
V5 Chapter 52 Laidback 2/2

" You don't need them for a glimpse, just hold your breath and dunk your head underwater. You can even learn how to swim, to move around in the water."

Philomel informed with a smile.

" Swim?! The walk but for water. We can do that?! Really??"

Amon exclaimed.

" Of course, we can. The next time we see a deep river or lake, I'll teach you how to swim."

" Awesome! Let's go find one now!"

Amon chimed with excitement.

" No, thanks! If you haven't noticed it's alright dark out, you injured your back and they are still waiting for us for dinner."

She reminded with a giggle.

" Aww man."

Amon whines as he lays flat on the bed, feeling slightly better.

" That reminds me, remember that scroll we stole from Lenny?"

" The map?"

" No, no the second one. The one that was tied up."

Philomel shook her head as she reminded him.

" Ah, that... What about it?"

" I got it checked out, turns out that scroll is a water spell. Opening it would shoot out high-pressure blades of water, strong enough to penetrate through a middle-class amour. "

" Good thing we didn't open it or we would have lost more than our heads."

Amon gulp down his nerve at the thought, his thought then wondered why would Lenny even have such a thing. Philomel noticing that Little One's nappy was wet from the rain, grabs another nappy from the table. She lays Little One on his back as she takes off his wet nappy.

" Oh, so that's how a guy looks down there, huh."

She softly exclaims, Amon immediately cringed as he turns to lie on his side.

" Hey! Little One isn't someone you can use to satisfy your weird curiosity."

Amon declares as he pulls Little One away from Philomel.

" I'm not using him! I'm just changing his nappy."

" A likely story."

He insinuates as he takes the dry nappy from her hand and changes Little One.

" Well, believe it or not, but that's the truth."

She informs as she childishly sticks out her tongue at him. Amon seeing this rolls his eyes as he shook his head.

" By the way, should we get Little One checked out again?"

" Hmm? What do you mean? He doesn't look sick."

" Yeah but didn't he leave the daycare shortly after noon? It's been roughly 7 hours but his nappy is clean. Isn't that a little strange?"

" Not really. It's been 7 hours for us but not for him."

" What do you mean?"

" When Shayna brought him to shadow creature territory. She didn't know the rules to travel through. For her and Little One it felt like a few minutes and for them it probably was."

Hearing this Philomel, felt a huge weight lift from her shoulders.

"Thank the gods, they didn't experience anything bad. They just ran around the mountain a couple of times."

She silently thanked the gods in her heart.

" Wait... that means Little One ate roughly half an hour ago... and woke up... a little after that..."

Amon realized.

" His sleep cycle and eating cycle are completely whacked!"

Philomel added on.

" Oh! Noooo!"

They exclaimed, Little One hearing it got excited, bouncing up and down on the bed.

" Maybe the chief has a spell to fix it."

She suggested as Amon picks up Little One, and follow Philomel's lead, they both left their room and headed towards the dining area.

" My, my, you two must be starving. You came awfully fast."

The Light Elf Chief chimes as she filled each cup with water.

" We have a problem."

Both of them announced in sync and when they noticed, they stopped glancing at each other in shock.

" Must be a big one for you two to be talking like that."

Hector pointed out as he sets the table. Philomel jerks her head to Hector, silently informing Amon to explain the situation. Amon nods as he cradles Little One in his arms.

" When Shayna brought Little One into shadow territory, time was warped for them. What was 10 minutes for them is roughly 7 hours for us."

Amon paused for a moment to let the information sink in.

" And?"

Light elf Chief encouraged with a gesture.

" Which means Little One just ate 10 minutes ago and woke up from his nap 1 hour ago."

Philomel added on.

" So... Little One's sleep pattern is off and he would be awake the whole night?! "

Hector exclaimed.

" And will continue that pattern until we do something!"

Amon added on.

" Is there some potion or a spell that can correct this?"

Philomel asks the Light Elf Chief, she laughs in response.

" Oh, heavens no, child. There's no need to fret. You'll just have to wear him out for tonight and his sleep cycle would be fixed. Then just feed him tomorrow at your usual time. It's an easy fix. "

Light Elf Chief reassures with a smile as she takes a seat at the table. Amon and Philomel sit down as well, letting it all sink in.

" Wear him out... With what? I already find it hard to entertain him without Hector's tail. Unless..."

Philomel trails off as she looks at Hector.

" Oh, no. Don't look at me, I can't keep my tail wagging all night and I'm already exhausted from interviewing all the villagers with Amon."

Hector quickly shook his head as he sat down.

" Then what should we do? He'll get bored of bouncing and rolling around soon."

Amon pointed out.

" Oh! Oh! You could entertain him like you did yesterday."

Philomel taps Amon's shoulder as she suggested.

" Yesterday? Pretty sure all I did was Run through the forest with him in my arms."

Amon muttered as he recalled.

" That kept him pretty entertained."

Philomel chimed with a smile.

" I'm not running around with him all night. "

Amon declared.

" Maybe you could get the baby to do the running around or should I say... crawling around?"

Hector suggested as he gestures with a circling finger.

" Does he know how to crawl yet?"

Philomel asks as she peers at Little One.

" He's a little too young to be crawling yet. Maybe you could take turns introducing things to him but never leave him unsupervised when he interacts with items. Baby has a habit of putting things in their mouth and eating it. Speaking of which, let's eat before the food turns cold."

Light Elf Chief suggests before gesturing towards the food.


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