

It is also very cold, but Yusuf and Salman do not realize this coldness in their talks, the light and slowly winds of spring continue to blow slowly, due to the cold, the voice is quite hoarse. Even a low voice creates a lot of echo, Salman sings in a soft, slow voice without any music,

Yusuf and Salman both play chapatis(sound of hands fingers beating).

Yusuf also whistles lightly, both of them sway a little.

آؤ عشق کو سمجھیں، یہ عشق ہے کیا؟

Let's understand love, what is love?

آؤ عشق کو سمجھیں، یہ عشق ہے کیا.

یہ کیوں ہے بنا، یہ کیسے چلا.

Let's understand love, what is love?

Why is it made? How did it start?

عشق لگے تو، ہوش اڑا دے.

عشق لگے تو، چین گوا دے.

عشق میں ایسی تڑپن تڑپن.

عشق لگے تو، مست بنا دے.

If you fall in love, it blows your mind.

If you fall in love, it blows your rest.

Such anguishes are in love.

If you fall in love, it makes you drunk.

عشق کی کوئی زبان نہیں ہے.

عشق کا کوئی مکان نہیں ہے.

عشق بسے ہر دل کے اندر.

عشق بنا کوئی انسان نہیں ہے.

There is no language of love.

There is no home of love.

Love dwells in every heart.

No human is without love.

عشق پھلاوے خشبو خشبو.

عشق رلاوے خون کے آنسوں.

عشق نے ایس ا درس دیا ہے.

عشق سکھاوے بس تو ہی تو.

Love spreads fragrance.

Love makes you weep of blood tears.

Love has taught such lesson.

Beloved is everything.

عشق بھٹائی عشق قلندر.

عشق دکھاوے سات سمندر.

عشق گھماوے نگری نگری.

عشق بناوے مسجد و مندر.

Love is Bhittai, love is Qalandar.

Love shows the seven seas.

Love sends you to everywhere.

Love builds mosque and temple.

عشق کی خاطر جھاں بنا ہے.

عشق میں ایسا راض چھپا ہے.

عشق کیسے سجھ میں آئے.

عشق بغاوت عشق رضا ہے.

This world is made for love.

Such secret is hidden in love.

How love came to be understood.

Love is rebellion, love is agree.

Come, lets understand love, what is this love?

Come, lets understand love, what is this love?

When Salman finishes the song, Yusuf gives Salman a standing ovation, says wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, and tries to clap, but Salman grabs both of Yusuf's hands, and says Arey brother! A half

Continued on Post-23

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