
I Want to Hide You Somewhere [Bonus chapter]

After the meeting, banquet was held for everyone before they continue further discussions.

Just like Icarus, everyone thought that the mark on Ferdinand's neck was not from Arabella. They thought it was from another woman because they thought Arabella would never do such a thing.

Her plan backfired. The princesses further concluded they may have a chance now since they thought Ferdinand was sleeping with another woman.

They thought the mark was left there to provoke Arabella and that she could not do anything about it so she let it be.

'Ugh. How am I to correct this misunderstanding? Their perception of me is still someone who's so innocent even though I'm already married to Ferdinand for four months.'

Only Andrew and Sera glanced at each and smiled upon seeing the mark.

"See? I told you she likes her husband now. She even proudly marked him despite what everyone else would think," Andrew whispered to Sera and the latter nodded.

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