
Bloodlet Throne (2)


What you'll find with all of these is that I'll be making them my own places, unless they are important canon spots; so forts that you visit once every 16th play through aren't going to be like the game, cause I can't be bothered to do all that research for just a few chapters or so of content...


Giving Rayya a nod, I retrieved my heavy steel warhammer from my inventory and smirked down at it, while Rayya muttered "Overcompensating for something?"

Glaring at her, I raised the hammer and slammed it against the door; we had been around the courtyard for an hour now, so I didn't know if something was waiting behind this door.

Better to be safe than sorry, especially when dealing with Vampires.

The wood splintered and shattered, the blow destroying a majority of the door.

With that out of the way, I replaced the hammer with my axe and flames, preparing to enter.

Rayya blocked me with her sword, shaking her head.

Raising her shield, she approached the door and entered, her head swiveling from left to right as she searched the room.


Stepping over the debris, I glanced at the candlelit area that we entered, frowning at the dusty shelves and cobwebbed corners.

Glancing at the floor, my frown deepened as I saw the dust coating the flagstones as well, my eyes scanning the area.

Not seeing any signs of use, I walked behind Rayya as we approached the opened door, which led deeper into the fort.

The tunnel that the door opened into was dark, only a few torches hanging from the walls lighting the path.

Could I..?

Thinking of the Magelight spell, I switched my magicka from the flames to just pure magicka, the glow turning from red to blue.

Shaping it into a ball, I poured some more magicka into it as I sent it flying down the tunnel, watching as it eventually hit a wall.

Next, I cast Candlelight, creating a hovering ball of magicka beside me, lighting the area around us.

{Alteration: 20 -> 22}

The two light spells cost quite a bit of magicka, but I could feel my reserves slowly refilling.

Switching back to my flames, I let the ball on my shoulder funnel a small amount of magicka from my body, sustaining it until I canceled it.

Rayya waited in front of me, her eyes going towards the ball on my shoulder, before nodding as I gestured for her to continue.

Walking down the long tunnel, I observed the structure around us, my eyes taking in the worn stones and dusty ground, meaning this hasn't been in use for quite some time.

The fort was silent; the only noise came from Rayya and I walking down the hall, our gear making quiet jangling noises as we moved, while our breathing could be heard the deeper we went.

The silence was a little unnerving, but when we reached the end of the long tunnel I frowned, turning to see two separate paths.

The left was another long tunnel, while the right was a winding path downwards.

Glancing between the two, Rayya gestured towards the left, saying "We should clear this level first before going down; besides, the fort has a tower to scale as well Mistress."

Nodding, I followed behind my Thrall as she led me to the left, the tunnel lit by my Candlelight spell.

The quiet remained, but when we reached the end of the tunnel and opened the door, we entered a large hall, we were greeted with the sight of a ruined armory.

The wall on our left was knocked down, revealing the howling winds of Skyrim, the stone bricks strewn about the ground and tables, while an unlit forge sat in the far right corner, an anvil laying broken before it.

Shattered blades and rusted metals were scattered around the damaged room.

However, what Rayya and I both focused on where the chittering skeletons that rose to their feet as we entered, their blue eyes turning towards us as they were raised.

Sitting on the edge of the destroyed wall was a teenage boy, a wide grin on his lips as he stared at us.

His black clothes fluttered in the wind, and his dark hair contrasted his pale complexion.

[Male Vampire Fledgling, 32, Level 30]

His crimson eyes flared as he let out a laugh, watching as the skeletons drew nearer.

"Haha~! Two exotic beauties walked into such an eery ruin with naught a care in the world~! Almost sounds like the beginning of a smutty novel, no~?"

Raising a brow at him, I flicked my left hand at him, sending a bolt of flames hurtling his way.

Dropping to the ground, his smile turned cold as he said "That's not nice, bitch. I was just having some laughs before my meal~! No need to be such a-"

His body blurred, and I stepped to the side, feeling his clawed hand swipe through the air beside me.


His voice grew quiet, and he narrowed his crimson eyes at me.


Nodding to Rayya, I watched as my Thrall raised her shield and stared at the incoming dozen skeletons, some walking with jerky movements while others moved with an almost lifelike fluidity.

"You're kinda strong. Not many normal warriors can just..."

He flicked his hand towards me, and I sidestepped a bolt of ice, listening to it shatter behind me.

"Dodge these things. Huh... Maybe you..."

Pursing his lips, he stared at me before flinching, his eyes flickering over to the large ball of flames in my left hand.

Seeing fear creep into his eyes, I chuckled as I said "Could you please shut up? I'm here to kill you, not talk..."

I chuckled again as he snarled at me, his young features twisting slightly as he growled "Fine then bitch! I was going to offer you immortality, but I gue-"

Sending a gout of flames towards his feet, I charged towards him as he jumped to the side, my axe swinging down towards his skull.

His hand shot forwards, trying to grab my wrist before the axe split his head in half, but he glanced over at my left fist, watching as it inched closer to his face.

Clicking his tongue, he spun around me, only to have to duck as I slashed backwards.

While he dodged again, I released a bolt of fire again, but...

The Vampire Fledgling dodged again before smirking at me.

"You suck at this! How have you missed so ma- ARGH!"

He screamed as the firebolt impacted against his back, the flames licking at his dark clothing.

Leaping around his body, it slowly consumed him, and I crouched in front of him as he collapsed, his body turning to ash.

"You were saying?"

Watching as fear consumed his eyes, I grinned as he dissipated completely, the pile of ash before me slowly getting blown away in the wind.

Looting his 'corpse' while it was still here, I heard the skeletons collapse to the floor behind me, Rayya cursing quietly.

"Damnit, I wanted a warm up..."

Laughing, I glanced around the hall before gesturing to the door, saying "Well, maybe the next floor has something more... interesting then just a brat. Come on, let's go."


Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts
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