
Chapter 39

Chapter 39

2 months later.


ANARCHY CONTINUES --- Will the new minister be able to bring back Order?

by Harvey Specter

As Magical Britain reels in chaos due to the return of the infamous Dark Lord, the chaos has spread to the mundane world as well, with continuous attacks on muggle settlements. Hundreds have been affected, and many have lost their lives in these attacks, which were emboldened by the infighting at the Ministry between the two factions of Pius Thicknesse and Lady Amelia Bones.

However, weeks later it seems we have a breakthrough. Yesterday the Wizengamont elected Lady Amelia Bones as the Minster of Magic. Now, the question is whether she could bring back the lost trust and how does she plan to deal with the Dark Lord that had risen again after death?

The good is that she has the support of Albus Dumbledore, the only man who could hold back the resurrected Dark Lord. But it isn't all good; ICW has launched an investigation into the Ministry and has shown concern over the threat to the statute of secrecy.

The future remains unclear. However, the Minster plan to hold a press conference today to address the nation as everyone ponders the same question, 'What will the former Head of the DMLE do?'

~Continued page six.

There was the sound of footsteps coming downstairs, and Elizabeth White decided to put down the paper as she looked up and found Edward coming down from his room, dressed in formal robes, ready to leave. The mask still covered his face, something which she would never get accustomed too.

"Good morning, Edward," she said, and he reciprocated as he joined her in the kitchen. Life after Hogwarts had been quite a surprise to her. All of them had graduated and had applied for various jobs and apprenticeships. Living with Amy and Edward had been a blessing as they had helped her cope with the whole affair with her father.

"Good morning," said Edward before he checked the time on his watch.

"Why are you up so early?" he questioned her as he began to boil water for his morning coffee. An abomination he somehow preferred over tea.

"Amy has an interview with the Witch's Weekly today, so I came down to make breakfast. Should I make some for you as well?" she asked him, and he seemed to think about it before he nodded.

"Why not? Just an omelet with some toast will do," and she nodded as she picked up another egg to prepare the omelet. She looked around the house that had become her home for over a month now and smiled as she saw its liveliness.

"So, you have your appointment with the Department of International Travel and Communication today?" she questioned. He nodded as he took a cup from the rack and prepared his drink.

"Yeah, prepared all the documents last night. Got that letter from Professor Delbren too, now just need to get my approval," and she nodded, feeling a bit sad at the thought of his departure. If he got the approval, he would leave for France in a couple of weeks, leaving them all behind. Not that she disapproved. She had seen just how close he and Fleur were, and she was happy for them.

But it still hurt to see him go, but she smiled anyway.

"I hope it all goes well. Have you talked to Fleur about this?" and he saw a silhouette of a smile appear on his mask as his eyes twinkled.

"Yeah, she wants me to come there as soon as possible. But I still have to take care of some stuff back here before I can leave. Plus, there is still so much time before the term starts," and she nodded.

"What is Fleur planning on doing? She did not graduate last year, right," and Edward shook her head.

"No, she graduated last year. She is thinking of pursuing enchanting or warding, so she will probably be with me at Beuxbatons for that," and Elizabeth shook her head.

"What about you? You applied to DMLE, right?" and she nodded, and he noticed his gaze linger over her as she placed the breakfast on the plate and passed it to him.

"Yeah, but I am not sure about it. Being an Auror was never a dream of mine,"

"Here," she said, and he thanked her as he sat down to eat, not before speaking again.

"Well, there is no need to rush. You can take your time," and she nodded though she did not want to take too much time. Living like this, freeloading did not sit right with her despite Edward's various reassurances. And there were several opportunities.

"Oh, before I go. I have something for you," said Edward suddenly as he put down his coffee, reached into his robe pocket, and took out a leather-bound object.

"This is for you," he said as he handed it to her, and she frowned as she looked at the wallet-like object.

"Open it," and she did, and her eyes widened as she the mirror inside it, and she looked up and found him nodding. It was the special enchanted mirror he used to communicate with Fleur, and Elizabeth had a pretty good idea of how rare and difficult it was to obtain these.

"I think you already know how this works. But as a reminder, you just need to say my name, which will connect to mine. I want you to contact me immediately if there is any emergency. I have one coming in for Amy as well, so you can communicate with her as well," he told her as he showed her his own mirror.

"Edward, there is no need. You have done enough for me," she tried to refuse, but he shook his head as he thrust it back in her hand.

"There is no such thing as enough. Plus, this isn't for you. It is for myself. This might prove useful in any emergency situation. It would assure me if you had the means to communicate with me or Amy like this," he spoke slowly, and she nodded, knowing that arguing with him would be futile.

"Thank you for this," she said as she took the mirror, and he nodded as he glanced at the time again.

"Well, there are couple of enchantments. You can check them yourself. I will have to leave, and I think you might have to wrangle Amy out of the bed if you want her to make it to her interview in time," and she nodded at this.

"Yeah, I think I might have to do that," and with a final goodbye, he was off. Leaving her alone as she stared at the mirror he had given her.



The Malfoy manor had been serving as the base of operations for their movement for over a couple of weeks now. They had been attacking muggles to draw out the ministry for their grander objective, and today was the most important day.

Dumbledore had been able to install Amelia Bones as the new minister thwarting their candidate, Pius Thicknesse and today she had planned to make her first public address. And they had planned their most extensive operation yet.

The preparations were almost complete as he watched Death Eaters line up, all ready for the attack. The lower ranks moved away as they made way for him as he walked towards the main Hall where the Dark Lord resided.

He reached the large mahogany doors and swallowed before he knocked lightly.

"Come in, Lucius," came the reply, and he entered the main Hall of his own house with the permission of his Lord.

The room was empty, and the Dark Lord sat at the head of the table with his head leaned back, his snake hissing as it coiled around him. The lights around the room were as if life was getting sucked out of them, for despite it being morning, the room exuded a sense of darkness.

He kneeled as he gave his report.

"The Preparations are complete, my lord. Everything is in position," Lucius explained. The Dark Lord did not reply, and Lucius felt his heart thumping nervously before a reply came.

"Will Dumbledore be there at the press conference?" questioned his Lord, and Lucius nodded.

"Yes, my lord. He will also be there," he replied, not looking up.

"Good. Stand up, Lucius, today is going to be a joyous day," said his Lord, and Lucius stood up and found the Dark Lord smiling while he played with his snake.

"Today, we reunite with the real heroes of our struggle. Today we break them free," continued his Lord, and Lucius nodded though, on the inside, he wasn't as excited. Several people were rotting inside Azkaban who bore grudges against him though his biggest concern wasn't them. No, it was her.

Bellatrix Black. She was her wife's sister and the most unhinged of his followers. Lucius did not even dare imagine what Azkaban had done to her.

"My Lord, there is news that the ICW is thinking of getting involved and moving against us," Lucius spoke slowly as he informed the Dark Lord of the news circulating in the circles.

The Dark Lord frowned.

"The ICW, those fools are useless. Hmmm, I think it's time I spread my message once more. People have been led astray for far too long. Perhaps I shall share the stage with our esteemed Minister," said the Dark Lord with a smile, and Lucius stood straight, not knowing whether the Dark Lord really meant that or not.



Edward sat and watched as the Ministry employer rifled through his file for the tenth time and this was beginning to make him frown. The man hadn't said a single word to him and had been wasting his time for an hour. Besides him, he could see wizards lined up, some with their whole families, as they sought permits to leave magical Britain.

Those wealthy enough were leaving the country to avoid the bloody war up ahead. Though with all the information in Dumbledore's hands, hopefully, this would be a much shorter war than the original one. Yet his patience finally snapped, and he leaned forward and tapped the glass window of the counter.

"Hey," he spoke to get the attention of the aging ministry clerk. The man perked up and adjusted his glasses and looked at him.

"Yes?" he questioned with a frown, his temper rising further up. But he controlled himself as he spoke politely.

"Is there something wrong? I was led to believe that this was to be a rather simple thing?" that was true, and the man looked down at his file and finally got his bearings.

"AHH! Yes, I am afraid I won't be able to progress this. There seems to be some issue on the French side over your permit," and Edward's eyes widened as he heard those words.

"What do you mean? I have a job offer from Beauxbatons right there, along with the letter from the Headmistress of the school itself," Edward pointed at the file once again to emphasize his point, yet the teller simply shrugged apologetically.

"O have checked thrice. The issue is at the French Ministry. They have labeled you as a person of interest for some reason. I believe you will have to write to them to get this sorted out," and the man passed him back his file. Edward was pissed as he thought of any possible reasons for this, and in the end, there was only a single one.

More like a single person.

Edward took back the file with gritted teeth as he thanked the teller. His mind thought up any possible solution to his predicament. However, there wasn't any direct solution. He would need to talk to someone else. Two people came to mind

He shook his head as he walked towards the exit door to reach the ground floor. The New Minister will be giving her address right now. He might even be able to catch Professor Dumbledore there and talk to him about this whole issue.

However, he suddenly stopped as he felt the wards over the ministry strengthen suddenly as alarms began to ring throughout the building.




And ruckus broke out as people began to shout. Many tried to apparate away, yet the wards blocked their attempts. He immediately made for the door and found it locked. He took out his wand and then suddenly the door opened.


His eyes widened as he saw the signature death eater mask, and then, before he could think, his body reacted as he whirled a series of curses at the intruder. Blowing him away.

"ANYONE WHO CAN FIGHT, GET READY! ANYONE WHO CANNOT DON'T PANIC; JUST MOVE TO THE SIDE!" Edward shouted as he transfigured his shoes and clothes into something more appropriate for fighting.

Of the crown, only four people stepped forward, ready to fight. Thankfully one of them recognized him.

"You are that kid. That kid who is the Dueling champion, you were in that tournament, right!" and Edward nodded. He watched as a sense of relief passed over the people in the room as his credentials were brought to light.

"Yeah. Do any of you know what is going on?" and when they shook their heads, he nodded along as his mind raced in search of a solution.

"Well, from the alarms, we can be sure that the Death eaters are attacking the Ministry. The wards make it impossible for anyone to apparate in or out, so we will have to reach the floo network stations," he concluded.

"The floo is on the other side of this floor!" replied one of the employees, and Edward nodded.

"Well, then I believe I will be moving out to clear the area. I will give the signal, and then you can all move out and head for the flo!"

"ALONE! These are death eaters, kid! You should wait for the Aurors or at least bring us with you!" said the employee, and he shook his head.

"NO! The Aurors will be occupied downstairs! And honestly, you would only slow me down! Just guard the door and wait for my signal!" and with those words, he stepped out of the room with cautious steps. The Death Eater he had ambushed earlier was sprawled on the ground. He scanned the corridor and heard a thrum of steps coming around the corner. He cracked his neck as he readied his wand.

And his wand was moving as soon as the first Death Eater stepped out of the corner!

"Well, it's time to let off some steam," and he closed his eyes as he brought down the wand in a dramatic slash.


And the whole group of death eaters had no time to react as they were instantly frozen solid. However, he sensed that this wasn't their whole group, so he got ready again.

It was time for revenge.


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