
A World Under Carnage

(General POV)

Location Planet: Naulles, Chaos Ritual Ground/Former Viper'hads Terf/Carnage Corrupt Lands

Since their Lady Chi has left them to answer the call of Na'nag Othah we started serving under the Great Spirit's servents in the Spirit Realm (the Warp) who we call Faceless Ones (Void Wraiths) they have blessed us with the enlightenment of the power known as Chaos, we learned to better tap to the Spirit Realm granting them much power in the course of seven years since they the Dark Druid Cult are fighting under Na'nag Othah's servents the Great Raptors (Stalkers) and the Faceless Ones (Void Wraiths) slaughtering many of the accurse Mau Ka/Greenskins like Lady Chi before them they have offered their lives, hearts, and skulls to Na'nag Othah granting them gift from makings of power (Carnage Mark of Chaos) to physical changes many among us sprouting horns, spikes, turned slightly violet, and more.

The Jungle Wars they became stronger, rulers over the Florrah Spirits no longer servents with the power of Chaos granted to them by the Great Spirit the world started to embrace the powers of Chaos as once patches green jungles have be turned dark purple and violet in colors with spikes bursting out the earth, tentacles and sharp needles sprouting from various plants with mouths, stingers and more these florrah spirits were blessed by Chaos and Na'nag Othah as they are able to command these florrah (Corrupted Daemonic Plants) to slaughter, trap, and poison the vile Mau Ka (Greenskins) not only have they been pushing back and killing Greenskins once again following Lady Chi example by mutilating and defiling their bodies even hanging the from florrah, impaled on spikes or needles, places their fresh and decaying heads of Mau Ka (Greenskins) on spikes or offerings them to the florrah spirits they command over truly they have fallen to Chaos, to Carnage as many primitive humans began to fall into the temptation of the Faceless Ones (Void Wraiths) and those that still follow the false spirits and serve florrah instead of controlling them are enemies infidels which only worth is to die and be sacrificed to Chaos, to Na'nag Othah clearly these cultists/dark druids are fanatical towards Chaos and the Great Spirit, Na'nag Othah who is really the Chaos God of Carnage.

These cultists and daemons of carnage are currently the strongest and the closest of winning the Jungle Wars of Naulles.

Location Skull'munshars Terf, Boss Hut

The Waagh of Gorkarg Beast'crunchah was suffering but still going after the Weird Grey Gitz shanked that git Biletoof and his Viper'hads boyz which pizz'em off as he wanted to kill the git and collect he's head for his Throffie Stick.

He raged and thrashed the place but Mork chose him and he'll the biggest, baddest Warboss on the planet stomping out his hut he decided to head west to the pointy big rocks were the Rokfangs Terf is and since then he has waging Waaaggghh there and the last seven years Gorkarg has been fighting Rokfangs, Hummies and the Weird Hummies that have scalies and now Ghostz in their horde it was amazing he even managed to chop the head of one of the Weird Gitz that was trying to shank one of his best Nobz placing the git horned skull on his Throffie Stick right at the top.

But somezing weird has been happening late in the jungles turning all purple and more killi many boyz both his and from the other small tribez have been found dead impressing the Ork Boss, Spark'had talking to Mork did not knowz whaz going on but theyz Weird Grey Gitz and Horned Boyz are acting really orky and putting up a good fight so he is happy and excited while he is a bit nik that he hasn't found the Weird Git that waz the Boss he wanted her skull but ohh well he and his boyz have taken over a lot of places and tribez making him currently the strongest Boss with the biggest horde even when many of his boyz have been killed.

The Waaaggghh is still going while the Greenskins are lower in number than before, they are the second strongest faction in the Jungle Wars of Naulles, the Dark Druid Cult and the Carnage Daemons are hitting them hard and taking the dead Greenskins for something in their camp where the Viper'hads once were.

Location the Human Stronghold

While the Druid Witch/Chi Aahtahg has been missing for seven cycles but her evil and malice of the vile ruinous power that are corrupting more than the spirits their world was danger as many were swede to using those dark powers that was corrupting both their bodies and souls the Shamans had to create a special spell to push this evil away from their Atuu Ga'hnak meaning "Pure Sanctuary" as they try to fight this great evil and corruption brought into their world by the dark spirit Na'nag Othah.

At first the Jungle Wars the primitive people of Naulles that banded together under their greatest Shaman a man name Orru Tain the scattered clans of Naulles bound together under this man to fight against the Mau Ka (Greenskins) but stop Chi Aahtahg and her dark druids from using this mysterious but corrupting power at the beginning their unity and use of the Spirit Magic allowed them to challenge the Mau Ka and prevent some dark rituals the Druid Witch planned on casting but the more they fought against these so called cultists more have fallen to their thrall now barely the force they once were in the beginning of the Jungle Wars their now barely surviving Mau Ka (Greenskins) raids and the Dark Druid Cult that has vastly grown in power and numbers with vile horror now leading and aiding them all Naulles people can do it try to fight with what they can and heal their world and florrah.

All the while the forces of Chaos were gathered corpses and then living prisoners to reach 2197 sacrifices to offer to Na'nag Othah bringing fort the entire ruinous and glorious power of Chaos upon the world as the Faceless Ones (Void Wraiths)speak of an Avatar of their Great Spirit will descend upon the Materium and bring fort untold Carnage and enlightenment to all of the world.

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