
V5 Chapter Fate Recorder's Quest 1/3 (Deleted Scene)

[ As I gazed out at such a peaceful view, I couldn't help but feel tranquillity wash over me. Tranquillity? I'm in my brother's domain, wait a minute! I immediately start to focus on the area around me as I heighten my senses and noticed two being close by. One was walking down the pathway the other was leaning against the rails behind me.

"Ah ha! Caught you! You can't sneak up on me this time!"

I spun around and accused a pointing finger at the fire fairy that was walking past me. The fairy was startled and almost dropped her clipboard.

"Oh... it was a fairy."

I muttered to myself as my pointing finger curved along with my wavering certainty. Instantly laughter roared out from behind me, I turned just to see an almost identical copy of me leaning against the railing with his arms crossed, laughing at me. A pout found a way to my lips as my hand fell back to my side, a little bit unhappy that I guessed wrongly and allowed my brother to laugh this much at me.

" Sorry, helper! My little brother is such an idiot sometimes."

He apologized to the fire fairy with a huge grin as his arm wraps around my shoulders pulling me to his chest.

" Little?! Little! Must I constantly remind you that we came into existence on the same day?!"

I barked at him. Mirauleo turned to look at me his golden eyes gleaming with extreme delight when he turned to look into my annoyed ocean-blue eyes. Being so close to him I couldn't help but notice that I was still an inch shorter than him which made me more annoyed that I still haven't caught up to him in terms of height.

" And must I remind you that I came into existence 4 human hours before you which means that I am technically older than you. Which makes me the bigger brother."

Mirauleo annoyingly reminded me with a smug look before ruffling my hair, pushing my head down, and walking away from me.

" 4 human hours means nothing to an immoral! That's less than 1 second to us!"

I complained as I fixed my hair and dashed after him.

" 1 second or two it still doesn't change the fact that you're younger than me. Which makes me the elder brother."

Mirauleo laughed with a shrug.

" Leo! You can't simply make up random stuff and speak of it as if it's reality."

I reminded him as I shoulder-bumped him.

" I am the Guardian of time, little Metz. If I said that you're younger than you are."

Mirauleo rebutted as he shoulder bumps me back.

" No, it doesn't."

" Yes, it does!"

We bricked as we kept shoulder-bumping each other. Something then caught my eye, the pathway we took was a bridge linking to the dust chamber. It normally overlooked a wide open area where there were a few rows of blacksmith areas where fire fairies would create the parts needed to fix the clock of time. However now... there were more rows of blacksmith areas and many fire fairies hammering away at gemstones. Fusing certain gemstones through heat and magic. I froze for a moment to slowly take in the view.

" Amazing isn't it? That right there shall be the new future of fairy kind. "

Mirauleo stated as he wrap his arm around my shoulders.

" Future of fairy kind?"

I questioned as I turned to him, confused at what he meant. He replied with a smile as he patted my shoulder before dragging me along by the shoulders down the pathway.

" During the dawn of time, remember how we found out that by fusing our powers with gemstones. We were able to create mythical kind? Like mixing my magic it created the pixies and the fairies depending on the amount of gemstones I used. Mixing your powers with gemstones created weird creatures like the Hippocampus and the Chimera. While Morpheus was able to create creatures he dreamt about when mixing his power with gemstones like the changeling and gnomes? "

Mirauleo questioned as he leads me past the dust chamber and down a different corridor.

" Yeah, and we all got into big trouble since only the pixies and fairies could be reasoned with while the others just did whatever they wanted. The gods were pretty pissed at us for that, since this world is meant for their creation to roam not the ones we accidentally created when mixing our given powers with the given powers of other gods. It still scares me how even the gods have no power or control over those creatures. "

I shivered at the memory.

" They were technically guardians are well. We came into existence as a reaction when the god's magic hits the earth's core and the other god's magic. They came into existence when our magic hits the gemstones that were created by the combined power of two other gods. They were a mixture of 5 different reactions of god magic and earth's core that's why the gods had no control over them just like us. We are free to do as we please as long as we uphold our duty."

Mirauleo informed.

" Are we truly free to do as we please? Aren't we stuck in the gears of fate as well?"

I questioned which made Mirauleo stop in his tracks to pounder for a moment.

" Oh... Yeah... You're right. The goddess of fate is a universe god rather than an earth god. This is why not even we can escape her but for a time when the world was young, she couldn't fully control us since the world didn't have enough sway in the threads of the universe. It is by their powers that we came into existence.

Long ago, when the world was new. She was greeted by her older siblings, there the world adored the brilliant colors and the beauty of life that they had endowed upon their bodies. The world looked upon itself with a heavy heart wondering why can't she be as beautiful as her siblings. The world was determined to possess the beauty of her siblings and so the world cut itself and parted ways with a little bit of its flesh. Without a destination nor a mind of its own, the flesh revolved around the world.

From the drop of her blood, the world molded five children. Standing upon the severed flesh, the five children listened to the woes of their mother.

'Do not despair, for I will help you.'

Said the eldest and with a wave of the 1st child's hand, she painted the whole world blue. Seeing the efforts of the eldest, the younger siblings joined to help out. With a wave of the 2nd eldest, he painted half of the world brown. The 3rd eldest, he painted a quarter of the world green and the 4th eldest, he painted half a quarter of the world white.

All the siblings soon turned to the youngest in anticipation of his contribution as well. The youngest struggled and after much effort managed to raindrops of a rainbow but to his dismay it was nothing compared to the amount his brothers and sister contributed.

Nevertheless, the world was happy with her new beauty of colors and showed off to her siblings. The elder worlds were happy for their sibling and send their children to help the world by endowing it with life. The world was grateful for the help send her own children to help her siblings out as gratitude. Until only 2 of her children remained with her, the second eldest son and the youngest son.

It was from those powers that painted the world, it was from there that we came into existence. The eldest of the gods was the universe goddess of fate, she created the heavens and the sky when her magic hits the earth's core, I came into existence, time. The second eldest created hell and earth, when his magic hits the earth's core and the goddess of fate's magic, Morpheus came into existence, dreams. The third created nature and water, when his magic hits the earth's core, the goddess of fate's magic and Exinious's magic, you came into existence, seasons.

Never forget Metz. Never forget that Exinious's powers on the world brought Morpheus into existence. That Lexi Bathory created snow and Zagerust created colors. The combination of Lexi Bathory's and Zagerust's gemstones was made. Never forget that point in time when the world wasn't ready to be part of the universe, to be part of fate. That someday the nature god whose powers on the world brought you into existence, that god might return just like the Goddess of Fate. Maybe he might earn a name amongst the gods or amongst beings of the world or not be interested in a name like the Goddess of Fate. Will the world be ready for his return?"

Mirauleo reminded, lectured, and questioned as he stood there thinking out loud. ]


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