
Cheryl's Chronicles - Heavenly Dao Maidens, Suppressing Demigods I

"I believe you are all aware why I have called you here, at this very moment?" Cheryl began the conversation sternly, as she warmly held Michu and Michelle on her lap.

Her stern image was destroyed by the existence of the two extremely cute babies on her lap, but she did not seem to realize that herself. No, to be precise, she ignored it.

"Yes." Almeida responded with a null expression. She was an old woman, who was around her mid forties, with extreme mature charm and beauty that was made in heaven.

Her body was a bit chubby, but her figure was not one bit affected. She did not have a prosperous S-class figure or an hour glass figure like Cheryl.

But she still had her shapeful body, that had its own curves, abundant chest and unique charm. Her dressing style was also unique as well, as it fit a mature beauty such as herself.

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