

(Matt Pov)

Arriving on our clan grounds many thought we'd be celebrating the victory we had over the Volturi, but upon learning of Lucas's death the atmosphere became very somber. That day was spent preparing the funeral for Lucas, as our custom is to burn the bodies on a pyre put on a small row boat. The boat was placed on the lake near our clan grounds, it was filled with all his personal belongings and what anyone else wanted to offer. Princess Madeleine showed up as she was alerted of his death, even not knowing him all that long she felt complete sadness at her mate's death. Once everything was set up and everyone showed up the funeral began.

"Today we honor my grandson and his death that happened in combat. He died a true warrior like the many of our past, I am sure he is in Vahalla with the rest of our ancestors. One day we all hope to meet him at the table of honor and feast for all eternity," Gustav Lucas and Astrid's grandfather stated as the funeral started. Thankfully Jacob came too for emotional support to Astrid, on any other day, we would've shown him around.

"Hugo, please send off your son," Gustav says after a few moments of silence and motions for him to prepare the fire arrow. As Astrid and I push the boat into the lake for it to float away. Once it is a few hundred feet away, Hugo releases the fire arrow and it hits the boat sending it a flame in seconds.

For an hour everyone sits and watches the boat slowly drift away while burning. Then people start to leave one by one, until only Lucas's immediate family, Jacob, Madeleine, Alice, and myself are left.

"Lucas told me the day before the battle how much he loved you Madeleine. That worse case scenario, like now, is to tell you to move on no matter how hard it seems. I know that seems impossible now, but you have all of us should you need anything," I say to Madeleine after everyone leaves and she just silently nods her head while crying still.

"We should head back now and feast in his honor, sharing the stories of the battle he fell in," Gustav says after another few moments of silence. He and Hugo help Vera who is emotionally broken as her one and only son has died.

Arriving we see our clan members having a feast in Lucas's honor as many share stories they have about him. Seeing us they all nod their heads in greeting, then the rest of the night is sharing stories and moments involving Lucas. With those of us in the battle telling everyone what happened and what it was like. The rest of the night was spent together as a clan.

"Alice and I would love to stay but we are going to leave now, there are some things we must deal with in Greece. It involves the plan I have for making a city," I say to my grandparents in the morning once we 'wake' up.

"Did you need me to get the jet ready?" Ivar asks me as they are eating breakfast.

"You both are eating before you leave, especially now that she is human again and pregnant!" Ingegärd says to us giving us a look that won't take no for an answer.

"Great! I'm starving!" Alice says sitting next to Ingegärd smiling and eating.

"No I have already our travel plans set up," I say to Ivar as Alice sits next to Ingegärd. I take a seat next to Ivar and begin eating too. He nods his head in understanding.

"Stay in touch you two! I look forward to my great-grandchild!" Ingegärd says as we leave the house waving us off. We wave back as we walk away down the road.

"I'll call you when I discuss the plans for the city with the clan!" Ivar shouts at me as we walk away. I nod my head to him as we disappear down the road.

Once away from everyone, I teleport us to the city of Athens in Greece. Arriving in Athens we step out of an empty alley in the city. Immediately Alice takes my hand leading me to explore the city as she is excited to sightsee. The first place we hit is the Acropolis Museum, then the ruins of the Acropolis itself.

"Matt there is so much to see and do! We need to travel more," Alice says as we walk around the ruins and I just chuckle at her excitement.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but I was just wondering what two Primoridals were doing in my city?" we hear a feminine voice state behind us and see a very beautiful tall brunette-haired woman. The woman we know as Athena the goddess herself.

"Sightseeing! This city is so beautiful and there is so much to do! Want to join us?!" Alice says in her peppy voice catching Athena off guard at her attitude and I just chuckle.

"Oh....Well….." Athena says not sure what to say seeing Alice's expectant look and me laughing at her nonchalant attitude.

"Sure…." Athena says after a few moments of Alice smiling at her.

"Great! This is your city, what should we do next?" Alice asks her as Athena now thinks about what to show us.

"Um, I can show you the Olympic stadium where the humans used to worship us in sports. The now ruined Libary of Agora and Hadrian. Olympieion the once temple dedicated to my father," Athena says after some thought.

"Ok let's do it all!" Alice says gesturing for her to lead the way. Nodding her head she awkwardly leads the way for us to explore the city.

Once we see everything with Athena and her explaining the history of everything we see. It would seem Alice has grown on her as she has become more comfortable around her. Once we come back to the Acropolis after night has ascended and sat on top of the hill overlooking the city, no one saw us as we disappeared from mortal eyes.

"It was fun exploring the city with you two today, though I'm sure sightseeing is not the only reason you came to Greece," Athena says as we sit on the edge of the ruin, eating the food we have brought with us.

"Correct, my wife may have come here for sightseeing, but I am here for an alliance with your pantheon," I say making Alice pout at me, but then smile and nod her head to Athena.

"Why? Do you have something planned? Like a war with other pantheons?" Athena asks me after thinking a bit.

"Yes I have some plans, no they don't involve war with other pantheons unless they attack me. I want to build a city for all the supernatural children of the gods, where we can have our followers pray to us in peace and they can live together without worry about humans trying to purge them all," I say giving her my basic plans for the future.

"Plus Chaos is coming, it has been preparing for a long time, at least since Law disappeared. So war is coming, a war that hasn't been fought since the very beginning of creation," I also say this to make her understand that we will have to fight together or fail by fighting separately.

"If what you say is true, my father and the others will most likely agree with becoming allies for the war. Though I'm not sure about joining you in making a city, as even though our followers aren't what they used to be, we still have much influence in this country," Athena says to us after some thought.

"Well let us meet your father and see how far his arrogance lies," I say standing up and motioning for Athena to take us to Mount Olympus where the Greek Pantheon resides. We could force our way into the Greek realm, but that would probably not be a good first impression. It is easier to have an invitation from a god and better for alliance purposes.

"Not that you couldn't fight us all easily, but try to not antagonize my father as once he makes his decision on something his stubbornness prevents him from going back on it no matter how stupid it is," Athena says with a sigh as she opens a portal to the Greek god city.

Walking inside we see a city with architecture representing ancient Greece and everything is made from marble as well. There are small fruit trees and plants throughout the city, but mostly everything is marble or some precious metal like gold. Following Athena up the stairs to the palace where all the leaders of the Greek pantheon are located, we can sense they are all there and nervous at our presence. Well, most are nervous about our presence, only Zeus and Poseidon are indifferent to our presence as their arrogance is very high.

"The place is beautiful," Alice says looking around and Athena smiles at her happy Alice enjoys the city of the gods.

All the gods in Zeus's court are inside the Palace on their thrones when we enter, Hera, Poseidon, Hermes, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Demeter, Artemis, Hephaestus, Hestia, and Dionysus. Except for Athena as she brought us here and Hades who is not fond of his siblings. As they are each in their true forms sitting on their thrones, Athena turns to her true form before sitting on her throne. Alice and I stay in our human forms as we don't care about showing our true forms. Even in the worse case, if they all attack us we could easily destroy them all in our human forms.

"Welcome to Olympus Hvítrnár and Sýnmyrkr, what is it we can do for you?" Zeus says to us as all the gods are looking at us in curiosity.

"As I told your daughter, we wish to make an alliance with your pantheon for the war that is to come with Chaos. I also plan on making a city for all supernaturals to live in peace and can pray to us like they once did without worry about humans," I say to them all, and hearing about Chaos they each have different reactions, some worry, fear, excitement, and thoughtful. Though they don't seem to care about the city part too much.

"Chaos is going to wage war with us? I will have to ask the fates, but if what you say is true we would be happy to form an alliance with your people. Though the city does seem interesting, I don't see how it can benefit us in the end," Zeus says holding his hand up to stop the murmurs from everyone.

"Ask the fates and they will tell you what I say is true. As for the city well all I can say is it would be a place for all our supernatural children to reside without discrimination from humans or being hunted down by them. Plus it would let them prosper and maybe start the religions and worship we once hand again," I say explaining the benefits of the city I plan on building.

"Hera, Poseidon, come with me and we will ask the fates. As for the city, we will think about it and contact you should we want to join you there," Zeus says before the three teleports to where the fates reside. Once they leave the atmosphere becomes less tense and everyone looks at us curiously.

"If the alliance is formed I would like to fight you, I never fought a primordial before!" Ares says breaking the silence with a bloodthirst look at me. Athena sighs hearing him.

"Maybe we can…..cement the alliance together," Aphrodite says to us giving both Alice and me a lust filled look. Making me and Alice both release our powers slightly making everyone nervous.

"Don't piss off two of the most powerful beings in existence! Plus we might be their allies soon you whore!" Athena says snapping at Aphrodite who glares at her. Ares is now looking at us in even more excitement.

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