I can't forget a lot of stupid,"

"I suppose master Rudeus can do better,"


I suddenly regret asking.

I was just trying to make conversation, and now these two are completely ignoring me. Is it too late to join my wife inside? Lilia, and Rudy, unaware of my feelings, continue talking about their story, and things… I've honestly lost all interest in what they're talking about, and am just picking up every other word.

"Hmm, I see…"

I don't. Why am I here anyway?

Oh right! The punishment thing, and… that topic… Well, best to pull out the arrow before it festers.

"Interesting story, anyways, Rudy are you planning to meet Sylphy later today?"

Earning a raised eyebrow, my son asks, "Yes… she is my friend. My grounding is over, right?"

"Yes yes, it's just there's probably a few things you should-" Actually, wait a minute, I don't think he quite knows the situation exactly. "Sorry, just curious. Laws and Alice already know you didn't do anything with bad intention, but try to avoid going inside their home… I don't think Sylphy's dad likes you very much."

He scratches his cheek with a finger, "Yeah… I got that," he shakes his head, "doesn't matter though, I'm gonna knock on Sylphy's window, and invite her out to play,"

I wonder if I should be concerned that he just admitted to sneaking into a girls bedroom, and sneaking her out of her house, as a matter of fact, and without an ounce of shame.

I turn my head to Lilia, who just shrugs in response. I suppose as the one who mingles the most with Rudy, she's already used to his actions, but still…

I'll have that talk later, if it comes down to it, maybe Lilia could give me some ideas.

Sigh. "Alright, don't be too long, and nothing too debilitating, got it?"

"Got it." he rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not an idiot, I'm going to teach Sylphy some proper exercises, and we're going to take things slow, bye bye," he turns towards Lilia. "See you later Lilia."

"See you soon master Rudeus," she says, as Rudy makes his way down the road, making haste. It's nice to be young. I do hope he was talking about exercises when he was talking about taking things slow. It's always hard to talk with him.

Watching my son go down the road, I turn to Lilia, wanting to ask for some advice, "Lilia-" before losing my breath soon after.

As I stand there to the side of Lilia, just a step behind, in the corner of her eye, and away from her view I see, a gorgeous woman.

She is standing within the sun's rays, her body illuminated in light and radiating warmth. Her hair flowing in the wind, shining brightly red, she is… she… takes my breath away. With a smile on her face, a demure smile, but a smile nonetheless. A smile I haven't seen in a decade I see, her figure, if only for a moment, overlaps with that of the girl I met years ago… she is "...Beautiful…"

I am captivated by her.

Has she always been that beautiful? How could I have not noticed?. No wait- she's always been this beautiful, nothing has changed. Yet… why does she look so different? She just smiling that's all-

'It's a man,' I remembered my wife's words. As I looked into my heart for answers, I only found an unpleasant feeling in its stead.

"Paul?" Lilia calls out to me, breaking my train of thought. From the look of her face, she didn't notice that I was talking about her specifically, so I'll just go with it.

"It-It's a beautiful day isn't it? I hope my son enjoys it,"

"Indeed Paul,"


What has you so happy these days?

The question almost escapes my lips. I manage to avoid asking it.

I want to know the answer, but I also get a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach just imagining her talking, all smiles, with another man.


Whatever. Let's go back to what I came here for. "Do you think I should teach Rudy how to treat girls?"

She raised a brow at me, before closing her eyes and crossing her arms, in silent contemplation. Before finally answering, "...I think Rudy knows how to treat a lady just fine."

"Maybe a little too fine…" I answer.


"I mean, you heard about how he treated Sylphy right? At this rate he might 'accidentally,' find himself married before the age of 10… that or an angry father is going to pierce him full of arrows," I told her.

"Master Rudeus is a saint level mage… but I understand your point. Although, I think Master Paul's fears are unwarranted."

"Hmm… you'd think so? Lilia, did you know that elves are really sensitive to magic?"

"Such things are common knowledge."

"Riiight, and Rudy's spell is very personal."

"Yes, but-"

"And Sylphy was in a sensitive state, not to mention healing magic has an invigorating effect on a person," I turned towards her, "and he was massaging her."


"Yeah… Rudy knows how to treat girls alright, sigh, honestly where is Rudy getting all these ideas from?"

"Yes, I wonder where," Lilia said in a monotone voice, staring straight to the horizon. "It's not like a certain swordsman gropes his wife in front of his son in a weekly basis,"

"Hey! I didn't start grabbing girls' butts until…"

Now that I think about it I was…

"Ok, never mind that, but what I meant to say was that he rubbed a young, tired, sensitive, elven girl's butt. Elven girl! And he doesn't know what he did?"

"Is the matter that she's an elf important?" She faces me.


She frowns.

"Sen-si-tive," I reiterated, giving her a moment to figure out the meaning.

"I see…" Lilia says finally getting my meaning.

Elves are naturally sensitive to mana, and she was injured on top of that. Combining these factors, as well as Rudy's spell being invasive, and the slightly euphoric effect of healing spells, well… then you get an experience that should be saved for adults. It all depends on how much pressure Rudy applies though.

Knowing my son, he probably didn't go too far with it, but if it were me during his age… I would have…

Well, at least it won't happen again… probably.

"That said… I'll probably ignore it for now." No matter how I see it, letting Rudy be aware of his 'ability,' can only end horrible, for everyone, especially me.

Lord knows, If I had found out I could excite women, but with a touch, back when I was at his age. I would have… well… there would probably be plenty of angry fathers at me… well, more of them.

"If I tell him what he did, he might actually go out of his way to do it on purpose, and I don't think Zenith would be very happy if she knew I told Rudy how to grab girl's butts," I frown at that situation.

If Zenith found out that Rudy started groping girls like his old man… I'd probably be denied any night time loving. I might even get kicked out of the bedroom.

"Don't worry, I spoke with Alice the other day, and she told me her daughter's fine. So Rudy isn't in trouble or anything, as long as Rudy doesn't go skirt chasing, I don't have to open the forbidden chest."

I'll tell him about girls when he's twelve? Yeah, twelve sounds good.

"I see…" she looks off in the distance, before she places a hand on her rear and rubbing it.


I think you're safe from my son's grabby paws, no need to worry Lilia. Speaking of grabby paws…

"Speaking of skirt chasing… How's yours?" In the end curiosity gets the best of me.


No matter how hard I try to ignore it, I can't, I need to know. It annoys me that I don't know who's gotten Lilia's attention.

"Um, met anyone new, a traveling merchant?" It's not the question I set out to find, but Zenith's words are still rattling inside my brain. "Zenith, has the crazy idea that you've gotten a man."

"That's absurd… I am not looking for such a thing. All I need, I have. Right now, my life is you and lady Zenith… and Rudy. My life is complete. I don't need anything else… I don't," Lilia looks toward the horizon.

"I see." Of course there was no man. Lilia isn't the wooing type, I guess all the excitement must have been over her new book.

Yeah, it must be.

Must be a real special book.

"Right! Nothing wrong with enjoying the present. Lilia is like family, there's nothing wrong with family enjoying family's company. Ha ha, I'm sure Rudy would be hurt if he found out his maid got stolen away from some vagabond."

"Rudy is very important to me, I wouldn't hurt him…" She says gloomily.

She doesn't have a man, but she could.

Rudy is six years old, and Zenith enjoys housework. For all intents and purposes we don't really need a maid, but I don't want to let her go.

I get closer to her. "You know, no one is ever going to kick you out, you're our precious maid… but, although I hate to say it," I rub the back of my head. "If you ever want to go off and start your own family, me and Zenith would support you. I'm sure you would make some guy really happy, and have a big happy family. You could have a kid like Rudy in no time."

"Someone like Rudy… that doesn't sound so bad…"

"Yeah, he'd be very lucky. You could even live in this village, come and visit Zenith, and set up playdates in the future, ha ha," I place a hand on her shoulder. "Definitely, the man that marries you, will be a very lucky man," I caress her back. That sad look on her doesn't suit her. I want to see that smile again.

She turns to me, and smiles… but it's hollow. It's not the one I want.

As I stand looking at her, my hand is still on her back, but she hasn't said a thing.

That's right. When we were young I used to try to lay my hands on her like this, but before I could reach for the good stuff. she would slap my hand away, and tell me to go away.

She isn't doing that right now.


…she's gotten herself a man… Zenith's words continue to echo in my mind. I hate it.

In my panic… or fervor… I reach lower, going down, reaching her lower back, and getting closer…


We still for a second, and I am now holding her in one arm. While looking into each other's eyes, both of us were a little shocked; her more so. I find myself in a position where I have one arm around her, hand above her wait, and closer, intimately so.

But I didn't get rejected… so I reach lower.

Lilia's butt is now in one of hands, "...soft," in a moment of desire I caress, and am now in an awkward situation, but she still hasn't stopped me. The butt I held years ago is back in my hands, and the hand that would slap me away is motionless.

I keep going. I wrap her in my arms.

She doesn't have a man, she doesn't… but she could. No, not now, not someday, not ever. Lilia is mine. She is my maid, get your own.

Throwing caution to the wind, I start fondling her butt, and see how much I can get away with, before caressing her form.

"So soft…" I whisper. I wonder what it looks like underneath. Keeping one of my hands cupped on her cheek, let the other roam across the side, finding the seam where I could put a hand through. I tried parting her dress a little.

"M-master Paul…" she is short of breath, "p-please stop…" she fidgets.

Even if you say that… you don't really sound like you mean it… I remember how fervent your rejections can be… and you're not even pushing me away.

"Don't worry about it… it's just a touch," I want to touch her skin directly.

As I was touching her, our bodies are close, and I can now inhale her scent. Feeling her soft rear, her scent, her voice, I'm taken back to my youth, back when I first wanted her.

She was unobtainable back then, the dojo's Idol, and now she's here.

She's always been beautiful.

This is mine. I thought as I squeezed her butt. My second hand reached for the seam.

I…I want her.


Lilia slapped my hand, and my movements halted, "Z-Zenith is still at home," she uttered.

And with that, I awoke from my dreaming.

Zenith… that's right, Zenith is home… and I am married.

"R-right," I stop before things become dangerous. Lilia escapes my hold.

It wouldn't be funny if Zenith came out right now and saw me. Forget being afraid of horror stories, she would create one right now. Scary.

"Sorry, I…"

"It-It's fine… it was a moment of weakness… I won't say a thing…I have laundry to clean, I'll take my leave Sir Paul," she bows and walks away, her face firm, betraying her earlier panicked look.

Looking at my hand, "so close…"

Thinking back on it, the first butt I grabbed was the maid's butts around my house when I was growing up. Back when I was five years old…

Yes, I think I'll refrain from teaching Rudy of his ability for at least four more years. Less he starts making some trouble. Lord knows how easy it is for us Greyrat man to lose control.

My blood is still boiling, I'm all fired up. I turn the way Lilia left, and although I feel a little guilty, I'm also incredibly aroused.

Wondering how I should deal with this sudden burst of vigor, I remembered nobody is home right now, except for Zenith.

I can really cut loose.

I make a dash home, hoping to convince my wife for some morning fun.

It's been a while since we've done it during the day.

Strolling back home, I wonder if I could convince Zenith to try some naked apron play.

Sooo... I have a friend that reads my stuff, before I publish, and he says my stuff never goes the way he thinks it's going to go. Anyways, my writting is going to start getting really heavy, really quick, so prepare yourselves. This will be an interesting set of chapters.

Crownedclowncreators' thoughts
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