
Prisoner Caravan

The squeaking of the wheels and the uncomfortable sensation around his wrists were the first things his senses picked up. When he opened his eyes, he found himself bound in ropes, with six others.

There were three carts in all, carrying men and women, some bloody and wounded, but all with dead eyes and blank faces. Mounted soldiers guarded the caravan, six in the rear and seven on the front, including the officer in charge.

The captives wore robes and tunics, and their captors, coats of mail. The carts were all wood, and pulled by horses. It was clear he woke up in a different world.

The prisoner caravan traversed a mountain pass, facing the rocks to their left and the cliff to their right. But it was wide enough that two horses abreast could pass in both sides of the wagons.

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Ron's attention was arrested by the sudden appearance of a familiar floating window in front of his face. He had an idea of what was happening, but it was something that should not be possible.

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Though he was still doubtful whether it was real life or not, Ron grew curios. He was not so creative that he could conjure such imagery even in his dream.

But before he could interact with the prompt, a shout rung out in front.

"Bandits ahead, ready yourselves!"

Being in the last cart, he could not see it for himself. The news started nervous whispers and murmurs amongst the prisoners. A chance to escape might have presented itself. Four of the guards on the rear rode forward to reinforce their comrades. The other two remained to guard the captives.

"Do you think this is the outlaws led by that Jude of Tetmos?" one of the men in the cart spoke in a low voice.

"Be it Jude or not, now's the time to escape." said another. "Let's coordinate with the others."

Everyone in the cart nodded in agreement, all except Ron and the woman. Ron did not because he was still in the belief that he was inside a realistic dream. The woman had other reasons.

"Let's… let's not be reckless." she said as she continued to rock the baby in her arms to sleep. The stutter in her voice revealed the fear that her words might not be received kindly.

"Worry not. We will not involve you." was the reply. Needless to say, the worry in her face did not in a bit fade.

Any further conversations had to be delayed when one of the soldiers rode closer when he noticed they were conversing. A pair of angry eyes looked down at them with disgust and contempt.

"They're just bandits, don't get your hopes up."

Ron had a closer look at the rider. A man in his forties, wearing a full coat of mail and a metal helm. He wielded a spear and carried a short sword in his girdle. Your average bandit, ill-equipped and ill-trained, would indeed not stand a chance.

"This fools dare to challenge the imperial cavalry." the sergeant who was leading the caravan shouted, with much confidence.

"They only feed themselves to our swords."

The horsemen arrayed themselves into two ranks of five soldiers each. Ron could hear the shouts of the incoming bandits before the officer uttered the order.


At the sergeant's command, the cavalrymen darted forward, their spears lowered and pointed. They left behind a cloud of smoke that made their way to the carts.

The charging hooves thundered and shook the ground beneath. It was fearless and fearsome, executed with brilliance that only come with training and experience.

So, it was not a surprise that when they crashed into the bandits, the morale of their enemies instantly collapsed. The band of outlaws started to flee in fear, and the soldiers swooped down like hawks.

Seeing the swift success of the imperials, the prisoners knew that they have to act fast.

"To freedom!" the man who suggested the escape stood up and made a rallying cry. The male captives in the other carts answered and jumped out of their own wagons. With their hands still tied, they swarmed the two guards, hoping that their number would intimidate the guards.

They guessed wrong, and the disciplined Cavalrymen easily cut down the first to reach the range of their swords.

Ron was left behind with the women and children, who stayed out of the fighting. The one in front of him, began to cry, terrified by the violence.

"This is a little too realistic." he said, the scene has started to tug on his heartstrings. The crying woman had a frail complexion. With her chapped lips, and gaunt face, it was obvious she was far from healthy and had not properly eaten for days.

However, although she herself was scared and helpless, she held the baby in her arms with the intent to protect it.

Ron pinched his cheek. There was pain. Still, it was not enough to explain such an illogical event. He was pretty sure he was not a person from the medieval ages.

He was Ron, a Texan, living in Austin.

But be it a dream or not, he could no longer stay idle.

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[Token +200]

[Huntsman Skill Set Obtained]

[Learned F-Rank Occupation: Huntsman]

[Obtained Throwing Spears x3]

[Learned Spear Throw]

[Learned Piercing Shot]

[Learn Butcher]

Tokens? Occupation? It was too much to digest in an instant. But all he knew was that he was given three throwing spears.

"Open Inventory." he muttered, half expecting it to not work. Yet it did.

He equipped the throwing spear, and used the blade to untie his hands. The woman, in disbelief of what she just saw, paused in her crying.

The battle between the prisoners and the two guards was almost over. The ground near the carts have been bathed with blood, and not an ounce of it was from the imperials. The soldiers were more skilled than he thought.

With the last male captives killed, the two guards shifted their attention to them. The soldiers spotted his throwing spear and the broken rope.

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