
V5 Chapter 107 Sleep Trauma 1/2

The cool breeze of a silent night slips through the window. The darkness of night finally returned to the once chaos-filled village. Flames finally died down leaving only ash to shift against the breeze. Exhausted weary villagers one by one shuffled back to their respective homes with a bag of food and gold each.

Amon gaze out at the scenery with a smile, glad that the chaos Darzirak started had finally died down. He sat down on the windowsill breathing in the once again fresh air as he rocks Little One in his arms. Try to get the droopy eyes baby to fall asleep.

" Uhhh Ughhh. "

Amon's gaze immediately locked on to Little One, Little One kept kicking and moving his arms around.

" Don't like to be rocked to sleep anymore? Oh! I know what about pats?"

Amon guessed as he quickly placed the baby, cradling Little One's cheeks between his chin and shoulder as he soothingly rubs the back of the baby's back. Little One fell silent for a moment and stop fussing but it wasn't even a minute before he kicked Amon in the rib and burst out screaming while squirming.

" Argh! Why? That hurts."

Amon winched in pain as he held Little One at arm's length. Little One instantly stopped screaming, his little eyes kept drooping as his head kept nodding off but Little One kept struggling to stay awake.

" Hmm .... What's wrong Among?"

Philomel drowsy asked from her bed, not attempting to get up.

" Little One is very fussy and doesn't let me rock him to sleep."

Amon answered with much confusion as he wondered what he was doing wrong.

" Maybe he wants a story? Bring him here."

Philomel guesses as she scoots over and pats a small space next to her. Amon brought Little One over, laying Little One right next to Philomel on her pillow while he sat down on the edge of her bed. Philomel pulled her blanket over Little One as she started to pat, Little One's chest.

" A long time ago, before elves, humans, and animals. Before sky and sea was a barren world that cried. Cried for not being as beautiful as its other siblings. From its tears, 5 gods were born and each hear their mother's cry. Each gave their mother a gift, which formed the sky, nature, oceans, mountains, and colors that painted each gift. From the combination and interaction of these gifts, born 3 world guardians. 3 we all know extremely well. Metztli the weatherman keeper of the seasons, Mirauleo the sand man keeper of time, and Morpheus the land of slumber."

Philomel sleepy begin as she closed her eyes and kept patting Little One's belly. Little One yawned as he turned to look at Philomel, his little hand reached out to touch her bangs. Holding onto her front hair tightly in his tiny hand.

" The last two gifts to the world were very weak in terms of power, the two youngest gods wanted to be more useful to their mother like their elder siblings. Join powers creating precious colorful gemstones hidden within the earth. The world guardians being the only beings on earth started running around, testing the limits of their powers as they showed off to each sibling. The world was thrown into chaos because of this. Countries had different time zones, islands had rain storms and snow, and half the world was in complete darkness from being put to sleep. But it didn't matter since it was just the 3 of them.

One day, creatures started to bloom from Morpheus's lands. A small little being with wings came out from within the earth. Turns out that when the world guardians fused their powers with gemstone, they would give birth to pixies and fairies. Depending on which gemstone they used, it would form the element within the pixies or fairy. The amount they used determined if they become a pixie or a fairy. The more gemstones they used they would get a fairy and the less they used it would turn into a pixie. "

Philomel continue her story while Little One kept kicking from time to time. Keeping both himself and Philomel awake from his moment. But bit by bit, the kicks came less frequent as Little One slowly lost the strength within him to continue.

" Uhhh .... Ughhhh!!!!"

Little One whimpered sounding like he was about to burst into tears. Philomel immediately took Little One in her arms, she sat up cradling him in her arms as she pats his leg.

" It is said that only Metztli loved pixies which is why all pixies of every element fell under his domain. The water, dark, and wind fairy fell under Morpheus. The fire, earth, and light fairy fell under Mirauleo. While the rest of the fairies were given the responsibility of caring for nature.

Now that the world guardian had responsibility over the being they have created, this inspired the world guardians to form systems that rely on each other to create the ideal living space. "

Philomel continue in a more sweet and soothing voice as she rocks him but had a slightly hard time since Little One was holding onto her front hair.

" Ergh! Ugh!! Uhhhhh!! "

Little One continue to be fussy as he suddenly started squirming.

" Time was split from day and night then into hours. The weather was split into spring, summer, autumn, and winter but seeing nothing could live without rain, that was kept as random. The land of slumber was split as well, daydreams, nightmares, and normal dreams that moved between conscious and unconscious dreams."

Philomel raise her voice slightly, thinking if Little One could hear the story even just a little bit it would grab his curiosity and calm him down to listen to the rest of the story.

" Nope, story time isn't working anymore."

Amon pointed out as he grabs Little One's hand pry his small hand open to let go of Philomel's hair. As soon as Little One lets go, he immediately took the baby from Philomel and started bouncing the baby in his arms.

" That should have worked. Maybe we should take him to the doctor or a shaman and get him checked out. He could have caught some sort of illness from the mines or Darzirak."

Philomel suggested as she placed a hand on Little One's forehead, checking the baby's temperature.

" He seems perfectly fine earlier when we were playing. Maybe he needs to be put to sleep in a new way. He has been staying at Emma's home for a long time. "

Amon pointed out as he extended his right hand and held his palm toward the bed.

" Darzirak, answer my call, I, your landlord knock upon your door. Come out, come now and pay your rent or I'll put an eviction notice on your door."

Amon summoned, at the word eviction, instantly black liquid poured out from Amon's fingernails. Forming a black puddle on the ground that slowly turned into the shape of a small round dog with long sharp ears. He had a purple toothbrush sticking out from his jaw, wearing cozy a grey bathrobe, and holding a red mug with the image of a black bleeding heart and the words 'Bleed me a river' printed across it. Philomel tilted her head as she stare down at the weird items Darzirak was using. Amon on the other hand, being used to Darzirak's strange items, barely noticed them.

" Fa?... "

Darzirak asked in a muffled voice before pulling out the toothbrush from his mouth and spitting it into the mug.

" What?"

Darzirak asked repeating his word again.

" Shadow teleport to Shayna and ask her how Emma puts Little One to sleep."

Amon ordered and immediately Darzirak and Philomel started complaining.

" Beaggar's hole?! That dingy place? Now? It's late at night and I'm not even wearing pants. Also didn't I already pay rent?! How many times do I have to keep paying you?! This is outrageous! I have my rights too!! I'm not something dog you order around anytime you want!"

Darzirak barked at Amon, spitting out bits of foam from the toothpaste at the hem of Amon's pants with each bark.

" Why are you asking Darzirak to teleport and ask Shayna?! Are you trying to scare that poor little deer to death? Darzirak is a demon and evil-looking! You saw how terrified that village is of shadow creatures! We shouldn't drag them in for such a small problem! We should just take Little One to a doctor or shaman and figure out what's wrong with Little One! I'm sure that we can find one open this late in this village."

Philomel informed in a stern tone as she tries to talk over Darzirak's barking but her voice was no match for Darzirak and became a part of the background noise. Little One hearing all the noise, squealed in delight as another boost of adrenaline pumped through his veins, making him less drowsy.


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