
Chapter 10

Wheat Field near Topeka, Kansas

June 3rd

Percy's POV (3rd)

Percy was walking through Kansas, reminiscing about his times with The Seven. The entire quest seemed to be a series of unfortunate events tied together, but looking back at it, it's easy to laugh at. Percy was broken out of his thoughts when he noticed a change in the atmosphere. The sky was darkening, the smell of ozone filled the air. He felt a tingling feeling on the back of his neck and immediately rolled out of the way. What came next was the largest bolt of lightning he had ever seen, so bright that it forced him to shut his eyes. When the light died down, what he saw utterly confused him.

In place of the lightning bolt was hundreds of monsters ranging from telkhines to drakons. Percy, not wasting time wondering how these monsters got here, quickly sent Zoë away. He pulled Time's March off his back and launched it at the closest drakon, piercing its eye and going straight to its brain. The monsters charged him. Not missing a beat he called his spear back to his hand, channeled his earth shaker powers, and slammed the butt of the spear into the ground.

The earthquake that followed brought the entire army to its knees. The earthquake had shattered the Earth itself, with the land now displaced and filled with cracks. Percy however was unfazed. He uncapped Riptide and charged the monster army that has yet to get up.

Percy had cut through a third of the army before they were back on their feet. Seeing that he was now actually fighting the monsters, he summoned a hurricane. Percy tried to summon a storm to hit some monsters with lightning or two, but found that he was unable to. Strange. It didn't matter, his hurricane, which was already at speeds nearing 130mph, proved to be more than enough. Any projectiles attempted to be thrown at Percy would be caught within his hurricane and any monster foolish enough to challenge him was cut down ease.

Percy felt his hurricane slowing down rapidly; he wasn't tiring. What the Hades is going on? Percy quickly released his hurricane, sending all of the arrows and spears thrown at him flying in all directions, killing a few monsters. With a shout, Percy stomped his foot into the ground, sending another earthquake towards the now much smaller monster army. Letting loose a war cry, Percy charged the last drakon. Percy jumped into the air from 10 ft away, flying towards the drakon with Riptide in an ice pick grip. He reached the drakon and slammed the blade right between its eyes, putting enough force behind the downward thrust that he pierced its thick hide, killing it instantly.

Percy fell to the ground landing in a roll, throwing his knife strapped to his ankle at a dracaena aiming her bow at him. Not waiting for the drakon to disintegrate and reclaim Riptide, he pulled his spear off his back and charged the monsters once more.

The next five minutes Percy had fought like a man possessed, any monster that came too close would soon find out why he was the most feared being in the mythological world. Percy walked up to a telkhine -the last monster left alive- that was attempting to waddle away and stuck his second knife through one of its flippers, pinning it to the ground.

Percy walked infront of the telkhine, who looked as if it was trying not to scream, brandishing his spear.

"There are two ways this could go down," Percy said, "One is you tell me who sent you and you go back to Tartarus the easy way. The other is where you refuse to tell me, and I show you why this spear was Kronos's favored weapon."

The telkhine looked at him with narrowed eyes, "You lie demigod, Lord Kronos did not have a spear. He used a scythe." Percy just shrugged in response, "suit youself."

Percy willed the spear to use its true power. Percy never liked this ability, it was too cruel for him, but he needed to know whether he was going to kick Zeus' ass or if there was an actual threat. Percy stabbed the telkhine in his back left flipper, eliciting a literal howl of pain. Apparently the dog part of them is more than just looks.

"Are you going to talk or do I have to continue?" The telkhine, who apparently liked his soul intact, whimpered something incomprehensible. Percy was quickly losing his patience, "Oh for fucks sake! Speak up!"

"Ouranos! I- it's Ouranos! Please just get that spear away from me!" Well that would explain why he couldn't summon lightning or why his hurricane suddenly started failing. Great. Just fucking great. Now he had another Primordial to worry about, one that seemed pretty determined to kill him.

The telkhine suddenly started laughing, "You will not survive demigod, in just a few years Ouranos will waken stron-" Percy had enough and stabbed him in the skull, he's heard the whole 'my master will awaken and end the world' speech too many times in the last war.

Percy took a deep breath and sighed. He had a couple years before he would have to return to Olympus and save the gods' asses once again, he might as well enjoy them. Calling Zoë back to him, he set off in a random direction, not really caring where he was going. He just wanted to make the most of these last few years of peace

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