
Chapter 48: Yet We Sing

Etzli shifted back into her human form. She lay sprawled on the deck. Her eyes were closed. Her body was limp.

Nevertheless, she sang an ancient melody.

Paras watched a change come over Atee, Capac, and the spawners. They all recognized the song. And so did she. She heard it once before, and she would never forget it.

A wispy figure emerged from the shadows. Its details faded in and out too quickly, like a hot breath in cold air.

More ghosts entered the room. A handful at first, emerging from the walls, then dozens. Hundreds.

They all lurched forward.

Eyes wide, Atee took a step toward the spirits.

Malcolm said, "What the hell are they--"

"Shh!" Atee hissed. "They're speaking."

Malcolm looked confused. He didn't seem to hear anything.

But Paras did.

Gripped with fear, she froze within arm's reach of the console. She remembered these spirits from the mountain temple.

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