
Chapter 79: Decreasing Numbers Like Elon's Net Worth

Chapter 79: Decreasing Numbers Like Elon's Net Worth

Ryan awakened early the following day. He sat on the edge of the bed for 5 minutes, staring blankly into space before getting to the toilet to brush his teeth.

As he was furiously brushing, he suddenly remembered he had forgotten about spending points because of Amanda and Nathan's presence.

"They're such great parents. I am so blessed to have them. I even prioritized them over spending my points." He said with a foamy mouth from the toothpaste. After gargling with water, he wiped his face with a clean cloth.

"Damn, that would be some character development if I were a character in a novel." Ryan let out a cackle from inside the toilet, unaware that his parents could hear his voice from the other room.

Nathan and Amanda turned to each other and simultaneously muttered, "Ryan had gone crazy?"

Back to Ryan.

"By the way, was this Memento movie really completed so quickly? It says they finished filming in twenty-five days which is quite fast but then again, why would the system lie to me in such a matter? It must have been done in such a short time."

The Memento script was uploaded directly into his brain. He couldn't wait to get home and start typing out the scripts.

As intended, Ryan then accessed the system mall and checked how many points he had left before searching for a new movie. Ryan was ecstatic when he discovered that he still had 375,150 points in the bank to spend on new movies and books.

"To think I did have to one day worry about what to buy again. I guess God really answered my prayers by providing me with such a fortune.."

"Still, god, if you can hear me, saving lives is too much work. You know me, just find me a way to earn points while sitting down without moving. That would be ideal. Let's do that."

Outside the toilet, Amanda and Nathan had stuck their ears on the toilet door, trying to hear what Ryan said more clearly.

"What did he say?" Amanda asked with a whisper.

"I don't know. Something about a god. Is he praying? When did he become religious?" Nathan whispered back.

Ryan then began to browse the mall, but with so many alternatives, he had to quit aimless browsing and devised a more efficient plan.

"Should I follow the genre-specific route? Or the actor's specific."

Ryan then remembered that he had gained Leonardo DiCaprio's favor with the special mission for Inception.

"So I guess Leo will somehow come to see me soon."

Outside, Amanda muttered, "Who's Leo? His friend?"

"I don't think he has a friend named Leo. I will ask Tom now." Nathan said and started to text the butler.

Back to Ryan, who didn't realize what was happening outside the toilet.

"Then again, he won't directly ask for a movie but might send someone like an agent or someone."

"In that case, why not bring out the big guns and buy Titanic or Wolf of Wall Street? Yeah, let's do that."

Amanda muttered, "A gun? He wants to go hunting for a wolf?" Both of the parents were extremely confused by the kid's ramblings.

Even though Ryan typed Titanic, he understood the possibility of him affording something grand was slim. However, he wanted to determine how many points such a blockbuster would cost.

When the Titanic poster came up, Ryan saw the number and couldn't help but say it out loud, "Eight hundred thirty-seven thousand!!!!"

""What is?"" Nathan and Amanda asked with a whisper. But the parents didn't reveal themselves yet, even though they were very concerned.

"Wow, I'm not sure when I'll be able to purchase such an expensive masterpiece. To be honest, I have earned enough points. It's only that I spend everything."

Amanda muttered, " A masterpiece?"

Nathan sighed in relief and pulled Amanda away from the door. "He's brainstorming a new movie script. That's why he's talking to himself."

"Ohh, I see. Is this one of the so-called quirks of a writer?" Amanda said with a proud expression on her face. "Still. Talking to himself too much is disconcerting."

Not knowing what his parents were thinking of him, Ryan held his chin in a thinking pose.

"I believe I should start saving a specific number of points after each round of purchases just like a reserve for buying masterpieces like Titanic."

After Ryan made this decision, he looked up his backup plan, another classic, "The Wolf of Wall Street."

He typed the title, and soon the poster was loaded up. The price below it was 175,000 points, right in Ryan's desired price range.

Ryan thoughts to himself, 'Ah, perfect. After purchasing this, I still have two hundred thousand points, but I will save them for now.'

"Ray-ray, are you feeling okay? You have been inside for quite a long time," Amanda questioned as she tapped on the bathroom door. She decided to call Ryan out after he's been silent for a long time.

Ryan answered quickly, "Yeah, mom, I am coming out. Give me a moment." He had completed brushing his teeth a long time ago, so Ryan quickly exited the bathroom.

Except for Nathan finishing the discharge processing and the family eventually sitting in their car to travel home, not much happened at the hospital.

Nathan sat at the front to ensure Ryan had ample space to himself as if he, who just had a little cut on his hand, had actually fractured it.

As usual, Ryan had suggested otherwise, but Nathan didn't take no for an answer and did whatever he wanted.

Ryan, bored in the car, asked, "Hey, dad, I have a question, if you don't mind."

"Yeah, go ahead," Nathan responded.

"What was the budget for some of the most expensive movies?" Ryan inquired.

"Well, a few movies have passed 200 million, and if I recall, Jayden's budget was about 250 million or more, but why do you ask?" Nathan responded.

"Oh, just wondering, by the way, was this Jayden movie a science fiction?" Ryan said.

"Yeah, a time travel comedy, so science fiction, but why do you ask? I feel like you are hiding something." Nathan answered.

"Well, to be frank, I plan on writing a science fiction script next, but the budget I want is rather high, so I'm just wondering if Sci-Fi movies can get big budgets," Ryan answered.

Nathan turned his gaze to Ryan and asked calmly, "So, how large of a budget are we talking about?"

"The weather definitely is lovely today, huh?" Ryan said, turning his head and looking out of the car window.

"Ryan, I asked a question," Nathan said after seeing Ryan sidestep his query.

Ryan did not react and kept silent for the time being, but Amanda, sitting next to him, urged, "Quick, answer your father's question."

Ryan returned his gaze back towards Nathan and found he was staring at him as if attempting to see through his soul like some kind of mythical demon.

Seeing Ryan's silence, Nathan responded, "I think I should know about such things since I will be the one negotiating and getting you that budget."

"However, if you continue to feel that keeping me in the loop is useless, then forget about me ever negotiating on your behalf."

Hearing this, Ryan coughed and hastily muttered, "160 million." in a low tone.

Nathan heard Ryan reply and said, "See, that wasn't so hard, right? Wait, ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY MILLION!!!"

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell him anything," Ryan whispered to his mother.

Nathan criticized Ryan, "What kinds of scenes do you want to include in your script? That it would cost 160 million dollars to film?"

Ryan said, "So, I want to spend $100 million on movie advertising. It would only cost $60 million to shoot."

After hearing Ryan's response, Nathan calmed down a bit and asked, "Why?"

Ryan answered, "So that more people may see the film. Why else would anyone want to advertise a movie?"

"No, I mean, why 100 million in advertising?" Nathan inquired.

"Because I want to hit the one billion mark," Ryan said casually.

Nathan heard this and told his driver sarcastically, "Tom, turn the car around. I think we need to go back to the hospital and get Ryan a full body check-up. He has clearly lost his mind."

Tom, near a U-turn, heard this and replied, "Yes, sir." before taking an actual U-turn. Leaving the whole Wilson family speechless in the process.

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