
Chapter 2: The Little Prince

Third Person POV:

On a rocky path that leads to the golden gates of Mount Olympus were two giants who, if you look close enough, share a striking resemblance to one another.

Brothers, Otus and Ephialtes were the twin sons of Poseidon, the God of Seas, and the Princess of Thessaly, Iphimedia.

Before they were born it was for-told that no god or man would be able to harm the giants, and because of this they grew up arrogant and haughty. As children they were they were tyrants who exerted their strength on all walks of life. Men, women, children, and even small animals; the giants violence knew no bounds. Throughout this time the brothers began developing an overbearing superiority complex. Because of this, when they were being reprimanded for their umpteenth incident, their mother told them the importance of their blood. She had hoped to instill a different sense of pride in the two giant boys and try and steer them on a different path. But the two giant boys thought differently.

After hearing the war stories of their absent father and other gods on Mount Olympus, the brothers grew angered and jealous. Angered at the lack of presence their father had in their lives, and jealous at the achievements and praise the other gods received. They believed no god had the ability to be king; only them. And so the brothers made their way to Mount Olympus with their motives clear and heads held high.

On the way to Mount Olympus they over heard many nymphs and forest creatures clamoring about the. "Little Prince".

"Brother it seems the rumors we heard about your future wife is true; she did indeed have a child." Otus said to Ephialtes chuckling slightly after. He knew his brother held quite a lot of affection for the Queen of Olympus. So much in fact he often day dreamed about what she would sound like laying on her back with him on top.

"So it seems brother. But I'm glad my goddess has not bore that man a child. Though I know they have indeed copulated she has no child for that man, only herself. And because of that it will make it all the more easier to, "persuade" her to leave him and come with me." Ephialtes replied with a wide, twisted smile plastered on his face.

"That's true brother but don't forget why we're here. The gods don't deserve their place as rulers of this world or any other. We will destroy Mount Olympus and all its inhabitants. We will forge a new palace from their ichor and we will finally take the reigns of this world as its rightful rulers." Otus told his brother, his smile even more twisted as the gates of Olympus slowly came into view passing small gardens and nymphs along the way.

"Yes brother I know. I am not so shortsighted I've forgotten our plan for a woman." Ephialtes said with a scowl. "Anyway, I wonder what the child looks like?" He asked to himself while looking at the entrance to the God's domain not to far ahead. He couldn't help but smile. They finally made it!

Hearing his brothers question and seeing his smile Otus could only shake his head. When it comes to anything involving Hera his brother thinks with not the head on his neck, but the one between his legs.

"I know, it's a boy right? Maybe I can teach him something after I'm done with his mother! Yeah! A little protege if you will! On second thought maybe I should just kill him. I wouldn't want to be taught by me if I were him. I would try and kill me any chance I got. Yeah.. I'll just kill him… Huh, is that?" Brought out of his ramblings, Ephialtes felt an energy signature he knew all to well.

Turning his head to the source he saw something he didn't expect to see so soon. "Brother, is that who I think it is?" Asked Ephialtes tapping Otus on shoulder.

"What is it brother?" Otus asked coming out his head from his inner musings to where his brother was currently looking. What he saw made his eyes go wide.

Swinging a wooden sword from over his head and down repeatedly, in a lush garden accompanied by a single nymph, is a boy no more than four or five years old. His skin was a glistening tanned olive color and even though he was still a child his height was impressive at four feet five inches. Small muscles could be seen already rippling all over the young boys body showing a almost veteran warriors physique. On his head he had golden, shoulder length hair with streaks of black and red throughout that seemed to flutter like leaves in the wind .

Otus was so enamored with the sight of the young boy that he didn't see a lone twig in his foots path.



Ares POV:

"Wow it's really been five years." I muttered to myself while I sit between the legs of Chloris, my self proclaimed stylist , as she braids my hair.

Right now I'm with Chloris in one of the many gardens that she is tasked to maintain by major gods. My mother was adamant at first that I be closer to her and relax in her courtyard claiming Chloris had to work but said girl quickly interjected saying she would love to have the "Little Prince" as company.

That's another thing, the "Little Prince" title, I don't like it . It was nice for a time to feel like royalty; everyone at my beck and call and anything I could ever want or need provided. But after a couple months I started to I realize something. They're not, "serving me". Yes, technically they are serving me, but in actuality to them I'm nothing more than a stepping stool: a means to a end. The only real thing I gained from that whole ordeal was sword and martial training.

After expressing to my mother in the most childish way possible that I'm not anyone's political bargaining chip she let me spend my days with Chloris while she works around the many gardens.

While Chloris works in the garden I often spend my time going through different sword motions with the numerous wooden swords that I asked Chloris to make. As the, "Little Prince", I was entitled to any weapon in the weapon hall of Olympus, only the weapons belonging to the Gods were off limits.

Obviously there was a restriction on the weapons as I was still too young, so when Chloris accompanied me one day to the weapon hall, I asked her if it was possible to replicate all of the weapons shapes, sizes and weight. Once she said it was, everyday we went back to the weapon hall to copy a weapon.

"Chloris?." I called softly to her.

"Hmm?" She replied, her melodious voice ringing through my ears.

"I want to train. Are you going to finish any time soon? I feel like you've been on the same piece of hair for hours." I said turning to her followed by a chuckle. But I soon regret it as she grips my hair tightly lifting me on my feet.

"Hmph! You always train. What are you even training for? Is war? That ended! Wait, I know! You want to be King! Yes, I knew it! Chloris said loudly sticking her chest out proudly her double G breast nodding in agreement.

"One. No, I don't want to be king. Two. Could you please let go of my hair?" I asked with my best puppy eye jutsu. "My scalp feels like it's about to bleed."

"…Ohh… Sorry." She says apologetically letting go of my hair but not before fixing it and rubbing the spot of hair where she grabbed. "So what is it for? Why do you train?"

"For me." I said sighing. "I might sound generic in saying this, but I want my strength for the people I hold dear in my heart. Mother, you, the other nymphs; I want to protect you all. The faster I grow stronger, the faster you all can lean on me."

"Ares… That wa-"

Before she could speak I cut her off, "I'm going to train now. If you need me I'll be right over there." I said with a smirk pointing to an open patch grass that had flowers forming a semicircle around it.

"AGGHH!! I HATE WHEN YOU DO THAT!!" She screamed, her cheeks similar to a squirrel's filled with nuts.

Walking over to the grass patch I began my practice swings.

The replica wooden sword I'm using is of my own making, the Soul Edge from the Soul Caliber games. I really don't know why I wanted to make this but things happen. What really surprised me was that I was able to actually make the sword. I have no knowledge of wood carving and even if I tried to remember if I knew anything from my past life I can't.

I just had the idea one day to make Soul Edge out of wood and the wood complied. It was like it was helping me to make it. Wanting me to succeed.

As I was doing my overhead swings with my wooden Soul Edge and going through the sword stances the instructor taught me I suddenly heard something...


Turning my head in the direction of the sound my eyes widened as I saw two literal giants standing at the entrance to the garden.

Both were identical in height and looks having pale gray skin and and thick ear length white hair. Their legs were as big as tree trunks and their chest seemed to stretch the horizon with no visible end. A thick white beard covered their wide neck that lead to a mustache under their equally wide noses. If I had to compare I would say they look like the akuma masks the Japanese samurai wear.

The wind seemed to die and silence permeated. My gray eyes stare right into their blues for what seems like forever before the silence is broken, "Are you the son of Hera boy?" one of the giants asked me.

My mother? What do they want with her?

"Who are you?" I asked, slowly positioning myself better to protect the now aware Chloris.

"We are brothers." He replied pointing his thumb to himself and the other giant. "I am Ephialtes and he is Otus. Now answer my question boy, are you the son of Hera?" His tone growing more aggressive with each word.

I know I'm going to regret this but, "Yes." If I had spidey senses I would have surely picked up on the danger that was about to occur.

In the blink of an eye the now named Ephialtes was directly in my face. I didn't have time to react as he pulled his giant arm back and swung.


I could feel my small body smash through multiple trees and stop just before a lake my arm dangled in it.

"ARES!! Ughh" I could hear Chloris scream before being hit and falling to the ground.

"That's better! Now you will do nicely for our goals, "Little Prince"." The voice of Ephialtes said with a twisted glee. "Yes, surely with this the so called Gods of Olympus will be at our feet and their whores and wives warming our beds. HAHAHA! Yes, my "Little Prince"... You will do nicely!

FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! This cant be happening! No! You cant black out now! FUCK! Aren't you supposed to be the God of War? Why are you so weak?! FUCK! Chloris, I'm sorry... Mother, I'm… Please forgive your stubborn son. Please forgive me.

Those were the thoughts running through my head before my vision darkened and a giant named Ephialtes picked me up and took me to only he knows where.

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