
V5 Chapter Fate Recorder's Holiday 1/3 (Deleted Scene)

Grey and bleak the sky turned as if following the mood of Amon, but then again the man saw rain as a miracle. A miracle that now made him feel more miserable about the situation as he trudged onward, weighed down by two heavy satchels and Little One, looking for shelter from the rain. Darzirak followed closely behind as he dance between the decision of returning to Joey or staying with Amon.

[ "Metz! Time to clock out for your day!" ]

A familiar friendly voice called out as he approached...

[ " .... Eh?"

I squeaked out in confusion when I realized the spoken words didn't appear in the book, I turned back to the magical orb and realized no one said anything.

" *Laughing* You actually wrote that in?! *Laughing* Correct it off before it becomes permanent."

The more experienced fate recorder laughed as he swipe his hand over what I had just written and erased it from the record of fate.

" Don't tell me you forgot what day it is!"

Ghast exclaim as he sets down his magical orb and his record of fate on my desk.

" Wednesday?"

I questioned sounding more uncertain by the minute.

" That's right! And your day off! Now go enjoy it before it ends."

Ghast chimed as he shooed me from my seat and sat down, taking a quick glance at what I had recorded.

" Yikes, you're recording it way too fancy. You know you could have just gotten the linking pen and let the magical orb do the recording."

Ghast informed as he flipped his fate record book open and started recording his characters with his left while he did mine with his right, watching both magical orbs at the same time.

" But doesn't that record in a nonsensical method sometimes? Isn't that why they returned back to handwritten records?"

I questioned with a tilted head.

" True but you can always correct it and it's half the work done already."

Ghast nodded without looking at me. I soon got curious and looked over his shoulder. ]

Amon and Darzirak rushed through the light rain, feeling slight chills as the need for shelter becomes a bigger priority.

[ I leaned over to Ghast's left and peeked over his shoulder.]

Chief Bloodfist sat down and folded his hands before his face. It had been slightly more than a month and there had been no confirmation of the passing of Philomel. The elder man sat there as he thought about his son's, Asclepius's suggestions of sending another. It wasn't a bad idea since they had no idea if Philomel had deserted her mission. Her father, Anubis assured the Chief that his daughter would do no such thing and Anubis is a respectable man. His words could be trusted.

[ "Planning to waste your only day off standing behind me? I don't mind but it's kind of a waste of a holiday, isn't it?"

Ghast question brought me back to reality.

"Ah, yes... It would be. Then I'll leave you to it."

I nodded with a wave as I turned to leave my cubicle. The feeling of shock didn't leave me, Ghast's duty was to record Chief Bloodfist. What I would give to record such a dangerous character like that. I wonder what deathly adventures he had faced during his younger days. I could only imagine the bloodiest of battles and the most whacked craziest of bravery there is.

Would I even get a chance to record such a character? I mean my term is coming to an end soon. I wonder what should I do next, continue working here for another term? Go back to working for other angels or gods whom I worked for in the past? I only have to be present on the first week of each changing season. Other than that is making it rain whenever I feel like making it rain. That is pretty boring...

I let out a heavy sigh as I rubbed the back of my neck and exited the building.

"Something the matter, my Lord?"

A little pixie questioned as she flutters her little frosted wings toward me. Her pure white snow-white hair flowed behind her as her lapis eyes held my gaze.

"Ah. Hello Lumi. It's been a while, you're looking great."

I greeted her with a smile as my hand found it's way back to my side. I nodded my head toward her in a greeting way.

"Thank you, my Lord. I'm here to inform you that the summer pixies have started their preparation and going well so far."

Lumi informs as she handed me, the report. I took the small clipboard that was slightly bigger than the size of my nail from her. Widening my eyes as far as they could go, I managed to catch every other word that they had written in bold. One of the disadvantages of having all your workers as pixies. I could only roughly guess what was written but it was fine enough. There shouldn't be any problems since they have been handling the changes of the seasons for centuries now. If there were any problems, I could just use my powers to fix them.

"Good work. I'll be looking forward to another successful change in the season then."

I praised her as I passed the clipboard back to her.

"By the way, why did they send a snow pixie to hand me the report? Are the light pixies and fire pixies short on manpower again?"

I questioned with a tilted head.

"Unfortunately... Yes, my Lord. Ever since humans started mining the creation of a new pixie has decreased and whatever Citrine, Ruby, and Cordierite gemstones are left are being snatched up by Lord Mirauleo for more light fairies. Seems like he's still pissed about that time the young demigod screwed up the timeline with the help of the goddess of fate and that Flungoues. "

Lumi sighs as she shook her tiny head and shrugged. Completely uncertain of what to even think of the situation, not even mentioning do.

"I don't blame him. He used to be in charge of the flow of time, the return of the goddess of fate and the sudden change of charge, definitely pissed him off. Not to mention, her first action in charge was to almost snap the flow of time. I can feel my brother's fury from here even though we are many miles apart."

I frowned with a shiver.

" Did you visit Lord Mirauleo after that situation? I'm sure that your presence would have been some comfort to him."

" No... I have never seen my brother that angry before and I feared that visiting him would result in that anger begin redirected at me. I do not wish to be a World Guardian's punching bag."

I instantly shook my head and waved Lumi off.

"My Lord, if you do not do something. We would run out of light and fire pixies. Then who would you entrust the preparation of summer to? Unless you plan on handling it all by yourself like the olden days."

Lumi reminded and I couldn't help but frown.

It was fun when making the seasons change was still something new and exciting for me but after centuries of doing it. It has lost its charm... Which was why I entrusted the preparation of making snowflakes, the painting of autumn leaves, and other such duties to the pixies. Leaving me with only the changes in the world's temperature and rain. Just thinking of doing so much work by myself made me feel exhausted. Probably shouldn't have made the changing of the seasons so much work but back then when I just received pixies. I couldn't help but feel the joy and excitement of having new helpers. Taking on many of their suggestions to make each changing season, special.

Starting to think about it, with only my powers I could only change the season between spring and summer by myself. ]


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