
Chapter 9

"Oh my god" groans Moanah and puts the alarm off. Why. Why on earth did she have to wake up right now. The inside of her legs still feels raw and painful. Sighing she takes a black hoodie and skinny jeans. Today was official -fuck the cute outfits day- that was clear. She brushes her hair and teeth. "Morning" greets Ian. Moanah looks at him and fakes a smile. "Morning" she finally says. She kisses Kaylee on her head and hugs Mason tight. Mason looks surprised up at her. "Tristan" yells Ian. "Oh, fuck me" groans Tristan and rolls his eyes. "What?!" "Excuse me young man" groans Ian. "Don't think you can escape by hiding in your room alright? You will finish your homework. This week or no more band practice. Is that understood?!" "Yeah yeah" mumbles Tristan and walks to the door. Moanah takes a deep breath and grabs an apple. She quickly makes her way towards her jacket and kisses Ian on his jaw. "Leaving so soon" Jimmy jokes as he enters while she leaves. "Every second with you is too much" she growls and hastily walks to her bike, ignoring Jimmy his chuckle. Oh, what a wonderful day this would be...

"Hey Moanah" greets Sarah as she walks out of the bathroom. Moanah fakes another smile and enters the lady's room. Sighing she looks in the mirror. She wipes her wavy hairs out of her face and nibbles her lip. While she observes her own mirror reflection, Jimmy enters the lady's room. "Jimmy" yells Moanah. "LADIES room!" "Don't care" grumbles Jimmy and pushes her into the toilet stall. "Jimmy" she whimpers. Jimmy places his finger on her lips. He looks into her eyes while he pins her body between his and the wall of the toilet stall. "What's the matter Moanah. Didn't you like it. It sounded like you loved it" he whispers into her ear. "Jimmy" she grunts but Jimmy doesn't allow her to speak. He places his hand over her lips and opens the button of her pants with his other one. "No" she whimpers. "Sst" he whispers and kisses her neck. "Jimmy, you said it was just a sleepover. Nothing else" she whispers with tears in her eyes. Jimmy chuckles softly. "That was before I found out that you are this horny." Moanah swallows. "Don't touch me" she begs. "Come on Moanah, you don't want me to work my rage and disappointment out on little Mason right." Moanah swallows. Why on earth did he say that again. Jimmy chuckles when she stops struggling. "Good girl" he whispers and starts rubbing her clit. Moanah bites the inside of her jaw. She cannot do this right now. Not on the lady's toilet. Not in school. Not again with him... Hopelessly she turns her head away from him when he pushes his penis inside of her. He grunts softly and pushes her against the wall of the stall. Please do not let anyone enter she thinks hopelessly and rests her head on his shoulder. She bites into his leather jacket to prevent screaming. Jimmy grins amused. "Moanah" he grumbles between his teeth while he reaches his climax. "You and me we are going to have so much fun" he whispers into her ear and hastily walks out. Moanah keeps sitting on the closed toilet pot. Sobbing... broken... Hopeless.

She sniffs and blows her nose in the toilet paper. Why couldn't he just leave her alone. She sniffs one last time before walking out.

"Moanah" asks Sarah surprised. Moanah looks up in shock. Two of her friends and Sarah stand before her, doing their hair. Moanah swallows. Just great she thinks. "Are you alright" asks her blonde friend Eve. Moanah nods. "I'm fine" she says and fakes a smile. "You don't look alright" says her blue haired friend called Lenore. "No it's nothing. You know. Silly stuff." "You can talk with me sweetie" she says and takes her hand. "Or you want me to get Tristan?" "No" she says faster and louder as wanted. She swallows. "No.. No it's okay. I just. You know. First time period. Mood swings" she lies. Sarah smiles warmly. "Oh, I get it. It's okay. You need a tampon?" Moanah shakes her head. "No I.. I got it. Sorry." Sarah shakes her head. "First time is such a pain in the ass" sighs Lenore. Eve nods. "We girls we got to look after each other, right?" Moanah nods. "Well, if you need me. Or have questions... I am here for you. You are kind of like a little sister" Sarah winks. "Thanks" says Moanah and rubs water through her face. She hastily walks outside. That could have gone a whole lot different she thinks relieved. But what the hell? How long does she have to endure this? Was he ever going to stop?" Moanah sighs with the idea that this could last a while.

Moanah takes a deep breath and drops herself on her Kingsize bed. God that felt good. She could just fall asleep like this. Dressed or not. Right now... She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Relieved she slowly breathes out.

-Knock, knock-

Sighing she opens her eyes. "Come in" she groans.

"Jimmy" she asks and jumps up. "SSht," he says and closes the door behind him. "Jimmy what the hell are you doing here" she whispers. Jimmy smiles and drops himself on her bed. "Nice room" he says and looks around. Just like her sealing her walls were dark blue. A silver pattern of white dots covered her sealing making it look like it was a thousand stars. Her light was in the shape of a full moon and her floor was black wood. A lovely corner desk, big mirror closet and Kingsize bed with black curtains made it a spacious cozy bedroom. Jimmy takes one of her teddy bears and smiles. "So many bears" he jokes. "Don't you need a real bear. You know, to cuddle?" Moanah groans. "Do that again" he whispers and pins her down. "Please Jimmy, you had your night now let go of me... Please, please please!" Jimmy laughs. "I think not. You know, you are just irresistible" he jokes. "Jimmy" she begs but he closes her mouth. He turns her on her side and spoons her. "Jimmy please" she begs. Tears once again in her eyes as his hand rubs her clit. "Come on Moanah, I have a lovely surprise for you" he whispers. "Tomorrow, you and me. My home." "Saturday" she asks. "Yes, you know now Tristan his band practice can't go on... You and I are going to work on some homework." "Forget it" she hisses. "Fine. Left, or right?" "What" she asks. "Left, or right? For Mason his eye? I could do both Of course. Yeah, let's just take both. If I swing hard enough, he might pass out. That'll be funny." "Jimmy no" Moanah begs. "I'll pick you up tomorrow then. Ten AM?" Moanah swallows. She bites her lip and closes her eyes a second before swallowing. "Ten AM" she confirms. "Good girl" says Jimmy and lifts up her dress. "No" she protests. Jimmy holds her tight against him. "I could just push him off the stairs" Moanah swallows. She nods to which Jimmy chuckles. Moanah whimpers when she feels his penis pressing inside of her. Jimmy lifts her left leg a little bit so he can enter deeper. Hastily she puts her teeth on her pillow. Please do not let Tristan nor anybody else enter the bedroom right now she begs mentally. Jimmy grunts and pushes deeper and deeper while Moanah whimpers over and over again. Praying, begging that he would be satisfied soon enough. And hopefully this time forever...

She takes a deep breath while he dresses again. Hastily she pulls the blankets over her and takes a deep sigh. Now more than ever she wished to die in her sleep... Tomorrow would be another day in this hell she lives...

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