
Chapter 100; Where is the map?

The future was so much unknown and she wouldn't give up even if he disowned her. She will pursue her dreams.

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The kidnappers arrived at a small depilated warehouse and got the four people off the van and brought them into the warehouse before shoving them into the hidden room.

The one kidnapper who was trying to contact their boss couldn't manage to connect to him, there was no network. All the time it said no network... No network...

"There is no network... I can't contact him, use the satellite phone... " He responded eying his fellow members.

The other one got the satellite phone and dialed their boss's number but still couldn't connect, but with the satellite call, they exposed their whereabouts as Mu Shen was the one who had the powers to handle the satellites.

"Now, what are we supposed to do?" another one queried as they got their mobile phones to call their Boss but the response was all the same. No network... No network...

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