
108. Paranoid Karna

"Who is coming, Mata?"

Karna turned around 180° and asked his mother in a shaky voice while going through all the possibilities of who could be this unexpected guest.

At first, he thought it would be his Guru Durvasa but he quickly rejected that idea as if this was the case, The atmosphere of the house will not be this calm down.

After all, Which mother will be able to keep herself down when she finds out her son chose someone as a Guru who is infamous for giving curses? There will be a lot of interrogation done by her.

That didn't happen means she didn't know about that yet, Which is a good thing, News like that has to be given using sorting the blow as much as possible.

His second guess was Mahamantri Vidur, It's highly possible that guy may come here, Though not bad but because he is not his enemy, There will be countermeasures against him.

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