
Over and Under

This chapter is probably the most brutal in the story, so be warned! GRAPHIC depiction of gang rape! This is as dark as I've gotten in the 30+ chapters that I've written, but I wanted to give a heads up to hold on to your seats and know what you're getting yourself into here! :P

Chapter Three

Over and Under

Ramsay stared at the ceiling holding himself stiffly due to the uncomfortable manner in which Sansa had left him with that phallic wooden object still buried deeply inside him. A rope had been wrapped around his waist and between his thighs crisscrossed to secure the hold of the dildo within a wedge in its handle. She'd shoved the huge wooden cock in up to the hilt and was sure to tie it to him tightly to insure there would be no way he could expel it from himself (and he'd tried! On and off for most of the night in fact.)

The dildo was firmly set in place, and it wasn't going anywhere. Ramsay had squirmed and shifted in every capacity he'd had trying to relax enough to ease the pain and rawness he felt back there, but no matter how he tried, it was an impossible task for him to reconcile enough with his ego to allow himself to rest with that thing inside him. Just knowing she had done this to him, was still doing this to him… it was enough to keep him on edge with a burning inner contempt towards her, but his wrath was devolving more into self-pity as time lurched on. He didn't deserve this!

His muscles shook now from his weariness; he was sore all over, and his head swam from exhaustion. He had to have been tied to this contraption three days now? It was hard to tell with how many times he'd come in and out of consciousness that first night and day before Sansa had come to grace him with her company. She'd left him with the words, 'Take some time to reflect how you came to be where you are right now; I look forward to what tomorrow brings.' That was yesterday afternoon, and now it was mid-morning the next day.

Ramsay's head jerked to attention when he heard the groan of the heavy iron door announcing someone's arrival. It wasn't Sansa though, it was her bastard brother. He grimaced as a shamed heat rose through him knowing the state he was in, and the fact that Jon would clearly behold exactly what his sister had done to him.

Jon had stopped frozen a few steps into the dungeon as he'd taken in Ramsay's visage with no small amount of shock. He knew Sansa had said she wanted to have time with Ramsay before executing him, but when she'd just expressed that she now wished to forgo the execution and keep him as a prisoner for a while, he'd been more than a little surprised. She hadn't gone into details about what she'd done to him, but word had gotten back to Jon from a casual conversation through Tormund what she'd asked of him and the fact she'd also put it out there that anyone that wanted to take him bodily would be given the opportunity tonight after the sun had set. Several men were already chomping at the bit to have their way with Ramsay whether for purely sexual desire or as a bit of fitful revenge for their own losses.

The ex-night's watchmen had been taken aback by the news and felt a need to confront Sansa himself only to see she wasn't here, and what he did see made his stomach twist in knots. He found it hard to believe his sister, Sansa could have been capable of such torture, but it had been some time since they'd spent any real time together. Between war and everything else, life had become rather complicated.

Jon swallowed hard moving further into the room towards Ramsay who had lowered his head his muscles shaking from exhaustion and adrenaline. Jon's eyes scanned over him noting his attempts to avoid eye contact. His jaw clenched in anger as recognition that Ramsay must have been truly horrible to his sister for her to want to go to such extremes to hurt him.

Ramsay would have normally mocked the man, but in his current position he thought better of it. He was ready for this to all be over as he stated in resignation, "Have you come to put me out of my misery then?"

Jon scowled darkly moving around to face Ramsay, "You can assuredly expect to be put down like the rabid dog that you are soon enough. When was the last time you saw Sansa? I must speak to her regarding you."

A barely audible chuckle came from Ramsay; his whole body shook with it as he lifted his head to stare back at Jon. The smile that decorated his face was not one of mirth but one of madness from further cracking of an already damaged mind, "Your sister… she's quite the piece of work! You call me a rabid dog, but she's a cut from the same cloth her and I. Fitting if I'm a rabid dog that she be the rabid bitch."

Jon backhanded him, "Shut your mouth about my sister; you and her are nothing alike. I came down here with the purpose of convincing her that what she's planned for you might even be too cruel for the likes of you, but I can see that you're proving me dead wrong Ramsay. Enjoy your night." Jon gave the man one last begrudging look before he stormed away never looking back as the iron door was opened by the guard that had accompanied him, and they departed with a foreboding clang that resonated into the empty room.

Ramsay gulped in trepidation at Jon's admission, if this wasn't far too cruel for him, than what was? He began to piece it together quickly enough when about an hour later two large men moved a heavy bed frame made of iron into the room followed by a mattress. They'd regarded Ramsay curiously one even laughing at his plight muttering, "Fucking little shit's finally getting what he got coming ta him."

These men were men that he'd seen at the castle before. Servants of some sort from the blacksmith or carpenter's forts, but none that he'd given the time of day. Still, to hear them talking about him was an awful feeling that made Ramsay fume inwardly. He couldn't do anything, and to rage at them would do nothing for him. From their opinion of him, Ramsay gathered they'd just laugh at him and anger him further, so he just watched them mutely with a scowl placed firmly on his face. They fastened chains to each post, and each chain bore a cuff on the other end. The bed had no head or foot boards, and it looked rather ominous with the heavy chain manacles splayed out across the empty mattress that he knew was awaiting his arrival.

It was definitely quite apparent Sansa intended to see him further abused tonight from her brother's last words, and Ramsay was growing rather nervous that half the day was already gone and night would be here soon enough. After the two burly men left, Ramsay felt a wash of sick dread pour over him as tears welled in his eyes. He couldn't believe this was happening to him! He wanted to die from the amount of shame she'd caused him. It was too much to have to face, and having to face it was tearing at every fiber of his being.

It wasn't long after the men had left that Sansa appeared with two guards in tow.

She motioned to Ramsay, "Cut him down and place him face down on the bed. Attach the irons well, and adjust the chain length to allow him the ability to rise to his knees but no more. I want his hands pulled taught and secure, his ass is the only thing that needs to be able to raise off of that bed."

The guards only gave an affirmative nod as they moved to follow their lady's commands.

Ramsay was shaking his head no as the men cut the ropes from first his ankles and then his wrists. To be cut free made him almost collapse as the blood rushed to his limbs and head. The guards were there to catch him though and adhered a hand to each bicep as they began to pull him over and onto the awaiting mattress, "Wait. Wait!" Ramsay twisted violently, but he regretted it immediately by the aching burn he received from the massive cock still buried deep within him. He croaked, "Sansa… I've displeased you, but surely what you've done to me already should be enough! Even your brother came to see me looking for you to tell you you've gone too far! See reason!"

Sansa gave him a withering glare moving up to the bed and staring down at him as he struggled in vain for the men not to chain his hands, "Yes, Jon and I spoke. He told me that you were not very polite to the point of defaming my character. He now agrees with my course of action wholly. I suppose I have you to thank for that, so congratulations Ramsay. You've seen to it that your life is spared until I give Jon the word that I am done with you. Which I have to admit may be quite some time from now because I do enjoy your suffering more than I garnered I would. I will also say that I don't appreciate you speaking about me in such a fashion. I won't beat you for that offense… at least not this time, but you and I are going to have a heart to heart here and now, Ramsay. I'll not tolerate your ill words, and you will be strapped severely if you deign to insult me further from this point further. Are we quite clear?"

As she spoke, Ramsay was sneering hatefully at her with his teeth bared and his face contorting with malice in his fury. The guards moved on to clamp his ankles before stepping away and leaving just Sansa staring down at him with a deadpan stare. She gave him a moment to respond before she turned and moved around the bed towards the strap placed on the small table walking over to retrieve it.

Ramsay's face faltered as his eyes widened in recognition of what she would do if he didn't answer her then. He shouted quickly at her returning form, "We're clear! We're very clear!" The last thing he wanted was to be pained that much more than he already was on top of whatever he was due to face in a few hours' time.

Ramsay had reflexively cringed in response to her coming back towards him with a look that said she intended to hurt him. He could feel the way her eyes raked across him now, and the fact that he'd involuntarily reacted in such a way made bile rise in his throat as he averted his eyes shamefully to face the mattress. This wasn't happening to him! Ramsay thought miserably unable to accept the fact that Sansa was finding more ways to get him to do as she commanded. It wasn't her place to do this, it was his! She had been his wife, she belonged to him! It wasn't the other way around, it never was. That didn't make any sense! Ramsay mulled over his own thoughts trying wholly to ignore reality.

Sansa's lip twitched into a smirk to see his normally arrogant or sadistic recourse towards her clipped and replaced by affirmative obedience.

His mouth twisted from an angry snarl to an anguished frown as he pulled on his restraints testing their resolve. His arms were stretched taut almost flush to the edges of the mattress. Ramsay flexed and stretched in his new confines. With the slack on his ankles, he could pull himself up to the top of the mattress and hang his head off the edge. Ramsay pushed to lift his chest off of the mattress, but by the tight reign of where his wrists were manacled, it left him barely able to awkwardly raise up on his elbows. He was weak from the prolonged time spent tied to the cross, and outside of the torture he was seemingly due to face tonight, he was for now thankful to be lying flat on a comfortable surface.

Sansa strode back around to his side with the strap loosely dangling from her hand stating purposefully, "I want you to put your ass in the air for me."

Ramsay slowly turned his face up to her lip curling back to say something obviously nasty from the loathsome glare he affixed Sansa with. She didn't wait to hear it as she swung the strap down wickedly much to Ramsay's surprise.

His back arched in a quick snap like a striking cobra to the pain she delivered. The strap connecting on already tender flesh seared through him causing Ramsay to clench which also aggrieved him inwardly as his internal muscles clamped down on the dildo causing him further pain. He jerked giving her a look of hurt bewilderment, "I… I didn't even say anything! You're hitting me for no reason other than to hit me now!"

"You didn't have to, your face said all I needed to hear. Besides, your ass is still not in the air as you were instructed. Don't make me repeat my request or I'll do so with a heavier hand," Sansa said fixing Ramsay with a look that warned of further pain for noncompliance.

Ramsay frowned deeply as he tested pulling up slowly on one knee and then the other. He was surprising himself that he was actually doing as he was told without argument or barbed words. He was tired of hurting, and to do this for her without any dispute drained all the fight from him.

It was a sudden insight that he'd let her win, and this bit of knowledge made him burn with embarrassment and a deeper hatred of her for making him continue to sink lower than he thought he could ever possibly go. He wasn't exactly sure when this transition had occurred, but it left him feeling rather defeated and his outlook bleak.

He let out a soft groan of pain as he moved resentfully into the position she'd commanded. His ass felt so tender, and as much as he hated to ask anything of her, he rasped out in barely over a whisper, "Can you take it out now?"

"What was that Ramsay?" She heard him well enough, but she wanted him to repeat himself just because she knew it would bother him greatly to have to ask anything of her.

Ramsay clenched his teeth knowing full well what she was doing; she'd learned well from him he supposed scoffing to himself that he was partially to blame for her art of sadism now. It was almost something he could be proud of, and if it weren't happening to him, he would be. He growled out, "Will you take it out!"

"Take what out?" She toyed with him enjoying the way he tensed in aggravation at her nettling.

He sneered replying venomously, "The fucking piece of wood you've got stabbed into me!"

She tutted, "Such an angry little man you are. Ask nicely with a please, and I'll be kind to you. You won't get another offer." He could rest for the next five or six hours before the night's events she decided a small reprieve was warranted if he bowed to her wishes.

Ramsay's face flushed hesitating to give her what she wanted. He didn't want to give her any satisfaction, but he knew if he didn't let go of a small ounce of his willful pride that he'd get nowhere with her and remain in this same state. He was already going to face whatever cruelties she planned to inflict on him hours from now, he decided it was better to suck up his pride and be granted clemency now if only so he could actually get some much needed rest.

Exhaustion pulled him into a fatigue like he'd never coped with before; he was so bone weary now that even though he'd not eaten in days, the stress he'd been under made him barely register the need for it. He let out a tired sigh, "Please…" He paused pushing himself to continue grudgingly, "Please will you take your torturous device out of me." He'd gotten the words out, enunciated them clearly, so that he wouldn't be forced to repeat them, but to hear them come out of his mouth felt more than alien. This wasn't him speaking, it was a hollow rendition of himself.

Pleased with his acquiescence, Sansa dropped the strap unceremoniously between his spread legs, quietly moved closer to his hip, and slowly untied the knots she'd fastened letting the rope loosen and fall into a sag around him. She took her time unraveling the rope from around his thighs and waste enjoying the way his body flexed anxiously obviously impatient for her to take the dildo out of him, but not so impatient that he'd risk angering her and having her deny him relief. She took hold of the hilt and slowly removed it. If it had been Ramsay doing the torturing, he'd have made the person believe he would have taken it out only to shove it back in and tell the sufferer saying he'd changed his mind. Ramsay was quite thankful Sansa was not in fact that much like him.

Ramsay's whole body shook and he couldn't help the small moan that escaped his lips feeling the object finally being removed. It had been in him for so long, he almost felt empty to no longer feel its presence. He was greatly relieved though, and his body shuddered and instantly slackened upon the dildo's removal.

"Say thank you," Sansa stated offhandedly.

Ramsay didn't want to thank her, but he found the words departing his lips in a rasped melancholy exhale, "…Thank you."

She nodded approvingly, "You may lower your ass now." She moved over to the wash bucket she'd left yesterday and pulling the scrub brush from the waters, she made quick work of cleaning her new toy, drying it, and placing it back in the basket that still remained on the small table.

As Sansa was doing this, Ramsay had let his ass carefully lower onto the bed reveling in being able to feel somewhat relaxed for the first time in a long time. It was a tremendously good feeling to be lying down on a comfortable surface without pain being inflicted by one thing or another. This small act of kindness from her brought a wellspring of tears to glaze his eyes over the fact he would actually feel thankful to her for giving him so little. He found this feeling appalling and unrecognizable to his normal thought patterns. It left him feeling confused and disoriented internally.

Some of this must have exuded from his countenance because Sansa found herself tilting her head to examine his face. Ramsay wasn't crying, but he looked forlorn and on the verge of tears. He wasn't looking at her, but when his eyes did drift over to meet hers, the fire they normally blazed with seemed dulled and resigned now, and she could tell some part of him had given up.

He didn't speak, he just watched her now waiting for her to address him because he had nothing left to say. She found it was harder to hate him like this, and she almost felt guilty for what she planned to do to him, but then she reminded herself of everything he'd done, and her resolve was reaffirmed. She stared down at him now regarding him with indifference, "Sleep; you're going to need your rest for what I have in store for you tonight."

Ramsay blinked recognition that he'd heard her before letting his eyes drift away to stare off in the distance at nothing.

Sansa took one last look at him before she walked away leaving him to his thoughts.

Ramsay's ears were now sharply attuned to her shoes clipping across the floor and the heavy shifting of metal on metal chafing of the armored men as they left, and once they were gone, he found himself drained of most thoughts. He had no decisions to make or really any choice at all in regards to what was happening to him, so there really was no point in dwelling on what was to come. He would worry plenty when it came time to face it he was more than sure, but for now, all he wanted was to fade from existence for a little while. He would need his strength to endure whatever was to come, so he let his lids finally close and his mind settle enough to find sleep.

Ramsay was dead to the world and had not woken when Sansa had returned. His breathing was ragged and his face was slack. He looked peaceful she noted as she regarded that his face had started to heal. The swelling had gone down, but his face still held cuts and bruising. He had become far more recognizable than he had been after Jon had pounded his fists relentlessly into him. She was actually surprised Jon had not broken Ramsay's nose or knocked out any teeth with the ferocity he'd beaten him.

She remembered when Ramsay would sleep in her bed after he'd spent the night taking from her, he'd looked much the same as he did now when she'd shifted in the night to face him. The biggest difference was seeing him like this now no longer filled her with a fear that he would wake and take from her again before she could escape his side. He held no power over her any longer, and now she had to wonder what he had thought waking next to her before and what he would think and feel now. Sansa wondered if it was anything like the terror that she had felt, she hoped so.

As if feeling her presence at his side, Ramsay started awake. His eyes shot up to her with more clarity than he'd carried the last time they had seen one another. He didn't grace her with his characteristic cocky smile or snappy words as he blinked the fog from his mind; he only grimaced his lip curling in disdain.

"I'm glad you're finally awake. I wanted you to feel refreshed for our company," she gave a small nod towards the door, and Ramsay spun his head to where she'd motioned. A guard held the iron door open, and two men proceeded to bring in a fine chair that she pointed to a spot not far from where she was standing for them to place it.

Once they'd set it down, Sansa carefully sat looking quite proper as she leaned back comfortably, "I wanted this to be another reminder of our wedding night and several other nights we shared together," as she spoke a group of twelve men filed into the room.

Ramsay's head swiveled from her to them; the sneer falling from him face as his jaw hung open in clear understanding. He'd made Reek watch because it broke him further and showed her how much he'd broken him. Ramsay had relished the power that made him feel over both of them simultaneously. The color drained from his face as he turned wide eyes of shock back at her, "No… I never did this to you! It wasn't like that with Reek!"

"His name is Theon!" She hissed her hands grasping the arms of the chair as she jutted forward in her anger of his attempts to downplay what he had done to them. "But… since you're fond of giving your victims monikers, perhaps I'll give you one. Maybe an apt name for you after tonight will be skewer." She lifted her gaze giving a curt nod to the men that began to undress.

Sansa announced to the men as they kicked off their trousers, "The line starts here," she pointed to the front of the bed, "I'm quite weary of what Ramsay has to say, so I'd like to keep his mouth preoccupied."

She went to continue, but Ramsay raged, "I swear if any of you comes near my face with your cocks, I'll bite it off!"

Sansa scoffed, "I thought you might say something like that," she nodded to the far corner and a man appeared from the shadows holding a set of fastened rings that looked like a modified horse bit. It had a large circle in the middle, two metal connecters from the circle that led to the side pieces with leather attachments connecting to these rings on the side to fasten the contraption to his head. The man lumbered forward ready to adhere the bit to Ramsay. She'd already considered such a threat apparently.

Ramsay gasped shaking his head vigorously, "No! No! Don't!"

Two guardsmen moved up to assist the man while Ramsay did his best to resist them clamping his teeth shut tightly in no way willing to let them put that ring in his mouth.

Ramsay's chest was heaving with peeked adrenaline, a small sweat broke out across his body in a sheen from his sheer panic of all of the correlating factors before him. He snapped at the men that struggled with him now in an attempt to bite one of them, anything just to cause someone else pain to. This worked against him though as one of the guards used the fact that he'd opened his mouth to jam his finger roughly into the hinges of his jaw locking his mouth open enough where one of the other men were able to fit the ring inside while keeping their fingers intact.

Once the ring had been inserted, the men made quick work of securing it to Ramsay's head.

Ramsay rubbed furiously against the mattress and his shoulders trying to dislodge this new article of torture, but it was made apparent rather quickly that it was firmly in place. He lowered his head shuddering back tears at this new level of humiliation. She really was taking everything from him, and giving him no way to retaliate.

Seeing Ramsay had been handled, Sansa gave a short nod Ramsay's way before turning back to the partially dressed men, many of whom were stroking themselves obviously turned on by a beautiful noble woman decreeing that they do this for her and the force she would do it with, "Now that that mess is settled; let us begin then. As I was saying gentlemen, the line starts here, and you can spill your seed down his throat or in his face. Once you have, you can move behind him and have a second go. If your fancy hasn't been sated, there is a bucket of hot water I'm having brought up, you can clean yourself up and get back in line," Sansa laid these instructions out simply as if she were telling them how she wanted a room decorated over how she wanted to see Ramsay gang raped.

As she spoke, the men began to move over to where Sansa had directed, and Ramsay stiffened at their approach. The bed was high enough that unless the man was very tall, his groin was at a perfect height to shove himself down Ramsay's throat. He understood now why the bed had had no head or foot boards as the first man brought his erect member up to him quite eagerly. They all looked quite eager Ramsay noticed with a sickening horror. This was going to be a very long and unpleasant evening.

He didn't have time to think on the matter any farther as the man, who had come to stand in front of him, snaked a hand into the back of his hair lifting his head and chest painfully off the mattress causing Ramsay to gasp in reaction as his head was yanked forward towards the man's crotch.

Ramsay jerked his head to the side as a last ditch effort of defiance only to be rewarded with a sharp sting from the strap. Ramsay never realized when Sansa had snagged it from off the bed, but the blazing sting was enough to surprise him fully as he screamed out an inarticulate cry of pain through the bit.

The man having a lock on his head used the opportunity to shove his greedy cock in Ramsay's mouth ramming into him fully as Ramsay gagged wide-eyed. His body went completely rigid with hands splayed tensely at the edge of the mattress unable to do anything but try to breathe past the man's cock. The man was obviously quite worked up as he ejaculated after only a few minutes before pulling out of Ramsay's sputtering mouth.

Ramsay was still reeling from what had just happened gasping and dry heaving. If he'd had any contents in his stomach, he was sure he would have hurled from not only the awful fact that he'd just had a penis in his mouth but now also the man's taste, his cum; he could still smell his crotch from having his head rammed into the man's pelvic. He was revolted and mortified.

The bed moved behind him as he felt the man that had just violated him moving around to violate him again in a different manner. The man yanked on his hips, to get Ramsay to position his ass for him, but this was too much to ask, and Ramsay snapped screaming through the ring something incomprehensible but obviously meant as a threat at the man as he did his best to roll away from the attempts to mount him and otherwise make it difficult for the man to have his way with him.

Sansa rose motioning to the man, "Please sir, I need you to step off the bed for a moment; Ramsay needs to be shown not to be so rude to my guests," the man complied as she took the strap in hand and began swinging mercilessly down striking his very bruised flesh as Ramsay did his best to roll away.

He was only yanked back into place by one of the guards grabbing the back of his knee and securing it to the bed, so he couldn't escape her wrath. He didn't; Sansa laid lash after lash until Ramsay was beside himself with pain while his screams broke in his throat.

After several minutes of this, Sansa stopped, "Any time you do not obey you will be punished. Is that understood?"

Ramsay trembled hitching gasps and trying to recalibrate from the abuse he'd just endured.

The strap landed again harshly, "I need you to nod your head yes that you understand Ramsay," Sansa instructed cruelly.

Ramsay winced at the renewed pain, and much to his dismay found himself nodding in agreement as she'd demanded of him.

Pleased with his assent Sansa smiled, "Now that we are clear with what's expected of you; I want you on your knees for this man." She stood there ready to start punishing him again if he did not comply.

He regarded her stance and knew to disobey would lead to more pain followed by the inevitability of what was already going to proceed the pain, so he found himself once more pulling himself onto his knees. As he did so, he felt the mattress shift as the man that had been waiting his turn was ready to renew his previous efforts.

Ramsay could hear the sound of the man working his member back up to stick into him as the next man in line moved up to fuck his mouth. Ramsay winced as he felt the man's cock brush against is very sore entrance, and as he felt the man plunge into him, the man in front of him was grabbing his chin smiling lasciviously down at him. Ramsay's eyes darted over to see Sansa had resettled herself into her chair with the strap laid across her lap. She wore a satisfied smile, and as the next man started to make him gag on his cock while the other man rocked into him from behind, tears welled in his eyes and spilled down his cheeks in a steady stream. Once he'd started crying, he couldn't stop, but that didn't deter any of the men that wanted to take from him.

Sansa's nipples were hard watching them go to town on Ramsay one by one and watching him sob brokenly as they fucked him throughout the night. At one point she'd become so excited she had to resist reaching down to touch herself. This didn't stop her from eventually climaxing there in her seat as quietly as she could muster. If the men performing the task she had given them noticed, none of them made mention of it.

Sansa had left to clean herself up at one point and had sent for a tub basin to be brought up to the dungeon along with buckets of hot water to fill it.

It took until the wee hours of the morning for all the men to have their way with Ramsay. Several of the men had wanted to get back in line, and by the time they were all spent, Ramsay was covered in sweat and semen shaking uncontrollably as he heaved mournful cries at his loss of dignity and self. He hadn't even realized when it had officially ended until he felt Sansa's delicate fingers working at the bit in his mouth.

He cringed at her touch, and she knew then that he finally understood the pain he'd inflicted on her and then some. Ramsay worked his jaw once the bit was released, but he couldn't bring himself to look up at her.

Sansa motioned to the guards, "Unchain him and place him in the tub."

The guards did as asked, and Ramsay made no attempt to fight them now. He'd retreated inward letting a wash of numbness overtake him hours into the gang rape to shut out as much as he could of what was happening to him.

Being placed in the hot waters was like a balm to the aches the covered the entirety of his body. He shivered involuntarily as he splashed his face vigorously with the water to remove the disgusting feeling of all of those men using and sullying him on so many levels. He fervently scrubbed with the washcloth that had been draped over the side of the basin, but no matter how much he scrubbed his face and body, he couldn't stop from feeling dirty, feeling them on him and in him. Finally Ramsay stopped scrubbing breaking down into sobs as he covered his face in his hands.

Sansa had watched him as he went through the motions she understood well as she stated, "It never washes away. No matter how hard you scrub. It will always be with you."

Ramsay wiped at his face turning to face her with a look of pure misery as he stumbled out, "I… I'm tired. Please… end this. End me. I'm ready to die." He was devastated and broken. His mind had been shattered by the things she'd put him through to the point he didn't even have the energy to hate her anymore. All he wanted was to stop suffering at her hands.

Sansa walked closer leaning down to whisper in his ear, "But I'm not ready for you to die." She straightened then as Ramsay just stared at her blinking dumbfounded. She reached out grabbing his jaw and lifting his chin up to look her full in the face, "You are mine Ramsay, and until I decide I wish to let you go, you're going to service my needs. I will take care of you, and as long as you make me happy, I'll treat you well. You'd like that wouldn't you? For me to treat you well?"

Ramsay's face was filled with confusion trying to understand this new development and what it meant for him. He found himself numbly nodding.

Sansa's smile widened as leaned down and laid a soft kiss on his forehead before backing away, "Good." She turned back to the two guards, "I'm going to send up one of the maid's to change his sheets along with a towel and food. Once he's dried and fed, lock him back onto the bed. I may decide I wish to visit my new pet later."

Ramsay swallowed hard as he watched her go, he sank back into the water slumping in defeat still trying to comprehend what was to become of him.

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