
Fairy 75: Minot Brothers and Huller the Spy

About the same time, when Zack and Vottes watched Joloshi's Magic Car passing them.

In a certain town, lies four people in some warehouse.

Three among them, are in fact bothers, who faced the man with a long coat that has a long hood, that hides his face.

He is the third strongest among the ranks of the Black Rivers Dark Guild, and not to mention, a spy planted by Magic Council themselves.

In Black Rivers, he is known as Olva, and in the Magic Council he is known by his codename, Huller, who is now facing the three brothers before him, with nervous expressions on each one of their faces.

"You three idiots got any clue… how long it took to find you guys…?" Olva went, as his sharp silver eyes could be seen within his hood, that stared at the three brothers, the very same brothers, that hunted down Vottes, when Zack first met her, the Minot Brothers.

"About that…" The oldest among the Minot Brothers, Ko Minot, who also the same height as Makarov himself, looked at the man before him, as well looked at the longsword on his back. Knowing this man before him, will cut him into pieces, if they say any wrong word. So he told him honestly what happened.

About chasing down Vottes, but a certain monster interferes, and also what happened after that monstrous kid stopped them.

"… After that, that damned monstrous brat, tied us in a middle of a freaking forest. And to make the matters worse, the place he tied us, was the dead zone between three S-Class Monsters! If that not enough, there even countless B and A-Class monsters scatter all over the place!" Ko Minot went with a pale face, hoping for dear God, not to run into that monster, Zack ever again.

Last thing he ever wanted, is to experienced that hell once again. It only by luck, whole the brothers left with no missing limbs.

"Monster…? So, has someone else with her… tell me about that guy." Olva went with a frown, as he recalled his new mission from the Magic Council.

They wanted him to captured Vottes alive, because for one, she is a Dragon Slayer, and her specs are quite high as well. Making her a suitable recruit to hire and train into the ranks of the Magic Council.

Normally the Magic Council wouldn't go this low, to hire and recruit someone like this. But what happened between Ishgar kingdoms and the Alvarez Empire, made them think otherwise.

After all, it is unknown if a war between the continent of Ishgar, and the Alvarez Empire will begin at any moment. And everyone knew, Alvarez Empire is as powerful, or more powerful than the Magic Council, as well the wizard Guilds throughout Ishgar. Not to mention the kingdoms that are station throughout Ishgar.

Which is why the Magic Council, needs all the help they can, in case war does break between the Kingdoms of Ishgar, and the Alvarez Empire, who lies cross the sea.

Because someone is next to the target of interest, it is best to know who that person is. Which is why Olva or Huller, whatever his real name really is, asked this from the three brothers before him.

"What can we tell you about him…? He… a monster, a monster with both physical and magical strength." Ko Minot went with a sigh.

"That not as helpful." Olva went with a leak of killing intent within his silver-coloured eyes, which frightened the three brothers.

"We actually don't know much about him! When we were fighting against that monstrous kid, we thought he was using magic to strengthen his body. And you know, Hax's physical strength, could rival even a S-Class monster! But… even he was overwhelmed."

The ones that said that, is the thin and tallest one among the Minot Brothers, with his cowboy attire, Ta Minot told Olva this.

"Big brother Ta is right… Hax was useless… Big brother Ko, even used his Seal Magic on him… but even then, he was just as physically strong as before!" Hax Minot, not only he is having no hair on his bald head. But he also the one packed with muscles, as well fat all over his body.

"You sealed his power, but he was still as strong before, physically? What about his skills with magic?" Olva asked.

"About that… like Hax said, I used my Seal Magic on him, twice at that. Making his magically abilities 25% of his original power… but even then, he used this strange magic… it was a little too powerful. I am afraid to say… if I didn't seal his magical abilities beforehand. The whole system of the cave might fall upon us." Ko, the oldest among the Minot brothers said that with a pale look.

"Fall on you? Tell me about it." Olva asked.

"I don't know much, okay? It seems like Quake Magic… however, when did Quake Magic even effected the atmosphere? Not to mention he could also blast off these supersonic waves from his sword! That magic is way different, than the Quake Magic I know of!"

When Ko said that, Ta and Hax, his little brothers, also nodded their heads agreeing with their elder brother. While Olva went deep in thought.

'Male… monster? Meaning he is young, but powerful for his age. Quake Magic, that is capable of affecting the atmosphere, and capable of creating supersonic attacks, from a sword no less? Could it be Lost Magic…?'

Olva, who works as a spy for a living, could easily form a profile on Zack Smasher, who he never met, just based on the little information he has gathered.

If he cannot do this much, he has no rights to call himself a professional spy.

"You know what guild he is from?" Olva asked this, knowing the possibility of this person being a rouge wizard is very low.

After all, most rouge wizards are either those that hasn't joined a guild, joined but left their guilds. But one thing for sure, the strength of a rouge wizard, unless they formerly from a guild. Is a lot weaker compared to wizards from guilds, be they from a light or a dark guild.

There are three main purposes, why Guilds are formed. Be they light guilds, or Dark Guilds.

(A/N: Light Guilds, are legal guilds, allowed by the Magic Council, and Dark Guilds are either criminal guilds, or illegal guilds, that hasn't been allowed by the Magic Council)

First reason is to gather wizards together. Wizards are not normal people, even if some like to be normal. But many are arrogant, and some just don't like mixing with normal people, that not born with Ethernano within them.

Second reason is work. No matter what kind of guild is. Most wizards need work for a living, and wizards who not normal people, can slay monsters, capture follow criminal wizards, or solve problems, that cannot be understand.

Third reason is similar to the first reason, and the most important reason why guilds exist, besides being a place where wizards gather, or find work. It also to gather and collect knowledge itself.

Without knowledge, a wizard cannot grow, rouge wizards, who has no clue how to control the Ethernano into magical power, are clueless how to weld magic, unless they are talented.

That is the difference between rouge and guild wizards. One has to be self-taught, while the other learned within the guild itself.

Which is why, when Olva learned of this Lost Magic, that this person used. He cannot help to doubt which guild was able to create such a monster. But it is odd at the same time, if someone as skilled to overwhelmed the Minot Brothers, who also famous for the fact, together they capable of taking down a S-Class Wizard.

Why didn't he hear of nothing about this person before? There no way, someone this powerful will not be noticed until now. Especially if they young and already this powerful, without a doubt, there no way the Magic Council wouldn't miss such a talent, or a threat, if that person was a Dark Wizard himself.

But Ta's next words, made the doubts into a frown, as well headache came to his mind, when Ta mention two words. That caused many headaches within the Magic Council besides his own.

"Fairy Tail…" Ta simply went, while both Ko and Hex nodded their heads in agreement.

'Are you kidding me…?' Lucky enough, the Minot Brothers cannot see under Olva or Huller's expression. Otherwise that might become even more frightened by this man before them.

All honestly, there been many times, Olva has messed with the information on Vottes, that the Black Rivers gathered. Information on her location, her current level of power, and even the people she had met.

He is one of the few reasons why Vottes Brave hasn't been captured after all this time. He knew what kind of hell, that girl will experience the moment Mister Rivers gets his hands on her.

It sicking to him. But at the same time, he also a professional, he cannot interfere too much when the sake of his identity is at risk. If he did, only death awaits him, because the moment he goes to far in helping Vottes, will be the moment Mister Rivers, as well other high ranking members of the Black Rivers Dark Guild.

Will question his true identity, risking his life.

However, now it is a different story. Because the Magic Council wants her.

One side wants her as a sex slave, in order to create an heir for the Black Rivers Dark Guild, as well an experiment, to see if a child of a Dragon Slayer, will also remain as a Dragon Slayer or not.

While the other wants her as a member of their organization.

In the end, both sides want Vottes for their own selfish reasons. Either side don't care about the poor victim known as Vottes Brave, or her own options.

From the day she was kidnapped by that old Dark Wizard, was the day Vottes Brave's human rights, was stripped away from her.

If this situation was normal, not at the point, the Magic Council fears when the Alvarez Empire begin their suppose attack on Ishgar or not. Huller will be more willing to let this young wizard from Fairy Tail, to take her away.

Even if the Magic Council doesn't like Fairy Tail, but everyone among the lower ranks within the council. Knew, even if they are a wild group, that always cause a mess wherever they go. They are good and fair people. They wouldn't mistreat Vottes or forced her to do anything against her will.

The Magic Council will properly make use of her hatred towards the Black Rivers Dark Guild, and blind her to follow them. This isn't the first time they done this, nor it will be the last time either.

However, things have changed. Even if Huller overlooks this matter, the higherups wouldn't turned a blind eye to this. After all, among those in power in the Magic Council, are the ones who hate and dislike the guild known as Fairy Tail the most.

But in the end, as the professional he is, as well loyal soldier. Huller or Olva killed any form of guilt within his heart and made sure to follow the orders of the higherups, even if he dislike them.

Least he could do, was to make sure that Vottes wouldn't experienced the hell that awaits her, once Mister Rivers gets his hands on her.

After getting everything he needs from these brothers. Huller/Olva didn't waste any time and went towards the location where Joloshi meant to pick him up.


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