
V5 Chapter 76 Trap like a rat *Squeak* *Squeak* *Squeak* (MTC)

The top wood beam fell and some parts of the ceiling came down but it wasn't enough to block that entrance and stop the Behir as Philomel had planned. The fire spread throughout the pile of rocks that shallowly blocked the entranceway as the flicked embers died out throughout the small partially enclosed cave.

" What now?"

Amon urgently pressed as he turned to Philomel just to notice her face had turned pale white.

" We die..."

" What?! What the he... hedgehog you're saying?! We can still run for it!"

Amon concluded as he grabbed Philomel's hand.

" There's no way we can outrun that, we already have - 5 fatigue per action. "

" Then we fight!"

Amon demanded as he swung his spear but it almost immediately came into contact with the walls or ceiling of the narrow space. Philomel frowned and showed her daggers, silently telling Amon her attacks were close combat which relied on her speed to dodge and retreat. A type of combo attack that she definitely can't do now with so much fatigue, not to mention her daggers won't do much damage again the creature's scales.

" The scroll?"

Amon questioned with a pointing finger at her belt pouch.

" It isn't enough to kill it. It would be enough to push it back for a while and buy us some time to run... but how can we when we are exhausted?"

She forced out, her voice heavy with fear and doing her best to keep her voice from breaking. Tears were already streaming from her face as she started listing out each and every wish that she wanted to say to each person she loved. Little One felt the tears that stream off Philomel's chin and onto his head.

He looked up and just stare at her, stunned. He knew he knew what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to put his arms around her, rub her back, and whisper that soothing chant. But he didn't know the word and even if he did, he couldn't say it, he didn't know how to talk. Not to mention, his arms weren't long enough to fully wrap around Philomel. Could it even work? Even though he couldn't fulfill the requirement? Little One couldn't help but wonder and fail to understand what he was wondering about. All he knew was that he was feeling something was wrong and he knows he couldn't make it right. If he didn't make it right Philomel would stay sad and he knew that was bad but couldn't do anything about it.

The Behir's movement thundered throughout the tunnel, immediately stopping at the entrance. A thin wall of dying flames was all that separated the creature from them. Amon immediately leaped backward out of fear, and Philomel just stood still, accepting her fate. The creature opens its mouth charging its lighting. That would have been it if Amon gave up.

Amon uses demon summon _ 5 (+ 5 experience)

" Shadows of night, where dreamers lay, my mind is active, without a guide, give me what I desperately need and I'll give you my mind for a day. I'll dream your dreams, Darzirak if you save us. "

Darzirak's senses_ 12 ( +5 experience)

Darzirak froze as his ears perked up. He could hear it, he could feel it. His apartment was calling, promising a very good deal.

Darzirak likeability of Amon_ 30% ( uncertain)

Luck roll

Amon_ 9 (+ 5 unpaid debt) ( +20 Last descendant of Zord)

Philomel_ 13 (- 5 throw him against the wall)

Little One _ 3

" Zord's legacy is in danger, I must save him even if it cost the life of that baby or the girl. "

Darzirak mumbled to himself as he slowly crawls out from under Emma's bed.

" Are you leaving already?"

The sleepy little deer, Shayna questioned as she rubs the sleep out of her eye. Darzirak froze turning to Emma who was sound asleep next to her daughter. He let out a sigh of relief. Glad to be caught by just the kid and not the paranoid mother.

" Yeah, kid. Don't worry, nothing bad will touch you or the people you're with. As long as you remember what I and Amon taught you, the sky is the limit."

He softly whispered to her as he boops her nose with his paw.

" *Giggles* I'm not worried about that. Promise me no matter what happens you'll try to keep Little One together with Amon and Philomel."

" I'll see what I can do about it if you promise to dream only pleasant dreams for me in return. "

" Pinky swear?"

" Yeah, my pinky swears."

Darzirak nodded as he places a paw in her hand since he didn't have a pinky but didn't want to reveal the fact this promise could be void.

" Be a good kid and dream well for me."

He reminded as he places his forehead against hers.

Darzirak uses shadow teleport_ 15 (+ 5 experience + 5 no cargo)

Within a blink of an eye, Darzirak melts into the shadows and reappears from Amon's shadow. Seeing the situation and wasting no time, Darzirak leaps at the Behir. Banging head first at the creature's neck, causing the Behir to miss, and shoot its lighting at the ceiling above. Within seconds the whole ceiling comes crashing down. Blocking the entrance and causing the flaming wood to shatter upon impact. Dust blew throughout the area like a wave, covering everyone, and causing them all to cough.

From the other side, they could hear the creature bellowing and a very familiar voice saying " Au revoir". Within a moment Darzirak squeezes out from under the piles of rock and runs up to Amon.

" Hello, apartment. I'm here for my reward."

Darzirak chimed as he placed his front paws on Amon's leg and stood on his hind legs, his tail wagging furiously behind him that swept the ground clean in a small area.

" I said, save us. Not sealed us within an area where we'll run out of air in half an hour."

Amon clarified as he facepalmed. Darzirak immediately frowned, finally looking around and understanding the whole situation. Seeing that there is no immediate danger, Darzirak decides not to help Amon any further. Zord would want his descendant to be as independent and as heroic as he once was. There is no way anyone can achieve that by relying on the power of a demon all the time.

" Then what do you want me to do?"

" Kill that creature out there and clear the rubble. You're a powerful demon, surely you can do that."

Amon said as he pointed at the pile of rocks. Darzirak pouted, slightly annoyed, he turned from Amon, scanning the pile of rocks.

" My powers are based on your envy. If you want to get out of here then I suggest you turn green with envy like your ancestors or run out of air. "

Darzirak coldly suggested as he scratches the back of his ear with his back leg like a dog. Disliking being bossed around by a weakling.

" You were able to push that creature back. Surely you can do the same again."

Amon pointed out as he moves closer toward Darzirak.

" I didn't push it. I merely shocked it and made it miss. The rest was all that creature's doing."

Darzirak frowned, not liking to have such little power and such a small puny body but couldn't do anything about it. He knew the risks when bonding with a very young child. It was always a gamble but at least he was sure Amon has the potential since he is part of the Drømmeri family.

The only family that was so determined to achieve their goals/dreams/ or to protect pushed themselves to reach such suicidal levels of Envy but still live. Never had Darzirak come to a level where he was on par with the dragons themselves nor be able to go beyond a human guise but with a Drømmeri bond, he was able to achieve it with ease and even go further. Luckily for Amon, this wasn't the reason why Darzirak chose to stick with the Drømmeri bloodline. After being with their family for generations, he soon grew some form of attachment. Even though the features that he longed to see and sorely missed had disappeared along the lines.

But every now and then, he sees Zord glistening through their souls. No matter how much they changed, they were these suddenly lighting moments where Darzirak finds himself reminiscing of the past from such resemblances. Reminding him that these were truly the descendants of Lazarus Drømmeri (Zord reincarnated body) and how much he missed his good friend.

Unfortunately for Darzirak, waiting for the opportunity to see that shine was tedious, especially in moments like these.

" I'm so envious of that Behir creature! He has so much air to breathe while we limited air!"

Amon ranted, trying to make himself more envious so that Darzirak would have more powers.

" You know... Saying that you're envious doesn't make you envious. Oh wait, you do know since this is the hundredth time I said it. "

Darzirak reminded in an extremely bored tone as he sat there and watched Amon clench every muscle on his body, looking like he was having a hard time taking a dump.


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