
V5 Chapter 112 Wish upon a tear


Little One squirms in Amon's arms, rubbing his little eyes as he slowly opened them, the soft glow of sunlight peeking through the entrance of the inn. Casting its sunlight into the dark empty inn. Little One realizing that he had fallen asleep was about to burst into tears but then noticed Amon looking down at him from above.

" Awake already? My little sleepy head."

Amon greeted as he switched his hold on Little One, cradling the baby's head between his cheek and shoulder. Little One's hands immediately gripped Amon's grey shirt, feeling extremely relieved to see him.

" On I think I got everything we need."

Philomel informed as she swing her satchel over her shoulder.

" You sure we should be doing this? I feel bad enough after what Darzirak has done to that poor woman."

Amon questioned with a guilty tone.

" Relax, will you? It's not like we are stealing from her."

Philomel waved Amon off as she exits the kitchen and joined Amon at the inn's front desk.

" See I'm paying her more than this is worth and even throwing an extra gold coin for the troubles Darzirak did. "

Philomel pulled out two gold coins from her pouch and placed them on the desk alongside the room key.

" Her kitchen is stocked with food and I only took slightly more than enough to make it to the next village. "

Philomel added when she noticed Amon's uncertain expression.

" The next village? We aren't stopping by the Kingdom Alryne isn't that closer by?"

Amon questioned slightly wondering what was Philomel's plan.

" No, we are avoiding all Kingdoms completely. The reason why Lenny and Estrella are visiting these Kingdoms with the miracle child is that they all have an alliance with Luxtory. This is why there's a need to introduce them all to the miracle child, who will be the next high priest of Luxtory, and be a major decision-maker for Luxtory. "

Philomel explained.

" What about the king and queen of Luxtory? Shouldn't their kin become the next major decision-maker? Why the miracle child?"

Amon wondered out loud, completely confused about how the light elves' system worked.

" Light elves hold religion above everything else, no King and Queen can do anything without the blessing of the high priestess. The people will only be moved if it's the will of the goddess Luna."

Philomel reminded as she exited the inn.

" Wouldn't that mean the half of the continent Genertus, would be against us and probably give chase for..."

Amon's voice faltered as he swallowed hard, knowing what they must do in order to save their tribe. Little One feeling that Amon was uncertain, lean back to look at Amon with his shiny blue eyes. Amon seeing that Little One was looking up at him with such eyes felt his lips tremble as he held Little One close to his heart. Suddenly pain spread from the back of Amon's head, immediately his hand flew to cradle the aching part as he winched at the pain.

" Don't think about it! We agreed to decide after they have the miracle child. This means every last light elf and all 15 neighboring kingdoms would be after us. Not just half the continent, but probably 2/3 of a continent and a whole race. "

Philomel reminds after smacking Amon, on the back of his head with the palm of her hand.

" Oh! Is that all?"

Amon sarcastically questioned as he rubs the back of his head and slowly followed Philomel into the village square. The mermaid fountain softly gurgles as water flowed from the top vase and into the shallow pool below. Water glistened again the sunlight alongside the pennies that lay under the water. Near the tail of the mermaid was a plaque. Little One immediately started squealing at the sight of the shining water of the fountain.

" Oh! Do you like the mermaid fountain? Look look, there's a little story of the mermaid writing on the plaque here.

Asil Luna's fishtailed angels

Legends foretold wishing upon a tear of a mermaid would bring your wishes to life. Mermaids who long to be part of land life would cry a tear that turns into sea glass. Any person with the purest of heart who wishes upon a sea glass shall have their wish granted. For these fishtailed angels' wish for legs would be granted if she grants the wish of the person.

Oooh, that seems interesting."

Amon was amused as Little One kept reaching out for the water. Amon halfway through reading kneel next to the fountain and place Little One on the edge. Allowing the baby to splash the cool water around and squeal in delight some more. Philomel bends down next to Amon, dipping her fingertips in the water before sprinkling it close to Little One, making the baby laugh.

" Well, I don't know about you two but my only wish just came true."

Amon says with a massive grin as he kisses the baby's chubby cheeks. Extremely happy to hear that cute laugh again.

" Well, I doubt a mermaid would wanna help a dark elf even if I wished."

Philomel pointed out with a sigh.

" True, loan me a penny?"

Amon asked with an open palm.

" I thought your wish already came true, why would you need a penny?"

Philomel asked as she pulled out a penny and placed it on Amon's palm.

" Just because my wish came true doesn't mean, Little One's wish came true."

Amon pointed out as he tap on Little One's shoulder, to get the baby to pay attention to him.

" Look, Little One. Coin, see the coin, coin in both hands, wish, wish, wish, wish then throw."

Amon explained as he demonstrated and pretended to throw the coin into the fountain.

" Isn't he a little too young to have a wish? Can he even comprehend what it means to want something and to wish to have it?"

Philomel asked as she watched Amon repeat the demonstration 3 times.

" Just because he doesn't understand what a wish is, doesn't mean he can't have one."

Amon waved Philomel off as he placed the penny into Little One's hands. Little One immediately threw the penny into the water and squealed in delight at the splash, the coin made when it hits the water—wanting to do that as soon as he saw Amon's demonstration.

" Well at least he had fun throwing the coin, even though he completely forgot to make the wish. Hopefully, that mermaid knows what to grant."

Philomel snickered.

" I'm sure she heard his wish loud and clear. Even though he forgot to wish, his wish will definitely come true."

Amon nodded knowingly as he pick up Little One and stands back up to his feet.

" Oh? And what makes you so sure?"

Philomel asked with a tilted head as she stood up as well.

" Cause! I shall be, Little One's wish-granting mermaid and make all his wishes come true! "

Amon chimed as he held Little One up high before draping the baby over his shoulder and blowing a raspberry into Little One's cheek.

" Aren't all mermaid female?"

Philomel teased with a grin as joined Amon's side.

" Uhhh... "

Amon gave Philomel a startled experience before his mind drew blanks on an answer.

" And doesn't that mean Little One has to wish on your tear? You already have legs what reward would you get if you grant Little One's wish?"

Philomel continues to tease with a huge grin.

" Ah! I don't know, don't sweat the details. I'll make it happen! Somehow!"

Amon whined causing Philomel to burst out laughing when she finally achieved the reaction she wanted. Amon pouted but then Little One suddenly squealed, startling both Philomel and Amon for a moment. The two stare at each other before bursting into laughter as they continue on their journey.

Leaving behind the shimmering Crimtroy penny that glistened under rippling water, in the save guard of the mermaid statue.


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