
Chapter 64

Syl walked back over to his team with a cheeky smile. "Good D boys!"

Most of the class A boys looked at him in annoyance, some in admiration.

Syl walked up to Albert and the two fist bumped.

Then Syl smiled. "Who's with me next?"

The classes started discussing and agreed that this time, Class A would attack and Class D would defend, with the exception of Syl.

They figured that this fucking maniac would be 1000x more useful on offense than on defence.

They were right! On offense you can do everything yourself but on D you need to rely on others to do their part.

The teams lined up again.

Syl walked over to Albert.

[Formation 2?]

Albert nodded [Sure.]

The two did a unique handshake that they had clearly practiced before.

All the other class A students were stunned.

"Albert knows this guy?"

"Are they friends?"

"It's like David and goliath! Albert's over twice his size!"

"Albert can talk?!?!! Why is no one mentioning that this is the first time he ever spoke?!"

Everyone else just shrugged.

Just then the whistle sounded.

Syl stayed still while Albert charged in with his arms up. Bulldozing anyone in his way.

When he got close enough he turned around and boxed the other people out.

At this point Syl ran in with a speed that made the spectators jaws drop.

He sprinted straight at Albert.

Albert bent down and interlocked his fingers, holding them out.

Syl jumped and right at Albert and landed with his foot on his hands.

The moment they touched Albert threw Syl into the air with all his might as Syl leapt off his hands.

The boost sent Syl flying at least 15 feet in the air.

Syl spread he arms and brought his legs together as he started rotating mid air.

He flipped forwards and did a 720 before gracefully landing on top of the pole on his tip toes on one foot.

He maintained perfect balance for a moment before slowly bringing his arms in and bowing, still standing softly on one leg on the thin pole.

The crowd erupted with cheers at this sight! That was the coolest thing they had ever seen in capture the flag!!

Who knew Syl's butterfly style sword technique would come in handy here?

Syl then hopped off the pole. On his way to the ground he grabbed the top of it behind his head and used his momentum to pull it down at the same moment the other attackers reached the opposite side.

With the two forces of momentum hitting at the same time the defenders found themselves helpless.

The pole came crashing down and slammed on the ground, landing right behind Syl who never even turned around.

Then, Syl flashed the crowd a smile and took another bow.

All the guys gave a standing ovation while most of the girls fell over with hearts in their eyes and bloody noses.

One girl violently shook her friend. "HE LOOKED AT ME SARAH!!! AT ME!!! HE WANTS ME!!! KYAAAA!!"

Syl didn't notice the reactions as he had already ran back to meet up with Albert.

[HAhahah! Just like we practiced! That was perfect!]

Albert slightly smiled and nodded. [Good job.]

Syl gasped. [Wha- did anyone else see that? He smiled!! LOOK!]

Syl looked around for anyone else who might have seens.

[They can't understand you.] Albert pointed out as his face went back to neutral.

[What?! Damn! Why can't these idiots speak english?!]

Albert shook his head. [Who knows?]

Up next was the girls event.

Syl didn't even bother to watch.

Who cares? It had nothing to do with him!

Well, he did watch one.

Syl watched as Kiryuin absolutely destroyed all her competition.

Syl sighed. "This might actually be close, it all depends on team events."

Up next was tug of war.

Class A and D easily won with a group of much more solid students and Ryuuen for some reason actually allowing his class to try. Perhaps he wanted first place now that it was within reach?

The next up was the obstacle course where Horikita 'injured her opponent'.

Syl got ready for his turn and once again faced no one athletic.

He didn't really care. As long as he was getting first place.

He just went through the motions and got to the end of the race without much effort at all. Not that he would have had a challenge even if he was facing the best opponents…

Anyway! Syl once again took first place! He was looking like one of the contenders for the best individual results!

The next event was the three legged race.

Syl got up to participate with his male partner first, who was Ike.

Syl was originally paired up with Koenji, but he decided not to participate due to 'illness'.

Syl didn't really care that much, but he was kinda irked that he got stuck with one of the less athletic kids in the class due to not having anyone else to choose from.

However, Syl didn't have a choice! That's what he gets for deciding to not participate in the meeting for who participates in which sport!

If it wasn't the consequences of his own actions! How unfair!


Ike and Syl got ready.

They had never ran together before so the class wasn't expecting much.

When they started Syl easily matched Ike's slow pace and they ended up moving along fairly fast.

The two ran well and came in second as they were able to match Ike's top speed the whole race.

Ike was ecstatic while Syl was a little disappointed he didn't get first place. Thought he didn't show it on his face, he acted just as happy as Ike was when they finished.

Next, the dreaded mixed three legged race was upon Syl.

I just lost participation marks because apparently the work I handed in wasn't good enough. Like bruh tf you mean? It's for participation marks! I fucking participated didn't I?? I'm actually stunned, it wasn't even that bad, like sure it wasn't my best work, but I completeled what they asked! How are they gonna take marks off 2 weeks later???

Smol_frogcreators' thoughts
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