
Ch. 5 Tourney 2

Ch. 5 Tourney 2

The next day, Sylas woke up to drooling on his chest.

"Ashara! Ser Sylas! Melee will start, please get ready fast!" A lady-in-waiting yelled from outside.

Ashara woke up quickly and was completely red and just like yesterday, she scrambled around to get dressed.

The melee was rather exciting, as Sylas was able to see Oberyn fighting with his all, but in the end, he was bested by Robert Baratheon.

"How could my teacher lose?" Sylas said while taking Oberyn's armor and laughing in the tent of Oberyn in the Dornish camp.

"Tsk, If I had my spear it would've been completely different," Oberyn said seriously.

"If you had your spear, right now I would've to fight the Starks while you fight the Stormlanders, I think it's better that you lost," Sylas said while laughing.

Oberyn, now without armor, grabbed a goblet of wine and downed it in one go, then he started laughing. "I would like to see you and the Stark boy, the serious one, who looks at Ashara every time he can."

"He can try, although he doesn't look like a bad person, I'm not above beating him senseless," Sylas said while sipping his wine. "How far do you think you'll go in the joust?"

"It depends, if I don't face Barristan, Arthur, or Yohn Royce, I should be able to go far in the list." He said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Everyone has something they are good at, don't be sad, teach," Sylas said while smiling widely at Oberyn

"Go and fuck your girl kid, I'll go and do what I do best." Oberyn stood up and smiled at Sylas.

Sylas did what his teacher said and went to search for Ashara.

A few hours later, the joust started and again Sylas was a bit late but his smile shined brightly.

"Welcome, Ladies and Sers! Today is the third day of the Great Tourney of Harrenhal! Today the Jousting shall start, the first pair of knights who shall open the list shall be Ser Sterlan Whent and Ser Barristan Selmy of the Kingsguard!" The herald announced, and since the yard was completely filled, deafening cries resounded at Harrenhal as the tourney started.

Ser Barristan "the Brave" managed to unhorse the young Whent knight with ease as he just broke two lances on him.

Sylas, like a smart lad, started gambling as he knew almost perfectly for whom to put his money.

"All right, everyone! The last bout of the first day of this great tourney! Ser Oberyn Martell of Dorne against Owen of Bear Island!" The herald announced.

Sylas stood behind a mounted Oberyn, finishing some small touches for his horse, then, he gave his teacher his lance.

"Good luck to the bear," Sylas said with a smile.

"Yeah," Oberyn said while slowly moving towards the tilt arena, where he waited for the herald to announce the start.

A few seconds later, he started accelerating as he heard the bard, his lance couched between his arm and thigh, he aimed for his enemy's chest and struck squarely on the chest.

The bear managed to stay on the horse, but itseeing the dent in his armor was kind of sadJust as Oberyn was nearing the end of his side, the herald announced the second tilt, Oberyn started slowly gaining speed, Sylas extended his hands and managed to place a lance on his hands and Oberyn went swiftly against the bear again.

This time, the bear was completely unhorsed as Oberyn struck him on the shoulder, although Oberyn himself got hit on the chest. When Oberyn got to his end, he slowly dismounted his horse visibly winded, Sylas immediately moved forward to take his chest plate as Oberyn was struggling to catch his breath.

"You okay, teach?" Sylas asked, concerned.

"Yeah, the bear barely grazed my chest." He said with a small cough.

Sylas started laughing while getting the chest plate off, Oberyn took his shirt off and he had a big red mark on his chest, but there wasn't any problem as he could breathe properly.

"Give some wine, kid." Oberyn sat on his bed, alone with Sylas in his tent.

"Must hurt a lot, huh, I've heard that the Northmen are strong, but I didn't think it would be this much, maybe if his lance pointed elsewhere" Sylas said with a wicked smile while serving wine and getting some herbs mixed with honey and wine to apply on his chest.

Oberyn started laughing loudly, but he started coughing. "He wasn't strong, and he didn't look good enough to threaten me, his horse was fast and the man had good aim, he is probably worse than me though, Haha!"

"All right old man, get on the bed, I'll get some of this shit on your chest and we can only hope you heal fast," Sylas said.

"Fuck off." He said while looking at his chest.

Sylas applied the ointment on his chest and then he went out, he got one of the knights that accompanied Oberyn everywhere to either get some prostitutes into his tent or go himself, the knight laughed and thanked Sylas for his consideration.

As for Sylas, he went to find Ashara and found her, but she was with her brother, Sylas approached anyway.

When Ashara saw him she went red immediately, and Arthur saw it, he looked at Sylas and the two men stood there, looking at each other.

"An honor to meet The Sword of the Morning," Sylas said with a smile.

"I've seen you, you seem to be good with the bow, Fowler." He said sternly.

"I have to admit that I've spent as much time practicing with a bow as reading books, yet it's still inferior to the time I spend training my swordsmanship," Sylas said calmly.

"I've heard that you've sullied my sister." He said sternly, completely looking down on Sylas with his hand on Dawn.

"I've expressed verbally to Ashara my desire to marry her, I was raised by a good father and mother, I would never sully the honor of a lady like that." Sylas stood straight looking up at Arthur, his hand tightly embracing the handguard of his sword as well but not even a shed of doubt in his eyes.

He smiled and put his hand on Sylas' shoulder. "Good boy, I approve of you, take care of my sister, lest I hear she cried because of you."

"I would never," Sylas said with a smile.

"All right, little sister, I'll leave you two alone," Arthur said while leaving.

Sylas then hugged Ashara tightly, while she apologized for her brother's test. The two started walking around and ended up in the godswood again, there, only the old gods know what happened.

The next day, the joust began earlier as it was the only event of the day, although Sylas and Ashara were late, they managed to see the dragon prince unhorsing some Whent knight.

On the sixth day of jousting, Oberyn was unfortunately unhorsed by Ser Barristan Selmy with three lances on his left shoulder. Sylas had to deal with a drunk Oberyn and he left him alone with three prostitutes which he paid with some money that he stole from Oberyn, who obviously wouldn't mind.

"Who do you think will win?" Asked Ashara as she saw Sylas sitting beside her.

"I already have placed all my money on the sissy prince." Said Sylas while looking at the arena.

"Ser Barristan is of the Kingsguard, he is an experienced knight though." She said softly.

"He is, but the sissy prince is his liege, it's very unlikely that he'll unhorse Rhaegar with the necessary strength," Sylas said while crossing his arms.

"You don't like him?" Ashara asked again with a really low voice.

"Not one bit, he is married to Princess Elia, yet he seems more comfortable with other women, he barely acknowledges her," He said calmly.

"My sister should be madder, you know?" Oberyn said as he sat at his side.

"I know, but you are my teacher, and she is your sister, I don't like it."

"You are a lucky girl, Asha, you better not let him see you with other men!" Oberyn said and he burst out laughing.

"Just shut up old man, the tilt is starting," Sylas said with a smile.

In the end, Sylas was right, and the dragon prince won, but when he had to choose his queen of love and beauty, he did what Sylas remembered to be the first spark of Robert's Rebellion.

Oberyn was about to jump into the yard and chase Rhaegar but his sister spoke to him and calmed him, Sylas was calm and looked at the prince coldly. 'Everything for a fucking dream, I hope Jon Snow is worth the war' Sylas stood up, looked at Oberyn, and the two looked at each other, Sylas shook his head as he thought about what Oberyn tried to imply with his gaze.

Everyone went back towards the camp, and later into the night, we got news about Brandon Stark and the other Starks making a ruckus in Harrenhal to fight against the dragon prince, since the king wasn't in Harrenhal anymore, they lucked out this time.

"All right, Ash, as soon as I get to the Water Gardens, I'll send a letter to my father, so please wait for me," Sylas said as he hugged Ashara openly.

"Mhm." Ashara just nodded and kissed Sylas on his lips. "I'll wait" She got into the carriage that was going towards King's Landing while Oberyn, our knights and I would go back to Dorne.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

I have no excuse, the soft embrace of my bed deprived me from the chance of posting, it's her fault, not mine

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts
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