
Welcome Ms Henson

Remi walked confidently, entering the giant corporations, she knew and confirmed The knights won't be able.tocfind the culprit in the yacht incident since Baldie has misled them with few other decoys and with Remi used her training bruise as "self defend" wound. She figured they have thrown the investigations in disarray.

They are safe this time, but not for long if they don't stop. Their existence is under the Knights' microscopic and they can't afford a mistake.

We are reaching the front desk.

"Hi I am here to see Arthur Tan," Remi informed the receptionist exactly like Arthur told her.

"Do you have an appointment Ms.?" a professional question and etiquette was performed by the young reception.

"Yes 5pm, Clarissa Henson"

"Can I see your ID Ms Henson?"

"Sure! " She took out her ID for the receptionist to see and was lead to the lobby waiting area for Arthur to be informed of her arrival.

Selene was about to leave the building when she saw Remi sitting on the chair, casually flipping business magazines and reading the article leisurely. Her heart grew aching seeing her beauty, and she took the job Selene wanted, diminishing her chance of working with Roman.

She is back in the marketing department, hidden among the other stupid colleagues she hates since none of them think like her. Roman has made sure everyone he hires does not gossip or be malicious among each other. He promotes healthy competition without ugly squabbles.

He sees some of the companies in the country do not apply the rules, and it has made the staff lawless, and a toxic workplace is created. When a workplace is unhealthy, those who are sincerely hard-working would not want to stay in fear of being dragged into a mess. So what is left is the toxic workers, which will eventually make the company have a high turnover rate and retain non quality staff.

Selena is one of the few that managed to join undetected. She still wanted a chance to work alongside Roman and his mother. So she approached Remi and did the only thing she was capable of, throwing insults.

"Ms. Henson..."

Remi saw the open toes red heels and the pungent smells of cherry blossom wafted to her nose. It's Selene, probably Roman Knights bed warmer. Seeing how she seemed to be overly protective of him, Remi figured these two were perhaps snogging each other.

She does not want to engage in a meaningless conversations. Therefore, Remi decided to ignore her. She keeps looking at her watch to see if Arthur will be here shortly.

"Ms.Henson!" Selene still could not take a hint.

"Yes older sister," the receptionist, that was silent the entire time spurted out her water as soon as Remi casually called Selene old.

The sweet smile she showed her beautiful deep dimple on both sides of her face. Remi called her dimple the "beautiful imperfection."

Nothing that Selene can retort back since being called a senior means she is respected and forms of unpleasant words she uttered will be decipher as bullying.

'This bitch is smarter than I give her credit for'

Selene smiled back and instead of being mad she showed Remi the vastly warm welcome.

"We are excited to have you join us. Roman is lucky to be able to scout talent like you."

The receptionist heard Selene fast calling Mr knights 'Roman' makes her fear for Selene's future career. Mr. Knights is known for his professionalism and strictly no fraternizing policy. Selene just ordered a one-way ticket to being fired for misconduct.


Remi gags internally, definitely sleeping with each other.

Nasty ass, the boss..she doesn't care how messy his private life is; she needs to use him for protection for now.

"Thank you, sister, please give junior a lesson if she is wrong' standing up, Remi shook hands with her new arch-nemesis.

Arthur came shortly approaching the two ladies that seemed to be smiling towards each other but were surrounded by the intensity that drove him to feel like world war three was happening.


He called her. She turned her head, smiling again, showcasing the beautiful dimple.


Selene did the same and forced a smile also to try to see if she could get the dimple to appear out of nowhere. Her face, however, looks distorted, like she is holding constipation.



Both Arthur and Remi were a little terrified seeing her.

"Clarissa, sorry I'm late. You don't mind coming with me."

"Selene, have a great weekend; see you on Monday".. That's all Arthur mentioned before leading the way for Remi, that still felt a little traumatized seeing Selene constipated like face.

She keeps looking back to see Selene still forcing her smile ear to ear.

Shaking her head, she rushed to stay beside Arthur that was also traumatized by Selene's smiling face.

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