
The Lestrange vault


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 9

The Lestrange vault

After hearing those words the goblin seemed confused for a second. "I'm sorry Mr. Potter but what makes you think I will grant you access to the Lestrange vault. As far as I know, you are not related to them in any way."

Harry gave a soft smile. "No, I am not. But I have this." He raised his right hand and used his index finger to write in the air like he was using a pen. The letters stood there, floating and shining.

Once he finished he moved his gaze towards the goblin, who was sitting there without saying a word. His eyes were wide like platters.

Gornuk was first surprised to see a child no older than eleven performing wandless magic. A feat reserved for the most skilled of wizards. But the most surprising thing was the words written.

Shortly before their defeat and encirclement in Azkaban, Bellatrix Lestrange came to him after a visit to their vault with a request. She wanted to create a secret code that will grant access to their vault to anyone who could name it. Gornuk of course advised her against this since it could be a grave breach in the security of their vault. But she insisted that it was necessary and that only one person in the world beside her would ever learn the secret code.

The words Audentes fortuna iuvat were written in the air. They mean 'fortune favors the bold. The words were chosen by Bellatrix's master. Some old saying he liked.

Harry who was still looking intently at the surprised goblin said "So? let's get moving. I don't have all day."

Gornuk looked at Harry. He didn't understand how could this child know those words. Even though she never stated it directly, he was sure he knew the person who Lady Lestrange trusted with the code. This didn't make sense. But he had a job to do and he will do it.

"Of course Mr. Potter. Follow me please."


Clank!. The noises of machinery could be heard when the door of the vault was opened. The candles of the chamber were lit, and they could see the contents of the chamber. It was filled with all sorts of things. Mostly antiques, jewels, and books. In the end, there was a huge mountain of golden coins.

"Well Mr. Potter, here it is" The goblin indicated for Harry to enter the vault. Although he did fail to inform him to be careful about not touching anything since most of the objects here were cursed. Gornuk's idea was that if this boy was truly here with Lady Lestrange's permission he would know about the curses, but if he was a thief who somehow got his hands on the code….

Harry entered the vault and started looking around but he didn't touch anything. Eventually, he spotted it, on one of the shelves. He took out his wand and using a silent summoning charm he called the item he was looking for.

A golden cup came floating and stopped in front of him. He moved his wand and muttered an enchantment to remove the curse put in the cup. He then took a small wallet from his pocket, approached it at the cup, and for a moment it seemed like the cup was being shrunk and deformed before it went inside a small pocket of the wallet.

He then moved to the mountain of coins. Took a bag out of his pocket and pointed it toward the coins. Immediately all of the coins started to fly inside the bag at impossible speed. The gigantic mountain of coins started to get smaller by the second. It took a bit over a minute for all the coins to get in the bag. Once it was done Harry closed the bag and put his hand in a galleon symbol that was on the side of the bag. Once he did so, a number appeared: 1.256.145 galleons.

'Not bad, he thought. That should be enough for now.' He then looked around the vault, it was still filled with valuables. All together may even have more value than the mountain of coins. 'The Lestranges were one of the few really loyal to me. I won't touch the rest.'

Harry exited the vault to see a very upset goblin. 'He was probably expecting me to get cursed…fool.'

"My business here is concluded. Let's go goblin"

Gornuk was very angry but could complain. "Yes. Mr. Potter"


The business at the bank finished after midday. After eating something at the Leaky Cauldron Harry made his way toward Knockturn Alley.

People gave him strange looks when they saw where he was going. One old man even tried to warn him not to go there. Even though they couldn't recognize him because of the glamor, he still looked like an innocent child. Well dressed, with blonde trimmed hair and hazel eyes.

Harry just ignored them and continued his way.

The alley was not very populated at this hour. But there were a few people here and there, roaming the dark alleys. While he was making his way towards his target a black-dressed old woman stood in front of him.

"Ohh, what is a pretty boy doing alone in a place like this. Are you lost? Perhaps you can come with me. I'll take care of you, hihihi." She then put her hand on his shoulder and was going to slowly take her wand with the other one.

Just one look into her eyes and Harry had all he needed. In his last life, he was already considered a grandmaster in legilimency. But in the last few years, he took it to a new level. With no wand and no words, he was able to enter the minds of people. He could read their surface thoughts, and their deepest memories, and even manipulate their free will to a certain degree with just one look.

"Marge Dumont, get your filthy hands off me before you lose them." His words were not said too loud, but they still resonated inside her head like he was using some amplification charm.

The woman took her hand off him and made a step back. Her face got paler and she even forgot about taking her wand.

"W-what?How do you know my name? Who are you?"

"That is none of your business. And now…why don't you get lost?"

His words resounded inside her head and before she could think she was already walking away like something was compelling her to do so. Not sure about her destination, the words 'get lost' keep sounding inside her head over and over and she could not think. she would continue walking around Knockturn Alley aimlessly for hours before she could even remember where she was.

Harry continued making his way through the alley, he was not bothered again. A few wizards and witches were able to witness what transpired and were startled. They didn't know what spell he used against that witch, but they didn't see him use any wand. They came to the conclusion that this 'child' was probably some old dark wizard wearing a disguise and it was better to stay away from him.

At the end of the oldest corridor was a dingy shop with a rotten wooden door and no windows. The only way to know this was a shop at all was the sign above the door that said 'Cobb & Webb´s.'

Harry opened the door and went inside.

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