
Chapter 13_Vidal on my window



" I.. I need some time to think about it, Zak. I need to ask within myself who could possibly want me dead because, to be honest brother, I don't know " LSR struggled to say but when Zakariah turned to him with his eyes reddened with rising anger, he quickly stammered in addition " But.. I am sure when you give me.. A little more time, I will figure it out" he paused a little " Trust me" he finished.

Maybe Zakariah trusted his words or maybe he didn't, he was not sure but his brother sighed out loud and rubbed his eyes.

" Well, we have till the next Monday. We will go for questioning by then so, whatever thinking you've got to do, do it quick and be sure about the decision you make" Zakariah patted his shoulders and walked out of the room without waiting for his reply.

Well, his words did not need a reply.

As soon as his brother stepped out of the room, panic set in within him.

Detective Dante was dead!

How and why did that happen?!

Even Detective Cabal was missing and it was all because of him. But he had not done anything wrong. He had not move with any bad company nor had he done anything that would jeopardize his peaceful living because he knew Zakariah would not take it lightly with him if he found he had gotten himself I'm trouble.

He glanced over at his drawing materials and smiled. Zakariah had threatened to destroy them all but he did not. Deep down, his brother loved him and cared for him even though he had a hard way of showing it.

Then, his gaze traveled farther to the window of his room. That was where he stood few moments ago and he had seen that cat eyed girl. Her eyes were so identical to a cat's and slowly, without even realizing it, he was growing an obsession towards her in such a little amount of time.

"What am I doing thinking of that weirdo when there is so much for me to think about now?" he groaned loudly to himself and grumbled as he wheeled his wheelchair closer to his bed to take a short nap.

Maybe after waking up his brain would have calmed down a little bit so, he made attempts to settle himself on his bed but a knock he thought he heard coming from the main entrance of their house made him halt.

Was Duncan done already or did he perhaps run away from his training?

The knock came the second time, and the third then the fourth.

"Zakariah..!" he shouted out.

What the hell was Zakariah doing? Someone was by the door yet his brother was not getting it even though he knew he couldn't get the door now.

The knock persisted with Zakariah not making a sound and not seemingly going to get the door " Fuck this!" LSR muttered to himself again, mad that he was going to have to set himself on his wheelchair which was so painful and much of an herculean task to him.

Slowly, but in his own way of counting it, owing to his condition it was the fastest he could go and also the fastest he had gone with settling himself on his wheelchair.

He was almost done and successful when he heard his window cringe causing him to turn around. He almost jumped the moment he did so.

There was a man holding the bottom rail of his window, smiling meekly. " Hi there, I'm Vidal" he said simply and positioned himself to sit on the opened window rail.

He had a well combed black hair which fell on his shoulder and a nicely structured nose but his ears were slightly longer and pointed than usual.

From his sitting position and the way he curled himself up, LSR could tell he was tall and well built. " Don't tell me you are a mute" he broke his thoughts and LSR managed to gain his composure.

He could have asked if the man was a burglar if he hadn't noticed him in front of burnt haven earlier. " Sorry, hello, I'm LSR. Sorry, Asher. I was thinking of getting the door when I saw you" he rushed his words and slowed down this time with a raised brow. " What are you doing anyway?" He questioned.

It was wrong to sneak up on people's windows that way. It was a breach of privacy but from the look of this man, he could tell the man does not give a damn about that.

Vidal, as he introduced himself, jumped into his room and walked about a bit examining the drawings on his wall while LSR could only stare on at him in amazement.

What type of person with such guts was this.

Vidal kept on examining the drawings without saying a word and when he got to his desks, he stuck his hand inside his drawing desk and also brought out the pile of drawings he staked away.

" What are you looking for? Do you need something perhaps?" LSR asked the strange burnt haven man whose actions were starting to get on his nerves.

To crown his brewing annoyance, the man turned his face to him and squeezed it briefly then he shook his head lightly before returning to ransacking his drawings.

The anger burning in LSR was aggravated by his helpless status. If only he could walk or do something, this person wouldn't term him too little to respect because what he was doing right now was an act of no respect to him.

Finally, Vidal whistled and raised out a drawing to him. " Now, look at this" he smirked and started walking closer to him.

It was an image of a naked pornstar he had seen in the weekend magazine and had sketched out.

" Now, this is more like it" Vidal patted his shoulders and bent closer to him. " But there is a little mistake here" he said and LSR concluded this burnt haven owner was either insane or stupid. " You see the areolae on the nipple here, it should be a little more robust. Then, it'd be perfect" he circled his hand around the circular dark-colored area of skin surrounding the nipple of the lady in the drawing.

" Stupid womanizer" LSR mumbled. Even though he had not known anything about this Vidal, he could tell he was one who loves women.

Surprisingly, Vidal dropped the drawing in his hand back on the desk and turned to him " Do you know how rabbits' hearings works?" he asked him.

"What?" LSR frowned. What has rabbits got to do with what their discussion here?

"An average rabbit range of hearing is 360 hertz to 42,000 hertz compared to that of the average human hearing which is between 64 hertz and 23,000 hertz. Now, imagine what an original rabbit hearing would be. So, mind what you say boy" he patted his shoulders.

Was there a fake rabbit?

What in the world was wrong with this man?!

" What do you want here? Why are you going through my things? You shouldn't do that. I know you are new around here but that is not allowed in the country and Orange City" he managed to say even though he was beginning to feel uncomfortable. For some reason, he felt so meager under this man's gaze and appearance.

The man opened his teeth widely and a big grin traveled across his beautiful face. LSR could see his incisors, they were longer than usual but he had also seen other people with such types of teeth before.

Oh, so because of his teeth he was considering himself to have rabbit hearings or what?

LSR couldn't help but think and chuckle out now, the man was delusional and insane too.

" Yeah, you should laugh, I don't care about your rules" he heard the man say and finally concluded he was truly insane and then, he laughed out the more.

A flicker of Vidal's finger made him stop and he remembered he was supposed to go get the door. " Damn! Someone was by the door" he sighed.

"Yeah, that was me. You took long and I helped myself inside" Vidal replied him even though he wasn't talking to him.

LSR's eyes widened and dimmed his eyes " You were the one by the door?" he asked.

" Yes Vidal knocked but he got no replies so, Vidal used the window," the man said in the third person as if he wasn't talking about himself.

He knew it, only stupid, and insane people could buy burnt haven den! This man was an example of stupidity.

" If you were by the door, how did you get in so fast then? Climbing the window would take lots of effort. One minute you claimed you were by the door the next you on my window" LSR queried finding it hard to believe this Vidal man.

Vidal stuck his hand into the pocket of his jacket and brought out a sheet of paper " That is not what is important now, is it? As I can see you are a miserable disabled boy. Tsk tsk tsk" he started circling LSR " And Farris threw a fit for nothing. He even made me come here for this..?" he tossed his fingers from up to down sizing LSR up and LSR felt so bad again.

He hated the feeling but this man was making him feel so lowly and even calling him disabled " I'm not disabled!" he shouted in defense " I am only injured, I had an accident in front of your new house some weeks ago" he added, maybe the man would see him better now. People had always treated him like a loser ever since that incident in his first year in college which made him drop out. The day he left the hospital, he had promised himself he would be better and stand up for himself now.

He would start from this Vidal man here.

He saw the man's countenance change immediately " That was you? You were the boy who got hit?" he questioned LSR and LSR nodded.

" I was"

For some reason, the Vidal man's interest got inflated " I heard there was no driver in the lift truck that had hit you" he lifted his neck and LSR thought he saw suspicion in his eyes.

" The case is still being investigated" he said and to his surprise, Vidal bent closer to him and started sniffing him.

" What are you..?" he sniffed all over his body.

What in the world?!

LSR wheeled his wheelchair backward and pushed Vidal away but his push seemed as light as feather on the man's own strength as he did not move an inch from where he stood. " Get out!" LSR said sternly " I am not gay and no, I don't do men. Don't ask me what I am, I am not homosexual, I do only women" he finalized and swallowed.

" What?!" Vital rolled his eyes. " Why do I care? And are you sure you've done it before? You smell like.." he wanted to continue sniffing him but LSR raised his voice as loud as he could.

"Please go, or I call the cops on you!"

Vital signified for him to take the paper and hesitatingly, he collected the paper from the man and without even taking a look at what was the content of the paper, " Go now" he repeated and Vidal raised up his hands.

"Okay, okay, your room ain't that great so, I have no intention of staying longer" he said and walked closer to the window where he came in and before LSR could tell him to use the door, he turned and winked seducingly at LSR " Bye" he waved one of his hands and blew a kiss in LSR's direction.

"What?!" LSR frowned, he was irritated now.

Vital burst into a mocking laugh immediately " Oh please, I am just pulling your legs" he supplied, and at a whim, he was out of LSR's sight.

"What the..!" LSR gasped out loudly to himself.

Was it him or this man just jumped his window like it was a normal thing to do?

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