
Capturing Evan Part II

"Sorry for the sudden visitation, Aunt Tina. I'm here for your son," Riz explained, his words cutting through the tension in the room.

Aunt Tina's expression shifted from surprise to confusion. "M-my son?!" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of shock and bewilderment.

Just what this good-for-nothing son of hers could have done to attract the king's attention.

Riz, pleased to see Aunt Tina's genuine confusion.

He interpreted her reaction as a sign that she wasn't involved in the plot and unaware of her son's activities.

"Your son has joined a movement that plots against me," Riz elaborated.

As the words hung in the air, both Aunt Tina and Ellie underwent a visible transformation.

The blood drained from their faces, leaving them visibly pale.

Aunt Tina, known for her resilience and composure, found herself momentarily shaken by the news.

The poor old lady was about to fall but managed to hold the table and stabilize herself.

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