

The bell rang loudly nonstop for an hour.

Dong Dong Dong

It won't stop as long as everyone won't wake up. It was like 5 am in the morning and all of us were still sleepy. Some still carried their pillow or blanket as we all headed toward the center platform.

At the center platform stood Mr. Fred along with the Guards of the Five. He looked at us as he spoke, "Good morning! Let's now do our daily exercise. Follow the Guards' movements and don't slack off."

After his speech a wave of unexplained energy bombarded us. It's not powerful or dangerous, It crept inside my muscles enough to wake our vigor.

Out of nowhere, somebody elbowed my side, "Henchman, wake up!" it was Marco who was as energetic as ever.

"I'm nobody's henchman," I said ignoring his banters.

We did a series of waving motions of the hands while stretching our legs. Then we were asked to jog around the whole floor 10 times, before doing another wave stretching again for a second time.

We also did jumping jacks at the end like 100 times. My body started feeling heavy in the 50th jump. It was exhausting. But when I peered on my side Marco was not even tired just smiling like a freak.

"Henchman, you're weak aren't you? That would be shameful of you being weak how can you protect me?" Marco teased.

"How can you be so athletic?" I asked while out of breath, exhausted, and sore all over my body.

"Because I'm awesome that's all. Now do your best and become my full pledged henchman. Waha ha ha ha!" he answered as he goof around with other children laughing at their situation while doing jumping jacks. When will you get tired?

After a minute rest, "Children you can now disperse. Take your baths and clean the dirt off your body. We will be waiting at the library." Mr. Fred said. He stood up with his back hunched now he was holding a cane.

Each block was provided with 2 spacious bathrooms 1 for each gender. And the boys' bathroom is the most cramped bathroom because of the greater number of boys on our block. I was even wondering if I could go to the girls' bathroom and bathe there while closing my eyes. But I trashed that idea. I don't want to be labeled as a pervert.

I waited while I lined up at the back of my 3 roommates taking turns. They would say some word to me to which I'll only reply with a nod and smile. After they were done I took the turn, purposely delaying my bath so as to not exchange a word with them. I'm an awkward person when I talked to them.

I hurriedly change my clothes and leave my used clothes in the bathroom. The Guards said that we can just leave it there as somebody will wash that for us.

We all went to the west door as commanded by Mr. Fred. I was the last to arrive in front of the door some has already gone inside. Right, when I arrived next to the door I was welcomed by Marco.

"Tsk Tsk Tsk! Henchman you don't make your master wait. Why are you so slow?" he asked.

I ignored him and went my way inside the west door. The west door is this floor's library. It contains a lot of books from different parts of the world. There are 4 floors above us full of books and scrolls. On the ground floor are a series of tables and chairs and right at the center is a massive blackboard floating. It must have been tied on each end.

"Amazing right, Henchman?" Marco exclaimed, "This place has more books than any other place in the world."

"Yeah, it's wonderful. How many books are there?" I agreed while softly saying, "And I am not your henchman I have a name, Lorenzo of the Forest. I won't be someone henchman and never will be."

"What took you so long?" he said while looking at me smirking, "Okay, Lorenzo of the Forest as my henchman listen to the lecture and study well."

As he pats my back he goofed off to Mr. Fred asking if he could get some books which Mr. Fred agreed. A lot of children saw this and followed suit. I can only smile wryly at this guy's guts and personality. He is such an arrogant fellow forcing someone to be his henchman.

Mr. Fred began his lecture as his voice echoed all around the library. His lecture is about the geography of the Center Continent where all of us came from. Wars, peace, famine, harvest there is no filter, all was tackled. Mr. Fred waved his hand and a map of the continent was drawn on the blackboard which amaze everyone. After a brief introduction to geography, we were taught how to write and speak. We were given a scroll and a pen to practice our writing.

I never know how to read or write before I got here so this is new to me. My penmanship was crooked, like a worm that's been drizzled by some salt. That's what Marco commented about me ridiculing my stiff arms. I was ashamed, covered my work, and shoo him away.

I gritted my teeth and practiced on a single letter till I copied its correct form before proceeding to another letter. Noon came and I only manage to write 5 letters without the crookedness. It made me happy just by looking at it.

We had a lunch break at 12 noon and we are allowed to rest for 2 hours. Some went to sleep and the others wander around the library going after picture books. I on the other hand was in pain, my hand was so sore I can hardly grab a spoon. Meanwhile, Marco is with someone. They seemed to talk seriously about something. I was curious and had a looked.

They are holding a book with a black fur cover. It has a dusty smell to it and each page looks very thick.

"This is a very good technique. As you can see it's illustrated in great detail how to move the wrist as you push your hand forward. As I suspected this is what we are practicing." Marco said.

The other person with him also added, "I concur these movements stabilize and guide the breathing. It will then make the user able to use the breathing technique unconsciously. Magnificent! Although I don't get how useful breathing techniques are." he exclaimed.

"This is a top-notch breathing technique indeed." Marco nodded his head.

Me the bystander did not understand any of that, all I can see were the drawings on the pages. Its movements are similar to what we were doing in our exercise this morning, the waving hand stretches as I prefer to call it. I also noticed these two can read the contents of this book which amazed me. I can hardly pinpoint 5 letters that I'm familiar with.

The two whose attention was on the booked a minute earlier were now on me.

"Lorenzo, curious aren't we? That's more like it. Come here and have a chat with us I'll introduce you to this person," he gestured for me to sit next to them. Marco was in the middle while we were on the sides.

He then introduced us to one another, "Lorenzo meet Sheen of the Wild. Sheen meet Lorenzo of the Forest. Be good to one another okay? You're both my henchman so I want you to get along."

"Who's henchman? I never agreed to you about anything." Sheen rejected.

Ah a fellow with the same predicament as me, I thought to myself while nodding my head.

They kept on talking about things I don't understand. They got some books that they will talk to one another and they sometimes debate or agree. Even though I listen attentively I still don't get it they were like talking nonsense.

"Now, now, Sheen. As I was saying I know some inner workings of this place. I can guide both of you towards greatness. Even if you swim towards all these books of knowledge you still won't prosper. Only I can cradle you to the top." Marco suggested with a confident smug.

"We'll see about that." Sheen was up to Marco's challenge. He stood up and left heading towards the shelves and getting books in a row.

Marco was amused, he then turn his attention towards me as he said, "Now look at him. He acts all grown up. So arrogant, I like it. He'll be a good henchman."

But you're much more arrogant and annoying than him, my thoughts.

"Alright! I think I'll go practice how to write again." I stood up and went back to my table. But Marco followed me saying he was bored and willing to teach me how to write. To which I gladly agreed.

At first, he was enthusiastic about teaching me my penmanship but as time went by he started to grumble. Which really made my day seeing him act like that.

Hello Sheen of the Wild

Key_Tocreators' thoughts
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