
07: Titanomachy (II)

(A/N: Sorry if the chapter is a bit worse than the others, I was sick Friday and the weekend so had no time to write it. Anyway ENJOY)

After finishing just before a battle, I and my subordinates teleported ourselves back to the Rebellion base, as I like to call it.

After a small meeting with Themis about the battle, I walked away, however on my way I saw four beings, guess who?

Yeah, bravo Zeus and three dryads, Zeus, my sibling, unfortunately, seemed a bit pushy and those three didn't seem happy to be there but can't say anything because of their fear and the importance Zeus has in the war.

So I being a person with morals,… a little bit, and compassion,… again a bit, approached them and diffused the situation by asking for a spar between me and Zeus, which he happily accepted, thinking of finally showing his brother his place and that he did…

"So should we fight with or without weapons," he asked me with his barely hidden cocky smile, which ticked me off.

"Without it would just bring unnecessary destruction and attention if we would fight, you with your master bolt and me with my self-made spear and helm of darkness" (A/N: I don't have a name for it…) I said while flexing that I made my weapons and that I would suppress myself more than him so that when I win his ego might be even more broken.

We then faced each other, Zeus had an arrogant stance, his chin was high and his eyes revealed all his thought, while I had a concentrated expression, I knew I was better than him but that doesn't mean I should be arrogant, Zeus was strong, but I was more experienced, had more control over my power without our weapons, I was more battle intelligent and probably just intelligence and I was also probably faster and stronger, so all that normally means that I win.

Zeus then rushed at me and jumped while in the air he punched toward my face, he looked like Thor with his body full of lightning bolts, however, I just sidestepped making him punch the air and lose his stability, then I kicked his hip, sending him kilometers away.

Using my power over darkness, I shadow-traveled (didn't teleport because it is much slower to do) in front of his him I punched him in the face, making him blood ichor. Summoning skeletons and bones from the ground that hold him I wanted to punch him again, lighting however flowed out of his body, destroying the bones and he then "sprinted" with lightning out of my way.

I made a Dark Infernal fireball with my finger in a gun-like shape toward him, which launched itself toward him, he dodged it with difficulty because of his surprise, permitting me to have the time to make a big "pure" silver javelin. Zeus then sent millions of small lightning bolts at me, I, however, sent my "pure" silver javelin at him and "pure" silver being the most or one of the most attractive and conductive metals to lightning, passed it and found itself in Zeus' shoulder.

I had created a small shield of darkness, it didn't protect me from everything, but I am good, I only had some scratches all around my body. Well, this was disappointing, on both sides, I mean I defeated Zeus easy peasy but I still took a bit of damage even though I didn't go all out.

Rhea, our mother, however, then ran to Zeus and took him in her arm. "What do you think you are doing? You could have hurt him!" she screamed at me like it wasn't a spar.

"He will heal, we are immortal and that was just silver. The only reason it planted itself on his shoulder is that I infused a bit of my divinity and beside this was a spar what do you want me to do, flick him?!" I responded, not seeing the problem

She just frowns even more and looked disappointed in me, she then teleported with her "baby boy" in her arms.

Confused I then slowly walked away, clenching my heart, and asking myself what I have done.

We were all gathered in one of our bases, namely the one in Crete, the war had reached the ten-year mark. We had become strong enough to fight the Titans heads on, the final confrontation would soon begin.

"We have to launch a large-scale battle, we can't continue like that." I advised looking at my siblings with seriousness.

"Yes! We need a full-frontal assault on their headquarters, Mount Orthys, if we do that their Troops will have to rush back to protect their King, Kronos, then we can take them all down". Exclaims Zeus

"So you want us to commit suicide" states Hera

"Well for the first time I agree with her, if Atlas sees us climbing the mountain he will ambush us with the high ground" continues Poseidon

"I've got a different plan, we'll weaken them by attacking from the mountain near it" answers Zeus with gleaming eyes.

"Do what now?" asks Demeter. She looks uncomfortable and frustrated in her armor, although she designed it herself, inscribing it with many images of weed… She had also painted a daisy on her shield.

Metis then hands Zeus a map of the Greek mainland, made of Goat skin, and points to the mountain near Mount Orthys, though it was not as tall as the Titans' main Quarter.

"It's called Mount Olympus, we'll scale it. They won't be expecting it at all! The Hundred-Handed Ones and other gods/Titans will then send many boulders at them. Once we've destroyed their defenses, we'll fly over there and-" exclaims Zeus with pride, though Hera interrupts him

"Including us three goddesses," she asks

"Of course! Do you think I would forget about you?" he responds with a nervous smile

"Yes" just answers Demeter

"Uh, anyway we'll go there and take them prisoners and we win" he finishes

"I still think we should make peace," says Hestia


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