
Ancient Fort Part II

Charlotte's eyes instantly lightened up after hearing his words. She hurriedly got out of the carriage.

Riz, Stuart and Arden followed behind.

He looked around and saw the quarry was absent of workers. He relocated them to the cement processing plants and asked them to join the construction team for a while.

The good thing about this era is that the workers will never complain as long as you pay them and don't push them beyond their limits.

Arden slowly approaches the entrance of the ruin. He starts rubbing his hand on the red wall, trying to identify the material the ruin is made from.

Not satisfied with that, Arden dug one of the red bricks out from the wall. Then, he measured its length, width and depth.

His eyes begin to move to the characters engraved on the door frame.

"Huuu". He blew the dust off the characters.

Not satisfied with that, he took out his brush from his bag and gently brushed the accumulated dust on the characters.

Soon enough, the shape of the characters becomes clearer.

Arden reached this bag again and took a book. He flipped through his book, trying to search for an identical character as on the ruins.

Riz and others patiently waited for one hour before Arden opened his mouth and spoke.

"Based on the red brick used to build this structure together with the characters carved on its wall and its location, I can confidently say that this structure is a fort built during the Draxning Era. As for its purpose, I need to do more investigation".

"Are you sure it's from the Draxning Era? That was a very long time ago". Riz asked.

Arden said, "Yes, I have no doubt about it. The ruin from the Draxning Era which survives until this day only is counted on one hand. This is a major discovery for historians and archaeologists".

"Are you telling me the relics and whatever in it is approximately more than 3,000 years?!!"

"Yes, exactly. Now do you understand its significance, Milord?"

Riz slowly nodded. He hasn't completely digested the facts yet.

The concept of era in this world is different from Earth. The calendar in this world depends on the most powerful nation at one particular time. It starts on the year the most powerful nation on Jozia was founded.

Draxning Era was named after the most powerful nation at the time, Draxning Empire. The empire stands for 1,800 years. During those years, it was called the Draxning Era and other nations use it on their calendar as well.

After the Draxning Empire met its demise, it was replaced by the Phexilton Empire that stands for 1,530 years. The calendar was reset back and used Phexilton Empire as a reference point. That period of time was called the Phexilton Era.

Just like other empires, the Phexilton Empire also experienced the cycle of rise and fall. It was then replaced by the Leigh Empire that stood for 1,610 years. The calendar was reset once again by using Leigh Empire as a reference point, thus it was called Leigh Era.

The fall of the Leigh Empire marks the end of the Leigh Era and the beginning of Paign Era. It has been 300 years since the start of Paign Era.

So why was it called Paign Era when there is currently no nation named Paign? There is actually a nation called the Paign Empire but it was short-lived. Compared to its predecessor, the Paign Empire only existed for 100 years. It was formerly located at the current Inverloch Empire, Grand Duchy of Roligny and a part of the Grand Duchy of Caberia. Effectively control the southern part of Jozia mainland.

Since the fall of Paign Empire, the current Jozia had three empires; Sidgean, Inverloch and Piteretia but their strength is almost the same. None can overwhelm others to become overlord of Jozia, creating a deadlock situation.

Due to that, every nation decided to continue using the Paign Era Calendar.

Charlotte asked, "So, does that mean we're going to find a dragon scale or something related to it. I heard that any part of the dragon can fetch very high prices".

"Hopefully, but are there any people that can afford to buy it?", Riz asked.

When it came to the Draxning Empire, they were synonymous with one of the mythical beings, the dragons.

During the Draxning Era, many dragons made their appearance. The reason is unknown but the royals of Draxning claim to be descendants of dragons and have dragon blood.

Riz naturally didn't believe it. As someone who loves history, many rulers claim they're some sort of divine being, having a connection with a sacred person or outright claiming their descendants. Most of the claims are false claims to strengthen or legitimise their rule over people.

The same goes for the Phexilton Empire that is synonymous with phoenixes and Leigh Empire is synonymous with leviathans. Both empires made the similar claim as the Draxning.

It is said to be an empire far older than the Draxning called the Unisel Empire which is synonymous with unicorns. Unfortunately, there is no evidence to support the theory.

"Milord, let's not waste time anymore and go inside", rushed Charlotte.

Riz replied, "No, I'm not going in. You can go if you want".

There is no way he is going to the dark, confined, full of traps place like that. He would rather be on the battlefield than go in there.


Riz flicked her forehead, "Because I chose not to. Did you forget that I am noble? Why would I go in there? You should bring the wealth out for me. Now go, I will stay here with several knights". Riz shoo her away.

Charlotte pouted but his words make sense. She can't have a noble enter the ruins. Who knows just what is in there.

"Fine, I will tell you my adventurous story later on".

He waved is hand to Charlotte. "Okay, okay. Just go".


Charlotte entered the fort with three other knights; Leth, Alad and Bren together with Arden as a guide.

Arden at the front led the four of them. Alad and Bren hold torches as a light source to illuminate the area.

"How big do you think this fort is?", Charlotte breaks the awkward silence among them by asking Arden.

Arden replies, "I believe it is at least three storey high. The fort is probably shaped like a square with 100 meters in length".

Charlotte asked again, "How do you even come up with those assumptions?".

"Mainly historical records and cross reference with another discovered Draxning fort. It could have some differences but at least I have a general idea". Arden replied while dismantling the traps.

"Swoosh", an arrow flew crossed right in front of their faces.

Arden calmly said, "That's a close one".

"That's a dangerous one!!!!, All four of them shouted simultaneously.

Charlotte asked, "How can you be so calm?".

"Well, I am not a scholar who hides behind mountains of manuscripts and books. I do dive into the ruins and dungeons once in a while".

"Is there even a wealth here in the first place? Where do you think they put it?"

"Either this floor or on the third floor, the leader's room".

As they checked every crook and cranny, they found nothing. They start to head to the second floor.

Arden commented, "This place is well preserved".

"Yeah, but why is it built here? If i am not mistaken, the former Draxning Empire should be at the current location of Sidgean Empire, right?".

Arden explained to Charlotte, "I have my own suspicion. Draxning royalty always claimed that they are the descendants of dragons. Well, it's not weird there are people who claim it since dragons are the only mythical being that can polymorph into humans. I can't completely reject the theory as there might be some truth in it". Then, he asked Charlotte, "Anyway, back to the topic, if you have dragon blood, would you still be considered a normal human?".

"Of course not. I probably inherited some of the dragons traits?"

"For example?", Arden asked again.

"Hmm... Strong, breathe fire or fly maybe?"

"Exactly, then what happened after generations passed?"

"Hmm", Charlotte ponders before realising where this is going. "Aahh!!...Their blood diluted so do their power".

Arden nodded, "Yes, and to compensate for that, they probably think they need to hunt the dragons and eat them to recover their power. This fort is probably one of many forts built as a temporary settlement for the soldiers who were given the mission."

"Then, do you think the dragons are the ones that destroy their empire?"

"Maybe, nothing is certain. Let us move to the third floor".

"The layout is just as the second floor", commented Charlotte before pointing her finger in a certain direction. "Hmm?...That room looks different from others".

"Let's go check it out"

After they opened the door, what they saw shocked them.

Mountains of golds, armours, potteries, gems and weapons. All of it holds unimaginable value that can put the royals' wealth to shame.

Arden's eyes were locked at the mountains of books in it. This is a treasure in the truest sense.

"Milord will be delighted to hear this. Let's go and report to him".

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