
V5 Chapter 65 A … door? (MTC)

Philomel turned a corner before immediately coming to a halt, Amon who was following closely behind her, bumps right into her knocking her forward.

" Watch it! Among."

Philomel hissed at him as she walk backward, shoving him back.

" Why the hell, did you suddenly stop like that."

Amon harshly whisper to her as he held his sore chin that hit the back of Philomel's head hard when he ran into her earlier.

" You blind or something? Because of that."

Philomel questioned in a grumbling tone as she pointed at something with the torch in her hand while she rubs the back of her head with her other hand. Amon leans to the side and looks down the tunnel just to see a door. A dark brown wooden door that was mostly coated with a sheath of metal from the top to the bottom. Leaving only an inch around the edges of dark wood, indicating that the door was wood and someone/ something had hammered the sheath of metal onto the door. The doorknob was a common metal doorknob that had a keyhole right below it. Overall, it looked extremely out of place, especially in the mines like this.

Amon looks around, noticing that there were 5 other paths behind them. All were just as dark and gloomy as the last but all of them didn't have doors. Only this pathway had this rusty, busted-up-looking door that looked like it had been through hell.

Knowledge roll

Philomel - 1 + (Villager intel 5)

Amon- 17

" I think the way out, might be behind this door."

Amon voiced out.

" What makes you think that? It's a creepy-looking door that is just weird to find, especially in the mines."

" The miners must have a safe area and what better way to keep an area monster free than with a door?"

Amon points out as he approaches the door.

" Bulette could have just dug right under the door and even the sides. How is that keeping monsters out?"

" Maybe it isn't meant to keep that out."

" Then what is it supposed to keep out?"

" Probably something like that Banshee or something worst."

" There's no way an ordinary door would be able to keep such a thing out."

" That's right, in fact, any ordinary door wouldn't even still be standing. Yet this one looks like it has been here for decades."

Amon answered as he examines the door closely, noticing that there were teeth marks right on the metal sheath right in the middle.

Luck roll

Philomel- 13

Amon - 7

After much consideration, Amon gently knocks on the door, and as soon as he did purple vines whipped around Philomel's ankles. Philomel who was feeling bored watching Amon examine the door at that exact moment decided to hop up and down while stretching her legs, to avoid cramps if they need to run again. The vine missed Philomel and decided to go after Amon since he was in its swing range and unfortunately for Amon, it didn't miss him. The vine lifted him up, dangling from his ankle as the door opened revealing a mouth with huge razor-sharp teeth and the fact that those purple vines were actually the creature's tongue.

Amon took in a sharp breath through his teeth at the sight of such a creature. Even though he was disorientated from being flipped and hung upside down at such an alarming rate, he had no issues focusing on how sharp and huge those teeth were.

" What in all that is unholy is that?!"

Amon screamed as he stabbed his spear at the root base of the creature's teeth, right in its purple gums, and used that as leverage, to push against the creature's pull.

" Among! Hang in there! I'll save you... if I can?"

Philomel trailed off as she pulled out her daggers. Extremely unsure how to attack such a huge creature without moving in close enough for the huge jaw to catch her and gobble her up.

" What do you mean if you can?! Hurry up and save me already!!"

Amon yelled at her as Amon used all his strength to push, his spear bends against the creature's teeth, threatening to launch Amon right into the tunnel ceiling if the creature choose to let go.

" I only have 3 daggers! And throwing all 3 won't do much damage at the creature if it doesn't hit its critical area!"

Philomel explained as she did an inventory check, looking for any other weapons she could use.


Philomel - 11

Amon - 10

Philomel found a pepper shaker in her satchel.

" Oh, the baby must have been playing with it and put this in here when I wasn't looking."

Philomel thought to herself as she digs her satchel some more.

" Isn't there anyone who told you about the monster door?!"

Amon yelled out in frustration, slightly shocked that no villager told Philomel about a creature that disguise itself as a door.

Knowledge roll

Philomel - 15 + (Villager intel 5)

Amon- 17

" No! The closest thing was a Mimic! But that creature hides as a chest!"

Philomel answered as she looked for the nose of the creature and found it slightly below its door handle. With that in mind, she pitched the pepper shaker right at the creature's nose.

Philomel uses item throw-11

Philomel threw the item with all her might at its nose, the wooden pepper shaker, broke upon the impact of the metal doorknob. Flakes of pepper were breathed in by the creature causing it to sharpy breathe out and inhale in a short breath. It repeated the action a couple of times before sneezing right at Amon. The sudden jolt throughout its door-shaped body caused its tongue to let go of Amon and its powerful sneeze to send Amon flying across the tunnel.

Amon immediately held his spear straight causing it to hit the wall and send him tumbling down to the ground instead of slamming his body against the tunnel wall and probably, breaking some bones. In that instance that knowledge roll he received before finally clicks.

" That's a Mimic! A very high-level Mimic that the miners had been feeding to keep that pathway down there safe from that Banshee or any higher-level dangers. A danger we probably alerted with all the yelling and noise we were making... Mel, quick! Feed that damn, thing."

Amon urged as he quickly got up to his feet, scanning the tunnels around him and just as he feared. He could see a pair of glowing red eyes just a distance away staring at him as it started picking up speed toward him. Amon sucked in a sharp breath and rushed to Philomel, pushing her from behind closer to the Mimic. Philomel dug into her satchel in a panic and pulled out her beloved cream puff. Yummy goodness she has been saving for a rainy day but seeing that she didn't have time to pull out something else, she threw her yummy treasures into the gaping mouth of the Mimic.

Mimc mood - 9 + 10 delicious offering

The old Mimic was in a bad mood from being woken up by Amon knocking on its head and getting a snout full of pepper that it was determined to eat Philomel and Amon whole. But as soon as the soft fluffy cream puff hits the creature's tongue, the sweet buttercream melted. Filling its whole mouth into a sweet paradise as its teeth sink into the crisp crunch of the bread before hitting its fluffy inside that oozed out with more of that sugary cream. Never before has it ever tasted such a wonderful thing and it immediately wanted more.

With that in mind, the Mimic flipped its door-shaped body towards the left, opening the pathway for Philomel and Amon to run through before flipping closed again. Just in time to stop the Death Knight from passing through. The Death Knight wasn't pleased but it knew better than to fight a Mimic in its territory. Even though the Knight had a high chance of winning but he would be badly damaged and a terribly wounded creature in these parts of the mines won't last long.

He snarled at the Mimic, challenging it for a moment before backing away and disappearing back into the darkness.


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