

Granted, he would have loved Christianity, if that person had been born in a Muslim home, he would have been made a staunch Muslim by telling him the benefits and virtues of Islam from his childhood, he would have loved Islam.

Salman says, My personal opinion is that all the religions of the world have come to create discipline and sense in man, so that, man can live a good, safe and easy life with a discipline and system. Don't deliver harming others. if possible help others, create a responsibility in himself.

Then Salman says, "My idea about homeland, region and land is that

if a person is born in Europe, he has the influence of Europe, considers Europe as his homeland, loves Europe,

if The same person would have been born in America, he would have been influenced by America, he would have considered America as his homeland, he would have loved America,

if he had been born in Australia, he would have been influenced by Australia, he would have considered Australia as his homeland. Loved Australia,

if the same person was born in Asia, he would have the influence of Asia, consider Asia as his homeland, loved Asia,

if the same person was born in Africa, he would have the influence of Africa, Africa He considered his homeland, loved Africa.

Then Salman says, "My personal opinion about homeland and regionalism is that, that homeland is good for a person, where he can easily find employment, honor, convenience, health, and peace, where life is easy." And passed by good example.

Salman says, "My opinion about the nation and language etc. is that if a person is born in the British race, he speaks English, listens to the stories and stories of the British, loves the British."

Continued on Post-25

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