
Chapter 16

Atlantis, 1 Year Later, Third POV

Percy Jackson was in the arena, training hard in preparation for the war; he's been staying here for the past few months as the hunt had gone around recruiting, they didn't want him driving away any new recruits. Many people in the ancient, underwater city would argue that there was no point to him training, that he was already at the peak of his powers, but Percy knew better, he knew that there was no limit to his abilities; The Fates had made sure of that. In light of his never ending improvement, the denizens of Atlantis had started calling him Ο Περσέας ο Ανυπαίτιος or Perseus the Indomitable - which many people saw as fitting for his capabilities.

Percy was practicing his newfound power: water travel. It was similar to children of Hades' shadow travel, being able to travel through any body of water to reach another. All bodies of water -no matter how big or small- are one and the same, water travel is just a means to transport himself between the two. However, Percy has discovered that he can only travel to water in it's liquid state; water vapor, steam and ice are, for gods know what reasons, are incompatible.

Percy took a deep breath and focused, channeling his power into the water all around him. Percy pictured the Empire State Building in his mind and disappeared, reappearing jumping out of a puddle infront of the building. Percy let out a reliever sigh, it worked this time. The first time he had tried to jump out of a puddle, he ended up Tilsit Lake, Morocco and passed out for a day. Since then Perseus had promised himself that he will practice and train until he could travel around the world with a thought.

Percy decided to go up on Olympus and walk around, he didn't really have anything to do anyways. As Percy went up the elevator, which was playing Stairway To Heaven on repeat -seriously Apollo? He started to wonder about Zoë, he had left her with the hunt on the basis that wolves probably don't belong underwater. He hadn't realized how much he depended on Zoë for company; sure he'd joke about it but he never realized how much truth those words held. Percy doesn't know what had given Zoë to him, but he was forever indebted to them; unless it was The Fates, he'd call it even then.

As the elevator doors opened, Percy took a long look at the city that was Olympus. It was still as breathtakingly beautiful as when he first saw it; as much as he hated Annabeth's guys, he had to give her props - she did a good job. As Percy wandered through the streets, he let his mind wander to what the future could hold. What could Ouranos have in store for the war? What immortals will be taking his side? Have any of his primordial siblings woken up? One question however, kept repeating over and over again in his mind, will the Olymians even let me be when all is said and done? That had got Percy thinking the most, was it even worth it fighting if he was going to be kept on ball and chain after? What reasons do I have to fight besides them being my family? What shit show will this war get me into this time?

Percy was pulled out of his thoughts by a wall of water appearing infront of him - Poseidon's newest way of calling him; some god must've told Poseidon he was here. Percy let out an exasperated sigh and walked into the wall of water, water traveling himself to his father's throne room.

As Percy entered the throne room, he noticed something was off: his father wasn't here. "I'm in need of your help Perseus." Percy looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. "Are you going to allow me the pleasure of seeing who wants my help, or are you just going to be brooding in some corner evil villain style?" Triton materialized ten feet away from Perseus, "Seriously Tri? You're more dramatic than Zeus."

"Hush Perseus, what I need to tell you is best not released to the public. Follow me." Percy nodded and started following Triton as he walked down a corridor; seeing the possible gravity of the situation. As they walked through a door, two heavily armed guards appeared behind them and closed the doors, "We can't have any possible eavesdroppers." Triton explained quickly. "Our father believes that Oceanus - or some other sea god - is on the rise."

"What do you mean by: some other sea god?" Percy asked confusedly. Triton looked frustrated, "Think Perseus, Ouranos is rising, other Protogenoi could be awakening as well." It suddenly clicked in Percy's head, "Hydros and Pontus."

"Our father believes it to be Oceanus as Hydros and Pontus were among the first to fade. However we need to prepare for the worst, if in the case that any of these dieties are entering the war, the House of Poseidon won't be able to help."

Percy let that information sink in; the gods will be fighting without Poseidon once again. Percy needed time to mull this over, so he went to do the one thing that gives him clarity: fighting.

Percy was seriously considering changing his definition of clarity. He was also seriously considering incorporating calamari into his diet once this fight was over. Currently, he was fighting a hundred foot kracken, strong enough to tear ships apart with ease.

Percy dodged out the way of one of the beast's monstrous tentacles and water travelled to the body of the beast. The kracken, who was too busy trying to dislodge its tentacle from the ground it embedded itself in, didn't notice Perseus until it was too late.

With one fell swoop, Perseus cut off multiple tentacles. As the kracken shrieked in pain, Percy continued cutting more and more tentacles off with Riptide; each limb turning into an all too familiar golden dust. When Perseus had cut off the last tentacles of the gargantuan sized beast, he moved safely to the monster's head and pulled Time's March off his back. With one swift throw, the spear cut cleanly through the tough it's tough skin, going straight through its brain and out the other side. The kracken, with one final screech of pain, dissolved into gold dust. Percy summoned his spear back to his hand and started heading off to his father's palace, pondering what will become of him in the future and enjoying the simple beauty of his father's domain. Hopefully the hunt will be done with their recruitment soon, as much as Percy liked salt water, he missed Zoë.

It had been a long time since Percy was excited as he was now. He was rejoining the hunt somewhere out in Oregon, he doesn't know exactly where they are but he doesn't care. Apparently they were intending to meet up at the John Day River, which doesn't really help with his search -considering the fact the river is nearly 300 miles long - but Percy was too happy to care.

As elated as Percy was, he still kept his senses sharp, being all too familiar with the dangers that lurk in the least suspecting places. As he continued walking, he noticed the eerie silence that has taken the riverside; the only sound coming off the river itself. As Percy continued, alarms well blaring off in his head, he had a bad feeling of about what was to come, and he has learned to never go against his instincts.

Uncapping Riptide, he continued to follow the river upstream, listening for the slightest sound. Percy walked into a part of the forest that looked similar to where Thalia had IM'd him and what he found there put him on edge: footprints. And lots of them, most of them monster tracks, but there was no blood - thankfully.

Percy followed the footprints to a cave that couldn't have been natural, nor could it have been random. If this was an attack on the hunt, it was well planned out.

"Ah little hunters, no mistress to save you and no 'Indomitable Hero' to save the day. I would have plans for you but alas, you hunters are part of a much larger scheme. A new dawn is over the horizon, and I will be the guiding light." Percy knew that voice, but he couldn't match it to the face.

"Can you stop it with the puns? We get it you're an overgrown lightbulb, now let me be with this headache." Percy had to let out a small smile at that, of course it'd be Thalia who complains about a headache while being held hostage. Percy pondered how he could go about killing whoever was in the cave. He couldn't cause an earthquake and collapse the entire system, that'd kill the hunters, nor could he flood it, again, killing the hunters. He probably wouldn't be able to use ice shards, too risky, he doesn't know where the hunters are located and he could hit them on accident. It seems like he would be going about this mano e mano, sword to whatever they have in there.

"Why you insolent girl, I ought to cut out your tongue for that. Do you know who I am? I am Hyperion, the Lord of Dawn, The Titan of the East. Tremble before me lowly demigod."

Percy decided to make his presence known before things got too out of hand, "You were also a very nice maple tree, but hey, who am I to tell you about your domains." Hyperion turned towards him so fast Perseus thought he might get whiplash, "You! I have not forgotten that insult; you will beg for a quick death. I will burn your innards out every morning, and watch as y- what are you doing?" Percy had started yawning, seemingly bored with how this conversation is going. In reality the yawn had the effect he wanted, angering Hyperion and giving him some time to scan the cavern. Percy had noticed the shadows strategically spread around the corners of the room, likely for easy access for hellhounds. Other than that - and the hunters in the corner - the room was completely empty.

"Here's the thing glo-stick, I really don't care for your threats; besides, you're a lot less creative with your threats than some of the other people I've met. Like seriously you've had, what, 12 years, and you still can't think of anything more creative than burning me?" This seemed to anger Hyperion even more and he pulled his sword out of its sheathe, "Enough talk demigod, I will end you."

Percy ran at Hyperion, sword and shield in hand, Hyperion met his charge with equal fervor, yelling something about aquarium pets and holding his hand and a half sword in a two hand grip, his golden armor shining as bright as the sun.

Percy met his first strike with his shield, easily blocking the Titan's swing, much to his surprise. Percy pushed his shield, knocking Hyperion's arms up and exposing his body. Percy capitalized on his mistake and stabbed Riptide deep into Hyperion's left shoulder. Hyperion howled in pain and slammed his sword hilt into the ground unleashing a wave of power, launching Perseus into the wall; likely breaking something, but Percy didn't bother checking what, it'd do him no good currently.

"You want to play that game again? Fine by me." Percy said as he slammed his shield into the ground releasing his own, stronger, wave of power, knocking Hyperion to the ground and shaking the foundations of the cave. Percy threw Riptide aside and ran over to Thalia, he pulled his knife off his thigh and started cutting her loose, "Free your hunters and get out, I'll deal with britelite and meet you on the other side." Thalia nodded, knowing Percy for far too long to know he wouldn't be moved on this.

Percy pulled Time's March off his back, and allowed for its true capabilities to be on display. The spear started glowing an ethereal gold in the darkness of the cave, a feature that was either something new, or something that he had yet to notice; likely the former. He'd have to think about that later, for now, he has a Titan to kill.

Percy faced Hyperion, who was just getting up, and got into his stance, waiting patiently for his foe to fight. As Hyperion charged, Perseus braced himself. Percy parried his attack with his shield and stabbed his spear into the ancient immortal's chest, eliciting another howl of pain. This time however, it seemed that the spear had ripped any fight out of the Titan, who had collapsed on the ground in pain, desperately clutching at the spear in his chest. Percy decided to end his misery, and thrusted Time's March straight into his opponents neck, killing him instantly.

What happened next was something Perseus had never seen before. As Hyperion died, a golden light shot straight into the chest of Percy, causing him to cry out in pain. Apparently the Titan had wanted to get the last laugh, or so Perseus thought. As Hyperion crumbled into a new ebony dust, his set of armor remained, transforming into a similar shade of black as its former owner's dust. As Percy touched the armor, a black ethereal glow started emitting from it and Percy watched in fascination as the armor changed into a set of Spartan hoplite armor, a black plume going down the back of the helmet with various designs of the sun engraved on each piece. At further inspection it seemed the armor was made for his bulking 6'5" frame. Percy picked the helmet up and put it on, seeing that it fit him perfectly. The armor, including the helmet he was currently wearing, started glowing again, forcing Perseus to close his eyes. When Percy felt the lack of weight on his head he opened them again and was shocked at the revelation.

On his neck was a gold necklace with a sun charm. On the sun rays of the charm read, το τέλος του φωτός or Light's End. Fitting for the events that had transpired today. Percy instinctively pulled on the charm and watched in fascination as a shadow descended over him and his new armor appeared over his body; it felt as light as a feather and, upon testing, allowed him complete flexibility. Percy wondered about how his armor would disappear into the charm and as if it was listening, it vanished and his new piece of jewelry appeared on his neck.

Percy walked out of the cave, feeling energized by the introduction of light, and was met by about 20 girls clad in silver. He recognized most of them, but there were three that Percy couldn't place, he guessed these were the new recruits they had picked up over the past few months. "Well it's nice to see you girls again, where's Zoë?"

Thalia faked hurt, "Wow, you're kidnapped and your own cousin doesn't even check on you and is more worried about his wolf. Boys."

"Well excuse me for having my priorities straight," Percy deadpanned, getting a few laughs from Pheobe, Alexandra and some of the other hunters. Percy was sick of waiting for an answer and let out a high pitched whistle, forcing most of the hunters to shut their ears.

Percy was met with the familiar sound of pounding feet on the dirt and was soon slammed to the ground with a giant wolf licking his face and crushing his lungs, "Zoë... can't... breathe..." Thankfully Monica, a daughter of Hermes, had heard him and was able to get the giant wolf off him.

Percy turned to face the new hunters, "Well hi, I'm Percy Jackson, I really hope you haven't heard about me." Percy said with pointed looks towards Thalia, Pheobe, Alexia, Jenna and a few more hunters; each of them tried to look innocent but failed miserably. Percy let out a long, exaggerated groan, "It's like I have a book written about me with how much you guys tell stories."

Thalia started smirking, "Well sorry Perce, it's kinda hard to not talk about the 'Indomitable One' or the 'Greatest Demigod of All Time' or the-"

"Have mercy on my humility! Gods I'm going to die of attention." Percy said dramatically, cutting Thalia off. "We're Greek Demigods, our entire race is a legend; do you seriously think we won't make legends of our own? And the next time you cut me off I'll shock you so hard you won't feel your nerves for a week" Thalia said, sending a small shock to Percy that seemed to hurt a lot more than it should've, "Broken ribs, throw me in the river." Percy said as he blacked out. Thalia just laughed at his misfortune and dragged him to the water, where he'd likely stay for the rest of the night.

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