
Preparation For A Runway Show

The next day, Ariella arrived at the office quite early to finish up some pending work from the previous day. She had a very busy schedule for the day and didn't want to leave any work unfinished.

F&K fashion home had been nominated as one of the eight finalists to partake in the 'Haze Design Award and Competition,' and today was the grand finale in which all nominated eight fashion brands were to display their designs on a runway show. As usual, Ariella was highly engaged just like she had always been in the previous fashion shows.

The theme for the fashion competition was tagged, 'DAY & NIGHT. Ariella, who was the brain of the creative department, alongside Silvia, Denise, Mrs. Tuna, and many other staff members from other departments were to attend the show. She had to be at the venue before 8:30 AM, to familiarize herself with her team members and the models she would be working with.

She was usually excited whenever she got to work outside the company. This gave her precision in her planning by looking at the way different people dressed. It also awakened new creative ideas perspective, thanks to some street styles and the trending demands of clients.

She also got to encounter other amazing iconic fashion designers from different brands. This prepared her for future competitions as she got to know about their different techniques, patterns, styles, and how they responded to the criticism.

"Good morning Ella," Denise smiled as she walked into the office. "If I didn't know better, I would have assumed you slept in the office."

Ella's body twitched slightly in surprise. She was a bit startled as she wasn't expecting anyone yet. She pouted and responded to her greeting.

"I can tell you had lots of fun after you left my house yesterday. Your artistic makeup didn't conceal the eye bag," Ella grinned.

"Really!" Denise brought out a small makeup mirror to check her face. Her brows creased slightly when she saw through her makeup. She raised her two hands in surrender. "Oh well, It will wear out eventually."

"I can see you're all set for today's work." Denise scrutinized her friend's desk.

"Yes! I am. I just need to quickly tidy up my desk," she said and continued what she was doing earlier.

Denise observed she was bothering Ella. She left calmly and strolled over to her desk to keep herself busy.

When Ariella and Denise arrived at the 'Grandeur Hotel,' the venue for the fashion competition, they were overwhelmed by its elegance and splendor. A spectacular huge water fountain display welcomed guests into the luxurious hotel. Inside the hotel lobby was a well-illuminated mini fountain and the enchanting chandelier gave the lobby a look of paradise on earth.

"Just imagine being here at night on a date with someone special," Denise cooed dreamingly as they walked into the lobby.

"To tell the truth, this is indeed a captivating place," Ella fed her eyes in fascination.

They both went to the reception desk, asked questions, and were directed to the location for the show.

"I can't wait for the day when I get to display my work in a place and event like this" Ella whispered into Denise's ear." Her eyes glimmered in excitement. It was as though she had taken the role of Alice when she visited Wonderland for the first time.

"Don't worry love, that day is already around the corner," Denise gave her a side hug as they ambled along the hallway to the dressing room.

"Are you aware that some top celebrities are attending today's show?" Denise's eyes glinted. "I wish I were one of the models walking on that runway. Imagine the command of attention from everyone, the paparazzi, the..."

"Bring down your voice Denise!" Ella's nose crinkled with embarrassment. She pulled Denise's hand and tried to shush her. "Remember we are only here to work. Moreover, your short legs are not gifted for the runway," Ella teased with a smirk.

"Yeah right! Now she's jealous of my natural good looks," Denise gestured. She twirled around for Ella to get a better look at her. "Do you see this? It's only meant for prestigious runways."

"But come to think of it Ella, you would have made an outstanding model. You've got all it takes; beauty, brains, and an incredible body! Girl! If I had what you have, I will be an international model by now and I'll be rocking all the hotties."

"You're just hiding all these amazing looks of yours," Denise gestured. "You make others look pretty when in the actual sense, you should be worshipped."

Ella's face redden from the excessive praises showered on her by Denise

"Oh my goodness! Denise! That's enough compliments for one day. We have to focus on the job ahead."

"Do you have an idea of the models we would be working with today? I pray the ones with their usual bad attitude don't show up. I need all the sanity today, to work." Ella breathed down her apprehension.

"No, although, I heard rumors that an international high-class model will be walking the runway today." Denise looked up and placed a finger on her lips, like a detective trying to piece a difficult puzzle. I'm not sure, I know who the person is."

"Don't worry my dear Ella, if anyone gives you an attitude, just give me a wink. I'll come around and give them a quick tattoo with my needle." She drew an invisible design on the air like a witch using her wand to cast a spell. "I don't care who or what they are."

They both laughed out loud and quickly lowered their voices when they got disapproving stares from people around. Then, they walked to the dressing room whispering and giggling like young lovers.

When they entered the large dressing room, they were met by some of their colleagues, some other brand designers, hair stylists, makeup artists, and some models who had arrived early.

Everyone in the room seemed to be busy doing something. They didn't even spare a glance in their direction when Ella and Denise stepped into the room.

"Good morning everyone!" Denise greeted in a loud dramatic way that made Ella chuckle.

Some people in the room extended the same courtesy, while some others responded with a wave, a nod, and a smile. But, some irked individuals snubbed her while some sneered at her behavior.

Denise, who seems to be enjoying the temporal popularity, quickly introduce herself and Ella to some of the friendly workers, and then, they got to work.

Mr. Kyle and Silvia left the office at the same time and drove together for the fashion show event. While in the car, she briefed him on all that needed to be done.

"Everything is almost ready, Uncle. You need not worry about anything." Silvia's face beamed with pride and confidence. "As we speak, Ella and some other staff members are already at the venue. They are setting things in motion. Also, I'll be there to supervise. There is a strong chance we might top the charts this year, thanks to Ella's designs"

"I trust your judgment, my creative director," Kyle half smiled. "I never doubted you for a second."

Like a chameleon, his expression changed and stiffened into one of seriousness.

"Make sure you put that Ella girl on a short leash. She could be a ticking time bomb if you do not watch her carefully. Keep her busy at all times. Do not allow her to be interviewed by any journalist."

"No problem Uncle, I'm already doing that. She knows who is boss." Silvia smiled slyly. She took out her phone and placed a call across to Chloe.

When Chloe saw the caller, she was irritated.

"What does this lowlife wannabe want from me now," she pouted in disgust.

Chloe had been throwing all manner of tantrums ever since she arrived home the previous day. On her way home, she badly bashed her car against an unfortunate taxi cab and her father had to bail her from the whole embarrassment. Though she lied to her parents about the reason for her rage, she sulked all day amidst excessive pampering by both parents until she finally went to bed.

The next morning, she continued with her rage after she tried in vain to call Leon. The house staff members felt every bit of her resentment as she was heard showering insults at them for every slight error made. She even went as far as slapping her maid when she brought a glass of juice and fancy straw to her room but omitted the napkins.

Chloe did not pick up Silvia's call the first time her phone rang as she was mentally practicing befitting lies. When Sylvia called the second time she immediately answered.

"Hi!" She faked excitement. "I just came out of the bathroom and saw your call. What's good?"

"Hello Chloe, you sound so delighted. I guess you had a great dinner last night with your soon-to-be. Anyway, don't forget about today's show. You'll be the toast of the event."

"Sure! I am getting ready, I'll teach your local models how we do it internationally. Remember, I don't wear cheap, only the best."

Silvia chuckled, "definitely! We've got you covered, no need to worry."

"By the way, don't bother about the design of my dress for the Cherry Gala, I've changed my mind. I'll be wearing something else not made in this country. And for my dinner last night, it was splendid. We had the best moments together. But we've decided to keep all this a secret until the right time. So we may not be seen in public walking hand-in-hand."

"Hmm, you're so lucky!"

"No! He is so lucky to have me. I've got to go, see you later." Chloe hung up before Silvia could reply to her last statement.

There was a knocked on the door, and Chloe's father stepped into her room.

"How is my sunshine doing this morning," he asked fondly.

"Not fine daddy, but I'll manage." She pouted childishly.

"I have just the thing to put a smile on my princess's face," he said and dangled a key in front of her.

"What's that for?" She acted not interested but deep down, she was overjoyed. She knew her father and his vanity. She could request anything in the world and he would get it immediately without blinking at the cost. She was his idol.

"Why not go outside and take a look?" He smiled broadly and handed over the keys.

"Oh, daddy!" She smiled and ran out of the house.

Parked outside the house was the latest edition of a 'Teal Ferrari,' wrapped with fancy ribbons.

"Oh my gosh!" She screamed. Then she went over to the car, removed the ribbons, got in, and took it for a test drive around the mansion.

"Don't you think this is too much? She has enough expensive cars and she just wrecked one yesterday" Mrs. Robinson hissed loudly as she complained to her husband; who was so excited to watch his daughter drive around the mansion.

"Nothing is too much my dear, not when it comes to our princess."

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