
A bit of a food problem

When I woke up from my sleep, I immediately tried to ascertain my time. Based on the sun about 4 hours passed since I went asleep. (So about 8 am) It was still quite dimly light in the forest.

I myself was still pretty tired but I will have to make more of a distance from the sect if I want to have a good night's sleep.

"I guess I should cover up this camp"

I'm not really good at that kind of stuff but I'm pretty sure I have enough skill to move my building materials into random places. With that in mind I start disassembling my camp. I threw stones from the camp fire far from each other, used my water pen to clean off the ash and scorched ground, and place the sticks from my tent into inconspicuous places. The moss I stuffed into some tree.

"I guess that's about everything I can do here"

After cleaning up my camp I drank the rest of my water.

"My best option at this moment would be to start heading for some village" I have nothing at this moment at all after all, only some clothes and money. On the other hand I lack severely in water and food, actually I'm mostly hydrated so food is my priority.

"I can still hold on from food so it would be best if I don't forage for food" I have no idea what I can and cannot eat, it would be safer just to not eat anything.

"I guess I should take a bath first and change my clothes" There is a stream of water nearby but I'm not really too keen on taking water from it, a bath should be okay though.

I got to the stream, and take of my clothes. With my hand I tried to feel the waters temperature.

"Wow it's really cold" I quickly take my hand away.

"I'm used to higher temperatures more with all that body tempering, but lower ones..."

"Still I'm quite dirty after all that physical labour" With my courage gathered I started cleaning myself.

I guess it's time for some shower thoughts. They should probably figure out I ran away in an about half an hour, there is quite a bit of distance between us, but I'm sure they could track me. I have to make as much distance as possible.

While I'm sure they would continue looking for me if they don't find me too soon they would at least go report before continuing on. Once I'm far enough they will stop pursuing me and instead focus on intelligence to locate me.

I'm out of my supplies too, Before I check the map I have no idea where the closest village from here is. I guess I have two options for now, since I need water more than food I could get to the source of the water It should be relatively clean there.

The second one would be going directly for another village. Honestly both options are passable it just depends on where its closer from here. Since I'm heading for the sea, it would take me just below a month to get to some small city there.

In other worlds I would have to take these stops or I wouldn't last the journey. Well I guess it's time to finish cleaning. I pick up my bag and take out a new set of clothes, while changing an idea came to me.

"Wait a moment can't I just generate water with my second martial soul" Honestly the answer was quite obvious but I was quite hyper focused on a few things.

I put my previous clothes in the bag, and take out my map.

"Well since the water problem is solved I guess I should check out my next destination"

After looking through the map I found one that is in the direction of my final destination.

"It's... 3 days away from here." This journey is going to be much harder than I thought.

With my next destination in my mind, I get moving.

The forest is quite decent sized, but I kept myself at the outer parts of it too not encounter any stronger spirit beasts.

"Thankfully this isn't such a dangerous place like Star Dou Great Forest"

While going through the forest I only encountered 10 year old spirit beasts, nothing surprising considering where I am right now. The forest in itself wasn't anything special, just a typical one. Trees everywhere basically, but it was quite... relaxing.

I was internally quite in a turmoil but going through this forest really calmed me down, without having to run or worry about a place to sleep I could just focus on myself for a second.

All of this was taking quite a toll on me, from living quite leisurely I suddenly lack food and struggle to find a place to sleep. But nothing lasts forever, soon enough I came out of the.

"No roads, just grass huh"

I reaffirmed my directions before continuing on. I decided to find a road going in the direction of the village I'm heading for, If I'm lucky I will get a ride, and since I'm not in a forest anymore it would be safer to sleep near one.

Going through an endless expanse of green while wind blew on me was quite a refreshing and nice experience, but it got boring after my second hour of walking. Thankfully after almost another 2 hours I finally reached. Looking up at the sun it's about 1 pm at the moment.

The road itself was quite simple, just a path that was made by people walking with some fences on one side.

"I guess now it's time to walk along the road"

The only thing that keeps me from taking a break at this moment, is the food I will be able to get after reaching the village, and who knows maybe there is a merchant with some food on him that will be willing to share it with me or sell it.

Walking along the road was quite boring, it was less windy here and the sun was quite hot, I was already sweating quite a lot. Thankfully I changed to a lighter, and more revealing clothing than the all black that basically fully covered me from before.

"I'm already walking for another two hours, life why must you be so harsh on me" Hmm? What do you mean it's my fault, that I caused it to myself. Outrageous. I'm the one on the receiving end alright.

"What's that? Someone is coming?"

On my right there was another path and from there I could see a person carrying some goods, it got my hopes up by quite a lot, I felt like fate smiled to me.

But then, he instantly went back to where I was coming from. He didn't even spare me a glance, I was so astonished I forgot to say anything and soon he already was quite far enough from me.

"I guess I will just take a break"

I sat down, and used my ice brush to cool myself off, then I instantly switched to my water pen and fed myself some water.

"Some well deserved time off"

My legs were already throbbing from all that walking.

"I feel like I'm doing a pilgrimage" I took a moment to think of something.

"I think I should do something about my legs, mostly feet"

I decided to relax myself by massaging my feet. I took off my right boot, used my left hand to use the ice brush for cooling, and massaged it with the right one, after 10 minutes I switched legs and done the same.

"I guess that's enough resting, just sitting here took me about 30 minutes"

After this little rest I was quite refreshed and recharged, even my determination improved a bit. I guess it's true that physical condition is connected to mental health.

Afterwards I continued walking and I did so for another 7 hours, currently I'm sitting curled up on the side of the road, with another layer of clothing on myself trying to sleep.

Although I have my phoenix bloodline, I'm still weak, and just a soul grandmaster. They aren't that much stronger than humans, actually I'm pretty sure a normal human could beat one in a fist fight.

"IT's so cold here" I really couldn't do anything other than grit my teeth and fall asleep, maybe tomorrow I won't have to do something similar.


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