
Volume 03 - Chapter 00: Prologue (Adventurer's Arc)

A shadow loomed over us as we stepped beneath the entrance to the dungeon. Stopping, I looked to my side as I saw Jasmine. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail while some strands fell on her stoic face. She was wearing a skin coloured jacket over her usual black adventuring clothes. Her daggers were strapped to her waist beneath the thick jacket.

The subtle cold wind brushed past her face, fraying the locks of hair that escaped the ponytail from the side. Looking around her crystallized-blood coloured eyes traced the entire empty meadow as moderate eastern winds bent the tall blades of grass in the opposite direction.

The leaves of the trees that surrounded the entrance of the dungeon susurrated in tandem with the whispering winds. Autumn withered away everything in its prime. Each careful step was followed by a loud, compressed crunch of the desiccated leaves—staining the lush green carpet with a lighter shade of bronze.

"They're here," Jasmine said, her eyes set in a particular direction. Between the towering trees laid a path carved out of flattened mud as a figure continued to make her way towards us.

She was wearing long heavy black robes that reached down to her ankles. A big hood attached to the back of the robe sat at the top of her head, veiling her face. Reaching closer she removed the hood and jerked her head sideways. Long white hair that reached to her waist was tied up in a bun with a black ribbon. Her shimmering golden eyes dulled as she looked at me.

In contrast to her previous appearance in our last lives—she was quite different. She had not only grown in height but also in more ways than one. Noticing my intense stare down with Arisu, Jasmine decided to interrupt it as she coughed, "We should get going now." she said. With a subtle nod I started following right behind her followed by Arisu.

The entrance of the dungeon was in the shape of a huge maw like that of a dragon. From the entrance of the ominous dungeon, the sight of anything inside was completely invisible. An unnatural murky darkness enshrouded the entirety of the interior. It wasn't normal. Given the fact that the outside was bright enough, the abnormal miasmic darkness inside was something that didn't make much sense.

Looking back I saw Arisu's eyes changing from light-golden to a deeper, burning shade of orange for a split second before returning to normal. A smirk formed on her face as she moved forward and stood by my side. Tucking my hands inside the pockets of my pants, I looked forward.

"You should've worn something more appropriate," Jasmine spoke with a tinge of worry in her voice. Without replying the veil of fire mana brightened around me for a flicker of a second and then returned back to its normal state.

"That will drain your mana," She replied and took out a huge overcoat from her dimensional ring. Standing close to me she placed it in my arms, "Wear this first and then we'll go inside."

I sighed feebly as I took it and started to wear it. A barely audible giggle escaped Arisu's mouth as she placed her hand over it and turned the other way. Sighing, I wore the coat and turned to Jasmine.

"Better," She said, nodding in affirmation as she started to move towards the entrance.

There were two basic types of dungeon dives.

The first was conquering the dungeon. In its true essence, conquering a dungeon could be done once. Whenever a new dungeon is discovered, a team is sent to conquer it. Their main motive is to map the whole dungeon, explore any lethal traps and discover the type of dungeon—meaning the normal beasts and the boss monster inside it.

The second was diving into an already conquered dungeon. Most adventurers opted for this since it was safer given the fact that they knew what they would be encountering inside.

However, the true profit was in conquering it. There were a few benefits that one could only derive from it until it was not conquered. The most beneficial aspects are gone after its first time.

With Arisu handling the dealings with Adventurer's guild, I was able to lay my hands on one of the unexplored dungeons. 'Papa? Can I come too?' Sylvie's voice echoed in my mind.

'Stay guard outside. I will call you if it's serious,' Assuring Sylvie I looked back at the current predicament.

With one last affirmative nod at Jasmine I took my sword out. It was the same sword I had acquired at Helstea Auction House. Letting out a deep breath, I slowly pulled it from its scabbard. As soon as the teal blade became a little visible, I felt my mind connect with it again. The feeble tired feelings permeated inside my mind, 'Greetings master.'

The mental like between me and Dawn—the sentient sword was only established when it was out of its scabbard. The scabbard acted as a wall between the transmission. Own its face value a sword having its own sentience had next to no uses. Although, after a week of using it I could see the changes.

Dawn could alter its form to different sword types suiting appropriate situations. Like it can form into a Katana because of its high balance and excellent construction. The length could increase to form a claymore requiring two hands to handle it. The additional mass was a hindrance however it could land a decisive blow in one turn.

Other than that, Dawn seems to evolve more and more with the elements I imbue into it. The more I imbue a specific element, the more its applications increase.

'Are you ready?' I asked Dawn.

A rush of excitement surged inside my whole body as I completely unsheathed the sword out of its pitch-black scabbard. The link strengthened as I felt the invisible threads attached to the sword strengthen.

Arisu took out a staff slightly taller than her. The body of the staff seemed to be carved out of wood used in the elven kingdom—highly flexible but unbreakable. I kept looking at the staff for a brief moment and then looked the other way.

The wood wasn't accessible to humans. The fact that she had it raised a lot of questions. She sneered and the gem at the top of the staff brightened.

The sound of daggers leaving the scabbard echoed as Jasmine took her weapon out as well. Since it was an unknown dungeon anything could happen. Preparing for it before going was just natural. Sighing, I tightened my grip on the sword's hilt thinking about the approaching christmas. Although it didn't exist in this world, as an older brother I should still reward my only sibling in two lifetimes. After all that's what a normal brother would do.

Maybe I should buy something for Ellie after this.



This was certainly troublesome.


A/n Well, I am back with DA Prologue. I have a little special planned out for the 25 December chapter. Well, it wasn't me. I merely stole the idea from Harvier (Author of The Perfect Tbate). However, still, it won't contribute to the plot.

AS you all have seen my story is more combat focused so I wanted to do a little wholesome chapter… FOR ONCE. Anyhow, Hope you liked the chapter.

Also thanks for SUPPORTING this work and positive reviews.

WEll enough ramblings, See y'all on 25 december. Sayonara

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