
Tasting a Queen (Part-1) (R-18)

Alexander's stay in Thesalie turned from what he thought would only be a week or two of rest to nearly two months of residency, as he got caught up in various expected administrative tasks one after the other, delaying his return to Zanzan further and further.

One day it was meeting with the surrounding lords, the other day it was Gelene's fever, the next day it was surveying the places to build the cement kilns, another day it was settling disputes between the local people after that was the bad weather and then there was the simple case of Alexander simply being lazy.

The list of problematic days could go on.

And it was like that the harsh winter began to recede into spring, as by now it was close to February and everything was beginning to warm up.

Which was certainly good news for everybody.

Except for one- Lady Parthia.

Because although the weather was improving, her husband was not.

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