
V5 Chapter 11 Beast of Darkness... can you?

" Very well, just know that all I want right now is to go home and skin myself a snake."

Philomel said with a growl as she turns away from Amon, pulls her sack full of wool, and lays down on it.

"Skin yourself a snake? You could do that here, why must you do it at home?"

Amon wonders for a moment before shaking his head, not wanting to involve himself deeper in her affairs. He already stuck his nose in, just a little, almost died twice, and got eaten by a magical alligator and that's not even the worst part of it...

Amon reminds himself as he gazes upon the infant laying on his back, wiggling around like a turtle trying to get up.

"His life... his destiny is now in my hands."

Amon lets out an exhausted sigh as he lies down, not wanting to think about it. He felt like he could instantly fall asleep if he closed his eyes but then he couldn't. They were still stuck in Luxtorious, they weren't out of the danger zone yet and couldn't afford to let their guard down, no matter how exhausted they were. Amon forces his eyes to stay open as he watches the empty street from the gap in the stables doors.

" Urrr waaaaaah!"

It squealed so loudly and in return a steed squealed as well, angry that the baby woke it up from its slumber.

" Hey, you planning on waking up the whole neighborhood?"

Amon questioned as he places a hand on the baby, gently patting his chest.

" Ahhh."

He fussed some more as he pulled at Amon's hand. Amon lets out a tired sigh as he prompts his back against the stable door, he picks up the baby and helps him sit up.

" There, happy? You're sitting up."

The infant replied with silence as he stared at Amon.

" What are you thinking about? Plotting on how to murder my entire tribe just for existing? With these little hands."

Amon interrogated as he hold the baby's small hand between just two fingertips, reminding him just how small the child was.

" Are you really the Messiah of the light elves? Will you truly bring doom to my tribe? Are you?"

Amon questioned as he leans in closer to the child staring right into his huge crystal blue eyes that seemed to reflect the smallest of light. Through the swirls of white, all Amon could see was himself reflected in the child's eyes.

" Avavavavavava?"

The baby babbled in the exact tone of Amon, making Amon think that he was mocking him.

" Oh, so you're a wise one eh? Little one. Think that, you can convince me, to let the goddess of fate, guide you? Well, fat chance."

Amon grinned, he pronounced his last line with a little spark and poke the chubby baby's cheek causing the baby to squeal at his playful touch.

" You know, being a Messiah isn't that all it's cracked up to be. It would be rules and do this, do that, tons of No, no no no."

Amon explains as he shook his head, the infant seeing him, shaking his head with a scrunched-up face decided that it was a new fun game. Playing along, shaking his little head along with Amon. Amon was slightly taken aback by this, wondering if the child really did understand what he was saying but then the little one squealed as he claps his hands in amusement.

" You rather spend all day having fun under the sun, don't you? No responsibility, no followers asking you to do some sort of miracle, no high priestess lurking over your shoulder. You could have a normal life. We could convince everyone you are an albino dark elf. They will never know and I'll come play with you every day, that's a promise. "

Amon asked with so many gestures and expressions, trying to get the baby to understand and partly forgetting it was useless since the baby didn't understand a word he was saying. Even so, Amon persisted and was encouraged to continue when he noticed he had the baby's full attention.

" Wouldn't that be nice? Don't you want that, little one? To become a beast of darkness just like me and Mel."

He asked as he shows the baby his pinky asking for a promise. The baby's eyes sparkled such a crystal blue that it really made Amon sure that the infant understood him, crystal clear. The baby does what any child would do when you hold something new in front of him. He grabs it, shaking Amon's pinky like it was a fun toy. A smile spread across Amon's lips, thinking it might work. He might save his tribe without taking the infant's life.

"A pinky promise, will be valid until he's grey and old right?"

Amon wondered to himself before realizing that was extremely low of him, holding a baby to a promise that he probably thought was a new kind of game.

"He probably doesn't even understand a word I'm saying but then again my tribe is on the line. If such a low trick saves us all, then no harm in trying. "

Amon convinces himself as he shakes the baby's hand back.

" I'm holding it against you, little one. I'll do all I can to help you on your journey to becoming a beast of darkness. But! You must always remember that you're one of us. No matter where you go or what you do, so remember that and don't purge us ok?"

Amon asked as he taps the baby's nose and it made the small child giggle a little until he started to yawn and rub his little head against Amon's hand.

" Alright, little one. I'll let you off for now but remember your promise. Remember it until you're grey and old. "

Amon whispers to Little One as he picks the sleepy baby up and cradles him in his arms. Silently hoping, that this could be enough to save his tribe as he continues to watch the streets of Luxtorious, through that little gap between the stables doors.


Starlight, star bright

waving through ripples of green,

as first light

slowly breaks through the night sky.

White wispy light spreads throughout,

clashing against the darkness.

As the night sky blends between the white,

sakura pink,

blossom, and blooms from such a merger. The clouds were so poofy

against such beautiful blossoming pink,

that they almost faded into the sky

if it wasn't for its soft cotton texture.

The sounds of windows begin open,

as the kingdom stirs

from their sweet dreams.

A sweet dream that Amon hasn't quite woken up from. As the rapid river, rushing and gusting before him reflected the light pink that clashed against the dark green grass on the river bank. That leads towards bushes and trees huddled together on the other side of the river. In the far-off distance, he could see the tip shape of the Luxtorious's castle, above the trees. That looked like a black shadow against the pale pink sky.

Far away from all his troubles as he enjoyed his own vision of his personal paradise. That somehow included Adrian and a water spirit, in the background dancing a happy little jig on a barrel. The sound of birds chirping as they flew from branch to branch along with the melody of the streaming river. Sounds so wonderful that leaves him wondering why hasn't he noticed it before.

Amon suddenly felt a hard kick against his cheek, pulling him from his slumber in a sharp way. Amon immediately sat up, his heart was beating a mile a minute as a strong sense of dizziness overwhelmed him. He blinks hard against the harsh light of morning. Even though, he was watching it earlier before he dozed off for a moment. His head sways from the heavy weight of slumber pulling him, calling him to slump back against the door and dream for a minute more.

It took quite a while to realize, that Little One had kicked his face by accident. Amon breathes in the cool crisp air, the morning light giving him the illusion that the air is fresher, even though it's roughly the same air he was breathing throughout the whole night.

As he forces his heavy droopy eyes to blink away the sleep that he terribly needs, he notices something, or rather someone. Someone with a raven-haired baby in their arm walking next to another someone toward the metal gates of the City, a party of holy knights trailing along behind them.

The party of holy knights surrounded the person with the baby, signaling the hooded person to wait as half the Knights moved along the metal gates with much caution like they were anticipating something.

"Hmmm... wonder why so much security for a person and a raven-haired baby... Unless...!!!"

Amon suddenly realized that they had the other baby and is about to leave the City under the safety of the Holy Knights which meant they were holding the wrong baby. Amon immediately scrabble to his feet just to remember that he was holding Little One and quickly regain his grip on the baby. Little One was accidentally awoken by Amon's little stumble, causing Amon to panic, fearing the baby would shriek from being woken up like that. Amon held the baby against his chest, cradling his small head in the crook of his neck as he bounce the baby back to sleep. Amon walks on his knees toward Philomel who still lay asleep upon her wool sack.

" Mel!"

Amon harshly whispers as his knee gently pushes against her.

" Mel!"

Philomel lets out a small groan before noticing Amon. She turns over to have a better view of him as she rubs the sleep out of one eye.

" What is it? Is it morning?"

" Yes, and they are sending the Messiah to a safe location. "

Amon said everything under one breath in a soft tone as he continues to bounce the baby back to sleep.

" Sending the Messiah...?"

She sleepily mutters to herself before it finally hits her, the fact that they had the wrong baby. Philomel leaps to her feet and rushes to the stable door, getting a clear view of the whole party of Holy Knights, surrounding a person holding a baby.

" We need to go after them!"

Philomel exclaims in an urgent tone as she grabs her sack and swings it over her shoulder.

" How?? The streets are probably swarming with Holy Knights on the lookout for us! There's no way we can go after them without being caught!"

" There must be a way! We can't just stand here and watch them go! We might never find them! Then how can we ever go home??"

Philomel pointed out as she gestures for him to follow her lead. Amon hesitated, knowing that out there, currently is a huge death trap and he might not survive round 3 out there. But then again the longer they stay here the less safe they are now that it was morning.

"Another situation where I might die either way and worst, I overused my inner demon yesterday and he is out for the count. Which leaves... only Mel who has a good chance of getting us out here alive since she has a magical item and hasn't used her inner demon... but she wants to go after Holy Knights instead of away. "

Amon mentally groaned as he weighed his options and the best bet he has is Mel. Since she dragged him into this huge mess in the first place.

" Why is my luck so bad?"

Amon sadly questioned himself, even though he knew he wouldn't get any answers or encouragement from doing so.

" Lead the way but try not to get us killed this time. I rather not tempt death so many times in a row."

Amon miserably agrees.


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